Jow Forums Mental Health

Okay serious question, how many of you actually have a decent job and is not emotionally invested into this market and know nothing is gonna happen for quite some time?

What are you guys working on, hobbies, passion, passive income?

I'm 23, soft dew, nice pay, Jow Forumsand kickbox, writting, comedy, philosophy, literature, passive income = stock trading, some money in indexes and currently trading volatility

What else is there to do? I try to help people outside my job and guide them, motivate them, listen to their problems and encourage them to suck it up and do it. Also try to redpill men on women and relationships and why they should get a good carrer first, instead of chasing pussy, to be proud of their country and work hard for it, etc..

What is your life like Jow Forums bros?A lot of you seem very negative, stuck, struggling NEETs that continue to fail and better yourself. Keep your chin up fellow brothers, make a roadmap, goals, plans! If you don't have a plan, you will become somebody elses plan.

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Faggot i do have a dev job like most people here, we are all trying to make it to escape the wagecuck life stop being such a retarded faggot if having a job fullfills your need to be a happy slave it doesn't make it right for other people stop projecting your insecurities and kys

This desu

>feet on the table
My Nana would have flipped her shit and then flipped HER shit too

I play vidya all day waiting for the day I make it. If crypto don't eventually workout i'll suicide by 30

Another thing I should mention is that most of your millenial snowflakes or just people that were misguided and fucked up think competition and life is harder than before, but in reality it's not.

You have everything you want to learn on internet, just delete social media and everything that keeps distracting you. Don't go pursue some carrer you know will not land you a foundation in life. What do I mean by that? Well, when I was younger I thought studying literature and becoming a writter is a way to go, but I accepted I was wrong and that it is risky to gamble my life away on something like that. So what did I do? I figured out that if I want a family, nice job and pay, that I should get a more serious foundation in my life and I chosed compsci college and sucked it up my pride and became software engineer, even though it was against my will, but I knew I need strong foundation for my life. So built your foundations and then pursue your hobbies, since you are going to have time for them and be happy with yourself.

Do I love my job? Not really. Is it good enough to keep me happy and gives me enough time outside of work to do on what I want to? Yes, and that's why I still do it.

Also, I repeat, never exchange a girlfriend for your future. If you know you can't handle relationship money wise, emotionally wise and it would be better if you break up and pursue a good carrer, then do it.

There will always be a infinite good looking 18-26 year old that will jump on your dick as soon as you have a good job and live on your own. Never forget this fact as a man.

I'm not going to argue with someone so negative and waste my time energy on people that complain in this thread.

I'm sorry if you feel like wagecuck and slave. I'm completely happy with what I have.

Fucking normies see yourself out reeeeeee

>obviously terrible writer
>becomes a coder
I feel so sorry for anybody who has to debug the shit sandwich that your code most certainly is.

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kek, nice LARP user

Don't wait my friend, take your life into your own hands. Pick up a white paper and write down what went wrong, what do you feel bad about, what are your weaknesses and strengths, how long will it take you to get positive momentum going and come out of your shell?

Don't wait, because time will drive over you. If you feel depressed, can't focus, ADHD type of motherfucker, then get yourself Adderal, Ritalin or Modafinil. They will do wonders to your personality, at least that was my experience and I would never try and pills before. Adderal pretty much turned my life around, I was in pretty bad shape mentally and I guess my neurochemistry was already in a really bad loop that couldn't get out of on its own.

Try it out, you will be surprised how good it works, if you are a sad, unfocused, can't hold a train of thought for long time, type of dude. Not judging you or why you end up like that, but find a solution and do something about it.

I bet you must be fun to hang out with and have your life together.

>Jow Forumsand kickbox, writting, comedy, philosophy, literature, passive income = stock trading, some money in indexes and currently trading volatility

there's no sufficient time in a day to deduct something useful from any of these things. 1-2 hobbies max, 1-2 life long friends. It's up to you with women.

Otherwise you waste your time.

How the fuck can you afford to play vidya all day you spoiled piece of shit? Mommy feeding you hot pockets?

