/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch

we need to save /fug/ men from med vixens edition

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We will make them pay their debts.

No self respecting British man would share a thread with German and French “men” goodbye.


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>"Yes, user? Why of course, I can do that. /fug/ will be sunk to page 10 in 30 mintues flat, you can be assured of this"

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>France had Napoleon
>Germany had Hitler

who was ours? or have we not had one yet?

Grim, why is he shaking the fre*ch “mans” hand without a glove?


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>not Friedrich der Groẞe
>inb4 "hurr prussia wasn't jermoney xd!"
stuff it.

You had Cecil Rhodes. According to some of your students he was literally like Hitler.


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Pourquoi tu postes une image d'espagnole? Comme si ce n'était pas déjà assez la honte de partager un fil avec les boches et les rosbifs...


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You had digits and Cecil Rhodes

absolutely disgusting

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You got those numbers, at least.

Lionheart or that guy who founded MI6's predecessor?

Oh you mean this french king of England

You mean Richard Coeur De Lion?

Cecil Rhodes was an excellent man.

sherlock holmes

Anglos fear the œ

Moi aussi, mon clavier ne le fait pas...

Shut the fuck up

Je me contente de taper "coeur" puis de faire un clic droit et d'utiliser la correction orthographique pour en faire un vrai cœur


Postez vos "œ" pour déclencher l'anglois.

Œ_Œ what's this

Hmm, it looks like of a face.

œr you alri?


Wow no need to be so rude

ich vermisse sie brudelüzis

What a disgusting language.


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Heul doch Franzacke


is not finished

ok here we go

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Sind Neuseeländer hier wilkommen?


What happened to Krautchan?

this one's the best so far