How are Muslims in your country?

How are Muslims in your country?

They assimilate pretty well after one or two generations

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what do you think?

Well its harder for an African or Arab to come here instead of Europe so they're (usually) educated and hard workers

>They assimilate pretty well
well ours don't

they steal your heart and never give it back

Should've raped them harder and Russified them better.

I'm just tired of the hysteria from both sides

There are literal muslim countries in Russia. They don't need to assimilate in their own homeland.

I have never seen a Korean Muslim in my life

It's every day, all hours of the day with this shit

I have met very few Muslims where I live, but the ones that I have met have been decent people.

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practically non existent

ther's a muslim community, i think in chiapas or oaxaca i don't remember

muh "bumiputera" aka "royalty of this soil" shit where they demand free shit while lazing around, then blaming that they don't get any work done because other races keep "stealing" the work from them, then the Muslim government panders to them once more and inadvertently fucks the country up because they pissed off the working people, AGAIN. The entire "bumiputera" shit extends from education to government, you're not Muslim? Too bad, you can go fuck off until we come and offer to lick your boots so you can clean up our mess again.

Chiapas, some tzotzil indians turned like 20 years ago, still too small of a number be consideered important

I've never really met a bad muslim.

Mostly cute Iranian girls.

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Have a guess.

They assimilate pretty well after one or two generations

what happened now?

Only the Pakis don't assimilate well

Do you even have Muslims? Or are you one of those retarded Latinos that think Arab = Muslim?

Turks, Iranians and other Middle-Easterners are generally fine. Somalis are 50-50. Pakis are absolutely subhuman.

god why do girls look so cute with a hijab

How many times do you think she got BLEACHED in college?

what's the measure for a "no true scotsman" when it comes to muslims?
does a man stop being muslim when he goes to mosque and later goes drinking out with paraguayan friends?
maybe your muslims would assimilate better if you stop with the multi-kulti crap and pervert them

it frames their cute face

I'd say a mixed bag

all they do is complain about how backwards our culture and laws are while begging not to be sent back to their far superior country


Same shit. Some Syrians who came here are pretty chill, other muslims too. I guess our """culture""" is too strong to be toppled by their i guess.

>i will never have a qt Syrian gf

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maybe you just out-KARA BOGA’d them?

i live in a neighbor in nyc adjacent to a neighborhood crawling with Bengalis

the ones fresh off the boat stick to themselves and mostly work as taxi drivers and what not, I imagine their children who are now entering puberty will eventually start trouble. hopefully the neighborhood gentrifies and they get run out of town before then. on Fridays they used to crowd the street around their mosque and block car traffic and foot traffic but I think a local ordinance was passed that put a stop to it

also a lot of the really fob types spit on the ground whenever they see a white person in a disparaging way. they're somewhat polite/friendly when you frequent their shops but outside of a business transaction they're very insular and curmudgeonly.

honestly muslims in the us are very beta and are nothing like the muslims in Europe, they're all beta boys afraid of their own shadows and they stick to low tier wage work and the like.

either way in the long run I don't think they will be in this neighborhood for all too much longer which is definitely a plus.

Makes sense. Who on earth would want to assimilate to russia?

It can be too. People here don't have a good general view on Islam, so i guess if they ever tried to sitr up shit here people would get mad. Specially protestants.

They can assimilate...


For the most part they're seen and not heard here.
They don't do stupid shit like try to enact Sharia law or anything like that.

>does a man stop being muslim when he goes to mosque and later goes drinking out with paraguayan friends?


but does he or does he not?

Muslims are doing pretty decent and are quite well integrated.
However specific subsections are not and are rebellious', it will take a while until they get better.

are you?

the problem with russian muslims isn't that they are muslim, it's that they are chechen

>those wrists

Usually Arabs in the US are rich, educated or both.

Most Arabs in the US are Christian

No, but be sure to take the Jow Forums-kiddies their scaremongering very serious though.

why do Muslims succeed in america but act like niggers in europe?

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american muslims are very different to british muslims i think, i think its something to do with the whole nation of islam thing

maybe you're just a bunch of racists

but you're racists too, so that can't be the issue

Yeah but we are different kinds of racists we hate black people you guys hate brown people

We had muslims in Crimea, if be hohest i never see them and that why i know nothing about.

There is a few Muslims living in Japan.
About 100,000 to 200,000.
Because there is a Japanese wife who converted to Islam, it is impossible to know the exact number of Muslims in Japan.
(The total population of Japanese people is 120 million)

The muslims here are mostly white (Bosnians and Albanians). So you don't really notice them too much.

why do japanese get cucked by everyone

Pretty good actually. I live in Quebec and most come from the Maghreb, so the lack of linguistic barriers might help them integrate better than in other places.

I don't understand what you say

You will find that nickelodeon is better than news.

Several poster from Quebec have said they act the same way they do in France aka like nigger

Are you sure you're not one of them?

This. Now some of them are depicted as poor minority that is oppressed by Russians.

Do you mean Bangladeshis, you fucking retard?

The qualifications to get into the US are a bit harder so that naturally weeds out some lower quality Muslims.


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They probably live somewhere where rumors provide their only interaction with these people. I've met more Quebecois than Maghrebis that acted like savages.

