Europeans of Jow Forums how many arabs or africans did you have at your high school?

Europeans of Jow Forums how many arabs or africans did you have at your high school?

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like 3%

now compare to this soith brazilian school

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0, we had an indian girl though

i've never seen a non-white in my 120k town

20% of 2k kids?

One black guy that I can remember. This was at least 8 years ago.


A lot because I live in a very multicultural city. Probably the most diverse in my country.

But ukrainian schoolboys often are worse than arabs of africans.

Wish that was me sitting in the middle

quite alot, this is my HS

they were all great people and i had some of the best times of my life with many of them

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about half, it was a shitty school

those two gopniks will save Sweden

Memes aren't reality, germanistanian.

theyre both swedes and theyre just roleplaying


I had one arab in my classroom, she came in Italy when she was 3 years old and always been living here though, she's also an atheist, other than that there was 1 african but he was adopted by an italian family when he was a child


you just know that the white girl in the middle would bully/flirt with all those cute brown boys everyday.

90% i live in alabama

thats how it starts, also i just spotted third azn gopnik warrior

1 moroccan

we had plenty of slavs, albanians and even chinese though

Hundreds. Fun school, desu.

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Elementary: 1 adopted negro
Highschool: about 10% foreign

Mind you this was in the most rural Dutch region


>them nuns.

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fucking hate this country.

stop being so angry asgeir

Actually it was easier to count white people than non-white people

1 Turk, 1 Chinese, couple of Indos and a mixed black girl

It's just so autistic and degenerate.

Thankfully I will leave this shithole soon.

Maybe like 8 out of 1000ish. The black guy in my year was cool, used to joke about how he couldn't find an older black guy's ID to buy alcohol with.


>having fun is autistic and degenerate

you won't find happiness in any other country

A turk and two afhgans who attended sporadically.

0 in the whole school

second guy from the right in the back has his eyes on the prize

Yes it will.

being in other countries makes you realise how boring Swedes are and how shallow this country is. Your pic just reminded me how much I'm tired of this place.

Thankfully just 3 months more.

A few Somalis, couple of Afghans and like two dozens of Arabs and Kurds mostly from Iraq. They were all pretty chill and smart.

Where are you going?

Northern Sweden.

0 obviously lol, i live in europe not in africa or the middle east


Some Islamic shithole, by the sounds of it.


The question was obviously targeted towards Western Europeans and not former soviet shitholes.

About 60%
Then 0% after high school


Are there really no immigrants in towns like Luleå and Skellefteå?

There is a few but almost non.

Well shit. More foreigners.

Eat shit.

ey charlie dow yow wont to gow fishing

Nice meme'd but I will stay there for 6 months and will the move to Slovenia. My job works around the EU so I will move around.

Two Africans, a brother and sister. The lad was a proper anime nerd. The only other non whites were a half white/half Chinese brother and sister again.

1 is too many


I'll fish for sharks with your corpse.

Isn't that exhausting?

Ah sorry thought you mean middle school

In high school:
27% non-western

all of them

greeks are black

Jesus fucking Christ

0 but 2 gyps

In my class, 0, but we had two Albos, a Chink and a G*rman

It's quite nice actually, I have a nice team and the job will go on for 5 more years. A lot of time to explore new places.

Looking forward to exploring Malta.

I've noticed that. Oulu/Uleåborg is at the same latitude as Luleå and it's look like Mogadishu compared to the Swedish counterpart even though we have a lot less immigrants than Sweden.

Attached: Oulun-Mogadishu-Avenue-kuvankaappaus-Ylen-nettisivuilta.jpg (633x603, 79K)

It's strange that. Most of northern Sweden, especially the Lapland area is near 100% white.
Refugees refuse to live up here, they have been sent here several times but protested heavily and got relocated down south.

I have no doubts that it would be a nice experience, but I don't know maybe just my lazy self talking but all that travelling sounds exhausting.
Have fun exploring, 6 months are more than enough to go everywhere twice. Don't answer if you don't want to, but I'm curious about what your job is.

I went to a 90% black school growing up. Couple of the kids I grew up with got killed lol

Maybe 5 in the entire grade

It's the same in our far north.

I guess only Oulu is big enough with 200k inhabitants that not all of them want to move south immediately.


I was in Boden recently and I saw Somalis everywhere. I don't believe you.

2. One. She was my gf for a while

I'm Dutch, let's see if I can remember. We have eight grades of elementary school, I can't really recall anything before fifth grade clearly so let's start there:

>5th grade
12x Dutch
5x Turk
1x Indonesian
1x Moroccan
1x Italian
1x Surinam

>6th grade
12x Dutch
2x Turk (rest had to repeat fifth grade)
1x Moroccan
1x Indonesian
1x Chinese
the Italian and Surinam left the country and had to repeat fifth, respectively

>7th grade
14x Dutch (some families moved into town)
1x Turk (other had to repeat sixth grade)
1x Indonesian
1x Chinese
1x Sri Lanka (moved into town)
1x Thai (same)
the Moroccan failed sixth and had to repeat as well

>8th grade
13x Dutch (one family already left again)
3x Turk (suddenly two were allowed to skip a grade and come back to 8th???)
1x Moroccan (same with the Moroccan, idk)
1x Chinese
1x Sri Lanka
1x Thai
the Idonesian moved to another town otherwise she would've advanced as normal

Only just noticed OP asked for high school, well let's say it was much worse. Probably 50/50 and two of the girls in my class had a combined three abortions at age 13

0. We did have a mongoloid in kindergarten though. His life sucked so hard.

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>that fat guy

how is finland even a real country

A few that i know of. Couple of turks and 1 afghan

It's funny how easy it is to tell the swedish finns apart from the regular, inbred finns.

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where are they now

Is it common in Europe for white people to send their kids to schools filled with non-whites? Or are schools mostly segregated?

Average white kid in Amsterdam has to travel 6 times as far to school as non-white kid.

This is a joke... right?


Some mutt kid from I don't even remember where that didn't know shit about spanish and had to come back to his country three years later.

I met an algerian in uni also, but he was pretty cool and chill.

As far as I know one of them is working for his father and another plays basketball semi-pro while studying. Others are most likely still at uni or at other schools. I haven't been in touch with most of them in years.

Only 18% of pupils in Amsterdam go to a school that reflects the ethnic make-up of the city. The other 82% go to ghetto hellholes or white refugees centres

>white refugees centres
explain what that is


But that was a long time ago...

Highschools where the few remaining white children are concentrated

Idk what a high school is. At my school we had a few blackies, mostly african princes and the sons of Nigerian Officials, perhaps 20-40 out of about 900+ all told. 2 in my year of about 150.