27 year old white women

>27 year old white women
why do white people age like milk?

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because kara boga consume the life blood during sex and yakubits can't stand that

>indiscriminate sex and relationship worries

Something in the water.

too much sex

White women don’t live healthy lifestyles, the average person in general is an unhealthy piece of a shit

stress and drugs

Whites lived in hard conditions before. Life expectancy was around 30. Nature not ready for longer lifes.

they have the fairest skin yet they lay in the sun all summer. asians wear this shit not to age like shit or a ton of sunscreen.

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>42 year old white woman
why are redditors such faggots?

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>Whites lived in hard conditions before
>evergreen, most arable land in the world, many farm animal, milk, no tropical storm, fair weather, river, plenty of fish, wheat, apples, not in jungle, small amount of predator and venom animal, mediteranian water, etc.

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Now I finally understand why white bois created the MGTOW movement

Apples aren't from Europe

Then what was hit Newton head?

>this is an almost 23 year-old white woman

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you forgot:
>black death, constant wars, poverty, complete lack of hygiene, invasions, hunger, etc

>the queen of thots



most of the things you mentioned apply to other parts of the world as well

you forgot "an inhospitable environment".

Newton was in america dumbass.

la pomme de les gènes inferiores

Because white people never look good.

I bet in 20 years we'll have skin rejuvenation technology and women will look 18 forever

She looks 23, she's just kind of ugly, that's all.

ye I'll go eat my barkbread

It's something I've always found strange. Americans almost always seem to look 10 years older than their actual age, if not even more. Hell, at 17, they look like a 25 year old European.

because wh*tes don’t wear sunscreen

47yo black angel

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