Landian thought edition
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not bent in the slightest but if bradley walsh wanted to dick me up the arse i wouldn't put up a fight
Whiter than you Muhammed
AI is the next step in human evolution
Just kekked out loud, as I just remembered /sp/ used to do 'meet ups'
My sides
fuck this place
*flies away*
just pooed out loud
Pogba is the next step in Human evolution
The comfy way out
/sp/ was the GOAT board
/brit/ is a pathetic husk of what /epl/ and /trans/ used to be. less mentally ill autists back then.
The real Assads are the women pissing oestrogen into the drinking water
why don't you say lol or lol'd or laughed? feel pressured to say kek because it's what all the cool kids are supposed to say around here? isn't it weird to use certain words your whole life, that they just come out naturally, and then all of a sudden be forced to use completely different words (ones that dont even fucking making sense) all of a sudden?
>my nose starts running as I listen to Zizek monologue about Trump
What happenend to:
-Ernie who worked in Greggs
-Bog Sim his sargon
Sp was comfier
Used to poast in cric.
Brit is crabs in a bucket
you can suck my steel augmented cybernetic cock, meatbags
All classes apart from the lower middle-class should be purged
lol and kek, whilst literally meaning the same thing (kek was how "lol" would appear in world of warcraft), they are generally used to denote different levels of amusement
shagging a crumpet
Where did it all go wrong?
don't know why my hangover isn't bad today
don't even feel that depressed
Hello Deano
>he thinks he will actually be uploaded
In a restaurant enjoying insanely expensive food paid for by my br9ther but all I want to do is get it ove4 and d9ne with so I can go rail a fat line of Chang in the toilets
ah yes, the English rose
ASSad haha
Deano is """working"""" class scum and will be purged with the rest of them
This unironically. The system has been going on for too long to back now. The best hope is that technology will be able to solve our problems. Outer Space colonization is the best choice anyways. No longer completely dependent on the earth.
>not saying lel with that poorly drawn trollface
why are white males so violent?
fuck off cunt. you only started using kek here on Jow Forums. you used to say lol before over texts, msn and mxit. don't try and bullshit me.
>This is the future you chose
just burst into tears lol
t. dave on the dole
Awh ma se kin lmimp
whites are a violent race
Yeah, technology is going to solve the biggest problem the elites of our race have. The teeming multitudes of humanity.
Enjoy your sterilisation while you swallow their sci-fi shite about a galactic human empire.
was literally just listening to this
got stabbed in london yesterday
too much testosterone
nah, I used to play world of warcraft from 2006 to 2010, I got kek from that
you silly cunt
absolutely cannot wait for the AI supercomputer overlords to determine that humans are inefficient and obsolete and slaughter all humans
Mad that people think this is real
awe laaaaaanie.
no you didn't. fuck off.
My chances are better with that, then dying of starvation or some fucking easily curable disease like primitivst retards will.
I'll be stood outside the main entrance of the manchester arndale at 6pm if anyone fancies a scrap.
What do I ask a tinder-girl from north west scotland? I already did the Norwegian settlement thing, what now?
I don't get the Jow Forumslacks who larp about space colonies
It isn't going to be some ethnostate, all the people on the top of the space industry are massive liberals , the space colonies would be more diverse than the workers at a London McDonalds
is she pantless?
just vaped some jenkem
Hope everyone that made FIFA dies horribly in front of their families tbqh
tell her you've got a wee cock (wee means big in scotland)
How the FUCK is it 2018 already? Where did the last 8 years go? They weren't kidding how time just starts to fly by the older you get.
>muh galactic empire
>muh elon musk
>muh space colonisation
You are literally either going to be exterminated, slowly removed by sterilisation, or just microdosed and genetically modified into happy passivity. Your future is that of a domestic animal as long as technology progresses.
If your gf wont:
>put something up your butt
>fart for you
>provide you with emotional support
If she really the one?
Ok, anything else unironically?
>no you didn't.
I did!
why would I lie about this sort of thing?
not everyone you speak to no the internet is a Jow Forumstard
AI is the future of evolution and you cant stop it. humanity is unconsciously working towards this goal and there are no brakes.
say you'd like to munchy on her stinking rotten box
based if im honest
proto bf is getting upset and saying he wishes I was there with him
getting a bit heavy this
>I did!
>why would I lie about this sort of thing?
>not everyone you speak to no the internet is a Jow Forumstard
Humans will go extinct (and thats a good thing)
No she's wearing skin-tight, skin-coloured leggings.
She also appears to be picking her children up from school. State of it.
>I did!
no you didn't.
give him a slap
teehee im bent btw :V
liked this pic so much I saved it
imagine being so pathetic you come to Jow Forums to brag/complain about your dating life
within 2 decades, an average family home in a bad area will cost £1,000,000
The average salary will be £35,000
You should message me if
You're not a straight dude. The 'people' in the 'looking for' bit on my profile does not include men, just women and non binary folk. Dassit. I'm interested in hearing from queer/lgbt+ ppl, for that sweet wlw mlm solidarity/to discuss being giant gays. But srsly. Cishets. I'm gay. I won't respond. Fuck thee all the way off.
Also to my guys wanting a threesome- take your sainsburys basics pick up lines and get tae fuck.
why do Australians start fires
think about it lads, is life just for people that don't have the balls to kill themselves? it's a bag of shit for most people, we can clock out at anytime, yet we choose not to. is earth just the bottom rung of humanity and every good individual is dead
I did
stop being an eejit
yes, because housing bubbles never burst and inflate forever
one of the northern irish posters is a massive soyboy who watches anime
>microdosed and genetically modified into happy passivity
sign me up
Some people do enjoy life or so I've been told
At first maybe. Just have to wait it out to the point where it becomes feasible for small groups to start their own colonies. You're going to get all kinds of shit. Like those cults that popped all over the midwest here, only even more isolated.
uhhh yeah we're going to go into space lads and we're going to have a space empire!!!
here's some 30 minute long youtube videos that explain how a theoretical system could work!
This is the best case scenario tb h
Worst case is we just get replaced by AI, in which case everyone dies.
this totally contradicts your initial claim. so you're def lying.