Depends on how you manage your time and hobbies. Of course I don't do everything every day and I might not do something for weeks, if I don't feel like like doing it and am burned out.

Was depressed, anti social, hated people, basic hikikomori stuff basically. Turned my life around, got a job making decent pay, trying to find something that gives my life meaning and happiness. Right now my mind is set on acquiring wealth. Not getting rich quick that is a meme, but just studying and learning what I can to help me better understand the financial market. When I was broke and suicidal I thought money would make me happy, now that I have some. Not rich or anything, yet. I realize, I need more. Not more money but more out of my life. Partying with girls and getting laid was fun for a while but that gets old too. Substance is what I need, I feel like a book that hasn't been written yet and I have no idea what I'm supposed to write in it. But that's okay, just trying to find my own way.

Maybe break yourself down physically, start training martial arts or run a long distance here and there where you will feel incredibly exhausted at the end of it, but you will feel like a new man when you wake up and will have new ideas.

Better than you ya filthy normie lmao

pajeets have no job they just poo everywhere

Sorry I dont feel positive about wasting my life for the sake of others pockets and projects, wagecucking should be a mean to an end not the end,
>Inb4 for is obviously not the end you can always climb up positions on your company or get a better jobs
Like a slave feeling happy because he's been bought by an owner that whips him less

fortnightly welfare check keeps me comfy enough to play vidya

been bipolar for as long as I can remember. drugs and exercise hasn't done much. i'm already prepared for death if things don't improve

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Hobby (EDM)
Mentally stable

I firmly believe this to. I know that I am capable of many great things but if I try to focus on too many at once it's pointless.

I'm a writer/editor of a trade magazine.

Hobbies include:
- Blogging and freelance political journalism
- Reading: 75% non-fiction (history, politics and philosophy), 25% fiction
- Powerlifting
- Kickboxing

My aim is to write about politics full time. Still working out the best way to make that happen.

I guess it depends how you define a hobby. I ve done some diversified shit over the last year but I dont consider any of these my hobbies as I am not committed. Always wanted to do some long distance skiing and skating, but as I am i the UK, there are no good places for it. Studying German now so can move to central europe somewhere in Alps.

OP asks a very good and important question.
Mental health of some people here on /biz is indeed in jeopardy. You probably are well aware who am i referring to.
Just browse the board for a while and you'll see.

>ChainLink just started to resonate on its own frequency
>launch of mainnet
>accelerated climb

>chainlink = a stake in oil or railroads back in the 19th century
>chainlink is the fourth industrial revolution

>EOY $1000

>Once you have immersed yourself into LINK mythology for a while

Well... i'll just it leave it here

>"It is indeed extremely hard to imagine, but mental condition of a linkshill can deteriorate even further, to the state of absolute lunatic delusion and complete dissociation from reality. Deep emotional attachment to the shitcoin makes the afflicted person suffer from uncontrollable bouts of morbid fantasies. When confronted with reality, linkshill usually becomes aggressive and defends his delusions with visible neurotic passion. However, when his shitcoin inevitably tanks again, linkshill's manic phase turns into the state of disbelief and denial from which he tries to escape by creating even more delusional fantasies (typical examples involve recurring phrases like "mainnet soon", "muh eoy", "stay poor fucking cuck"). When linkshill's absolute state reaches a whole new level of mental retardation, he would try to find other linkshills. Groups of linkshills are often seen in the wild, praising an imaginary ''deity of Chaos" ("Kek", as they would call it) and developing a cult-like worship of Sergey Nazarov (a Russian philosophy student, allegedly responsible for the first outbreak of linkshill mania). Therefore all patients afflicted with linkshillis deliria vulgaris should be isolated from one another when possible, in order to prevent any further damage to their already compromised mental health."© Siegmund Freud, "Unpublished clinical diaries". Chapter IV(u), Paranoid delusions and fantasies.

>150-200k income
>6'3 230lbs lean (/fit)
>Masters of finance
>age 24