I've not had a problem. This was only ever at school though, my home town is too insular and redneck for me to have many interactions with muslims.

Read the filename for translation
Tells you enough

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most foreign ethnic groups assimilate into the US pretty well when done in smaller numbers

mexicans are the only real threat because they FLOOD the country

We are a muslim country.

If you don't like that then just go ahead and withdrawal from their homelands.

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We take all the educated ones and leave the Euros to pick up all the Muslim Rednecks, which are like our Rednecks but 59 times worse.

>However specific subsections are not and are rebellious', it will take a while until they get better.
>it will take a while until they get better.
dumb moral arc of the universe shit

how is minnesota doing?

They drive like fucking shit.

Dumb Muslim bitch was driving slow as fuck down the highway last week while Skyping her family in shitstan. Caused a big wreck

I was just in UAE not long ago, and noticed something funny. You know how Jow Forums loves these hurr muslims taking Europe memes? Actually the exact opposite is true. Your country, and most of Middle East, has effectively been taken over by white Europeans. In UAE, all the workers are Pajeets, all the managers/experts are white Europeans, and the locals are nowhere to be seen. How does it feel to be in your own country and having to speak English when you go to a McDonalds? All the important things in your country are run by white Europeans already.

touche. Although I must note that no one can gain citizenship so that is why it doesn't matter who immigrates here. We also have a gpd per capita. And that makes up for so much in my eyes.

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Muslims are the worst. They come into this country, they don't integrate at all and they always have these really loud prayers in their mosque. I wish they'd just leave already, they don't have a place in Christian nations, so why do they keep coming here

Euros don't care about your citizenship. They just stay there for as long as they get paid. Once your oil money runs out, they will fuck off. And then you will be left with a country that no one knows how to run.

isn't that what unitedstatians complain about mexican illegal immigrants?

That's not why I mentioned the citizenship thing. The reason is to point out the difference between immigration to our countries and to your countries. In our countries imigrantes will never truly be part of our country. They would just be expats. Our countries will always be ours. That is why it doesn't matter who moves here. Whilst in your countries, you are basically being replaced. One could say, you're being colonized.

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I don't see the parallel. Illegal Mexicans are doing the low paid jobs in America. The important jobs and making decisions are left to the natives. Countries like UAE have this unique problem where locals don't run anything. All their important businesses and infrastructure is run by Europeans.

You're delusional if you seriously believe this, but ok. That's your opinion and I won't judge.

I don't see the local cultures in Europe converting en masse. Just the opposite. Americans certainly do their assimilation better, but it's not nonexistent in Europe either. If you think that the number of hijab girls will keep growing you are mistaken - the biggest sluts are second generation immigrants from muslim countries. Locals aren't going to give up beer and bacon. Just the opposite, immigrants are going to adopt beer and bacon.

>I don't see the local cultures in Europe anymore*
is what you meant to say
you're being replaced, old men

For some reason they smell like shit. Do muslims even shower?

I love the fact that Islam makes a lot people butthurt, makes my faith grow

why did you choose to live in a Christian nation then? Do you enjoy being despised by the locals?

Only old people and some christan blacks, arabs, latinos go to church these days
Nothing religious here

They are fine.

>replying to that faggot
he isn't muslim. just a white belgian faggot looking for (you)'s.

Nation of Islam is a small weird sect limited to a specific race though, it doesn't have anything to do with regular Muslims from Muslim countries in America

No they don't
They are a fifth column

Google Taqiyya, there's literally a law that allows Muslims to lie and act kind and tolerant whilst their number is too small. Now I'm not saying that there are not decent Muslim ppl, just know that they can become pretty aggressive once they a form big enough community.

Nation of Islam is Scientology but for blacks. Not a single Arab will ever join that retarded cult.

youre an actual idiot if you think christianity and judaism are any different

Yes because there's a coordinated effort by all Muslims to lie to you
Fuck off Jow Forumscunt

don't know much about judaism but yeah apostolic christianity is not moron and that religion became politically irrelevant since techno revolution so doesn't even matter.

Yet again, another concept taken out of context and misinterpreted for what it actually means, same with jihad. Jihad never meant killing of infidels, it means working hard. Taqiyya doesn't mean lying to non-believers to gain followers, it means lying is allowed if it is to save one's life (under certain circumstances).

well we have muslim majority so you guys know.
however though, my parents hometown are christian majority.
my father's hometown is about 70% christian and my mom's hometown is about 55% christian.
Both my parents are ethnic who belongs to that region. Though the muslim transmigrant from muslim areas might not assimilate well.

What happened to Basuki, lad
Why'd he get imprisoned for blasphemy

There is literally a passage about how Peter fails Jesus by denying being with him despite his life depending on it. Also:
>acting like a tough guy online

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m8, I live in a country that suffered under the hand of Muslims for the last thousand years, I worked in Iran for two months and I know a couple of orientalists: I have very good Muslim friends who on top of that are of a turkish ancestry as well, doesn't mean that majority of them didn't try to convert me into islam by every fucking opportunity.

cause the law said so

People still kill "infidels" under the guise of Jihad, doesnt seem like a strech to think the same applies to taqiyya