
It`s that real?

Can some polish confirm??

Attached: bif.jpg (434x66, 15K)

it's true
kurwa pierdole

Are my funds safe?

they weren't yours in the first place

Attached: 123oks.jpg (550x550, 53K)

Archived thread incoming
We're not allowed to talk about this

As an EU fag i can tell you if you cash out via kraken i will be a deposit from payward london if you buy shit on coinbase it will show a fiat deposit to coinbase limited. It will cost you one or the other way 0.06€ Per transaction Bcz. SWIFT and it’s fast wherever your bank acc is in eu financial region.my point is,if this is legit,than the polish are fucking with the european banking system at it’s core

True, were money used to wash mexican Cartel money or some shit.

Then they fuck up and made another scam for € 400k changing the IBAN with their own and they got busted.

Ahaaaaa! Got worried there for a second that this might be some sort of lockdown on crypto

>han the polish are fucking with the european banking system
only if this money was legit
but bitfinex hasn't been keeping any money under their name - they used shell companies and proxies for that

>We'll post an official statement regarding this thing that didn't happen and that didn't affect us later
>mtgox 2.0

Attached: mtgox2.jpg (994x959, 180K)

>We'll post an official statement regarding this thing
Wouldn't hold my breath though
They promised official audit almost a year ago too

This was 9 hours ago BTW.
Really rushing to get that official explanation out.

Wtf your polish (((authorities))) are particularly bitter about crypto.
Few days ago there was Polish user who said you pay 1% tax on every trade.

They messed up,the polish gov.got some extra money. Adios amigos

Time for a field trip to germany,open sparkasse acc,have a bretzel,home by noon

almost whole bitfinex volume is laundering the mafia money so why is everyone surprised by this?

Its 100% fake.

They were shareholder of the bank. Bad translation but that's probably the point .

Almost all of bitfinex volume is institutional money because they are the only exchange with proper trading tools.

they weren't, the money belongs to a shell company owned by a person with strong ties to bitfinex and cosa nostra mafia, it's in panama papers

polish national bank paid a youtuber to fud crypto, I'm not even making this shit up, there's a lot of shit happening in poland but the most important thing is a not so well executed attempt to turn it into a dictatorship

Citation needed.

>implying institutions are retarded enough to buy fake money used to buy imaginary money

>not so well executed attempt to turn it into a dictatorship
this is far from being a problem. the fact that you operate on abstract concepts here speaks that you didn't fully understand the context of the situation

Bitfinex has GBP, JPY and EUR pairs. You can also withdraw USD straight into your bank account...

actually, buddy, in real life nobody likes your wehraboo shit

oh god please let this crypto scam and bitfinex stay afloat until I make it and cash out

>nobody likes the ruling party
how did they get elected?

pole here, the opposing party is even worse

It's fud
Some pajeet mistranslated something

because old fucks that hate the youth chose them, so they can tax the shit out of the working class to fund their pensions and white trash child support (over 1/3rd of minimum wage per 2nd and every next child so those degenerates are breeding like rabbits after smelling easy money)