Where have all the LINK fudders gone? It used to be a fluctuating ratio of shilling/fudding for LINK. But now, everyone seems so unironically sure that the main net is nigh and singularity is at hand, threads filled with slaps on the back and "bro dont get too degenerate when you make it". The fudders have all gone silent, or reduced to mere shitposts. What's going on?
Where have all the LINK fudders gone? It used to be a fluctuating ratio of shilling/fudding for LINK. But now...
finished accumulating, no realistic prospect of buying back lower.
done accumulating also. 63k locked in.
There hasn't been any remotely credible FUD in months. Certainly none since the GitHub.
We're getting more and more concrete evidence that it isn't just a meme. The smart ones bought in and abandoned their fudding ways. The remaining who genuinely believe the fud are literally brain damaged, they are beyond help.
only have 15k will i make it?
2019 New year eves Yacht Party at Dubai see you there anons
You will able to buy a honda civic in cash
Have you seen the volume? Have you see the pivitol tracker? Simple main net releasing by 1MAY. It wont be robust enough to be fully functional but by then we will see the Swift/TSLA/M$, etc traffic on the network. No going back from that.
What would u like to hear, I’ll make some shit up for u. This train is about to leave the station
I’m still trying
Done accumulating for me at 50k and my friends are locked in.
This too. I really can't see it going lower.
I just fud for the fun of it, I never expected to actually keep the price low. The problem is that I've just run out of material.
very bad larping kek...IDE compressor I kekked
I need another 1.5k LINK to advance in rank. Singularity will have to wait a bit.
Fukin wasted
I've done it too, I love the pajeet ripoffs in particular
It’s just a dead meme now,l.
We good?
We are bored
I used to fud chainlink but since it is relentlessly shilled and spammed here 24/7 by the same handful of people (writing syntax and posting time analysis), I realized that my temporary amusement couldnt compete with their actual brain problems
So I stopped and just filtered it
Its such an impossibly dumb project shilled by such impossibly dumb people that I dont even want to be associated with it, even if I am only disparaging jt
The Sergey memes give it no credibility. It's embarrassing and although it's quite humorous, it's not helping put off a professional image that will garner partnerships from huge companies. Never know.
What about all the Trump memes? And he still got elected president. Besides who the hell cares if 100 basement dwelling NEETS carry a billion memes about Sergey, when the corporations have millions of normies to takeover.
the hell you on?
when investors will see these IMAGES they will FOMO in link
it’s going to be quite funny when normies find out about LINK and *then* find the memes
why do all of you idiots think anything you do matters? not a single person/entity with enough capital to matter, would give two shits what all of us losers think. it either works for their needs and they utilize it or they think it’s a hell of an investment. memes are only for entertaining us losers while we wait to see if important people can make us rich.
>year 0 + 2000 + 18
>still doesn't believe in meme magic
1000$ EOY fren
Nice digits LINK Marines
>So I stopped and just filtered it
might want to double check those filters FAGGOT
I thought all the linkies would live rent free with there $10 per link by Dec 2017? Why still post? Why still poor?
Ironically its because the most brainlet pageets have been banned, now that the shills are real people its less irritating
pro-LINK threads are the new LINK fud
you know that all the link threads were maybe like 10 people taking turns shilling and fuding, right?
It doesn't need partnerships, it just needs to work with good code. If the code is good they'll use it because it will be a reliable way to interact with smart contracts plain and simple.
If it's a pos they'll use a different solution.
last time it was "Dimroc codes like a 12 year old"