*invades your country*

*invades your country*

Who’s next after Syria?

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I can totally see it after Syria falls

The US is never going to invade Iran.

Iran is literally ten times bigger than the small secular Sunni minority you went to war against in Iraq.

Do you really think that’s going to stop the neocons pushing for a war there? C’mon user

Iran is the most likely scenario.

What reason does the average american citizen have to support these pointless wars other than "lets bomb some muzzies lmao"?

this. Bolton has been eyeing Iran for almost 15 years.

idc if they aren't a dictatorship (they probably are) or don't have oil, but PLEASE usa and israel in the name of democracy i say you must go for algeria next
i want you to kill millions of those shitskins asap
somebody just nuke them


When Algerians flood France please don't complain

Bread and Circuses

I think most on the left and right are sick or war and involvement in foreign cunts in general.

>When Algerians flood France please don't complain

This is why I hate American Jow Forums posters.

The Muslim invasion of Europe has been going on for decades and the recent rapefugee influx is literally a blip on the radar.


The French brought them over because they supported them in the war.


This. Shame western cunts are so addicted to cheap labor they destroy their own demographics.


It’s a shame how easy the Boomers are manipulated by just watching the news, every boomer i’ve talked to wants Assad gone, it’s insane

well it depends for who, in some places the refugees are really problematic i heard ? but here we have been full of niggers for a while so i didn't notice any change really

wow no that story is much more complex than that
this has actually been an important nationalist talking point, particularly for jean-marie le pen, that the gaullists and leftists are hypocrites who let our faithful harkis auxiliaries die to the hands of the other algerians, while the nationalists wanted to rapatriate them
there is also a discourse saying the harkis were left to die specifically because bringing them over here would have strengthened the far right

most of the algerians we have currently came later on, for economic measures

So what happens if US forces engage Russian forces?
What happens after that?

>France made it easy for Algerians to immgrate to Fance cz they speak French
>wtf why do we have a lot of Algerians

we get glassed

I'd back Iran in this instance. Not openly of course, but I'd would sincerely hope they whip our ass. America need a bloody nose to make us humble and Iran is just the country to do it.

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Here's how it's going to play out
>Trump and Bolton ignore everything and pull out of the Iran deal in May
>Trump spins it as "DEAL IS VERY BAD. I DEAL MAKER. I FIX."
>New measures and demands are retarded
>Iran refuses the terms
>Trump spins it as Iran refusing to cooperate
>says they're likely to bomb Israel with a bomb
>this narrative plays on Fox News for over and over for months
>public believes it an we invade Iran

reported you to the nsa for high treason
hope you end up in guantanamo faggot

Agreed. There is absolutely zero reason for America being so incredibly hostile to iran while also sucking saudi dick.

French (((politicians))) did that.

Normal French people and Europeans were always against mass immigration from Muslim and African countries.

I fucking wish.

Stop bombing Syria, Pierre. You already fucked up Libya.
I can think of one reason.

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arabs have killed french people, the debt must be paid in blood
bomb them all my empereur

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Damn. This is getting really predictable.

Mon dieu, le grenouille abominable...

Are there any reasons other than "'insert head of government here' IS EVIL THE NEWS TOLD ME SO"
is the real question

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Le croque-mitaine néolibéral... Le destructeur de droits des ovriers...

even if he is evil. what makes them think that starting wars is going to make the situation any better?

You people realize that more war in the middle east means more refugees in Europe? Close the borders all you want, a picture of a dead drowned toddler was literally all it took for germany to take in almost 1 million refugees.

>arabs have killed french people, the debt must be paid in blood
It must suck knowing that you've dug your own grave

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The problem is Europe and Russia will vehemently resist a war with Iran. Too many coporations here are in bed with the islamic regime. And you know Russia has something on Trump because he refuses to speak harshly about them and almost tried to veto sanctions.

War with Iran is only possible with Pence as a President and a impeached Donald Trump may just mean re-elections

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joke's on khaddafi, we were already invaded by subsaharians when he threatened to invade us with subsaharians if we kill him
not to mention sarkozy was elected especially to deal with them, which he didn't even do, so you can see the many ways this is ironic

Yeah but Gadaffi was the only one willing to low-key kill and or mass incacerate the Africans before they reached Europe.

Now France has to pay almost 4 times as much to Warlords so they can do the job Gadaffi has already been doing for them.

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wait, you want war?

No. But there is some hope the mullahs will immidiatley surrender the moment war is declared because they spineless parasites and would never risk their own death.

I thought not getting involved in Syria was why Trump won over Hillary?

"She'll start WWIII" and all that.

Yet euros still say this is entirely our fault. Can't have it both ways bro

>invades another country
>waaah why is my debt skyrocketing despite having almost no-welfare

De Gaulle was thrown out of power by US-backed protesters, and with him our independence. People are mistaken if their criticism is that the USA destabilized the Middle East, the actual issue is US influence on Europe since the end of WW2 both political and cultural.

That being said the responsibles have not treated white Americans any better than white Europeans, the anti-Americanism is not entirely justified.

Bolton is based as fuck, last US ambassador who saw Russia for what they are

>He will never invade China
>He will never invade North Korea
>He will never invade Russia

What a pussy. Who else is he gonna attack, fucking Libya?

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>He will never invade Saudi Arabia

fuck off muhammad your "moderate" rebel brothers are going to burn in hell

You're the one cheerleading some stringbean goatfucker

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or Syria and iran could just be left alone

this is so fucking cringe

>who saw Russia for what they are

helsinki hands typed this post

Israel said so.

Treason is punishable by death. Be neutral if you don't want to support your homehomeland.

Syria ok because Assad is secular. But Chameini needs to burn on a stick

fuck off madergendeh son of traitors and cowards


Iran should've been bombed in 1979.

so it could continue to become more western as a US puppet?

Fuck off you Arab whorshipping destroyer of Iran. Islam is Arabic, Ali is an Arab. YOU are the traitor to our ancestors!

this is so fucking cringe

So its people could understand the repercussions of abducting and threatening innocent foreign diplomats. Iran got off with a slap on the wrist and all it did was enable their regime to act even more belligerent and aggressive than before.


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nu uh

None of this would have happend if Thatcher didn't decide with Carter to release Khomeini from exile and you supported your biggest ally and didn't stab him in the back because he wanted to increase oil prices. You have only yourself to blame

>America need a bloody nose to make us humble and Iran is just the country to do it.
No we don't

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It literally hasn't happened. Are you mentally ill or something?



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yuh uh
literally the Iranian equivalent of European pagan LARPers

threatening foreign diplomats is pretty small compared to what western powers have unleashed on MENA

The day of the Rope is coming for you vile and disgusting creatures. You can only supress the Iranian Spirit for so long.


oh gee just imagen if they were from the italian colony of libya, then all of france would rejoice!

Can someone make an HD wallpaper of this?

Correct. Just wait until the US invades. I will personally apply as "translator" and I will show you what you arab whorshipper deserve and I will start by crushing your balls under my feet of every single one of you Ashghals that whorship this Arab childfucker

>Correct. Just wait until the US invades. I will personally apply as "translator" and I will show you what you arab whorshipper deserve and I will start by crushing your balls under my feet of every single one of you Ashghals that whorship this Arab childfucker

Diaspora are such cucks, begging the US to kill iranian peoplle, the same cowards who supported Saddam, and the same people who ran like cowards instead of staying to help their country, the apple doesn't fall from the tree, and you will never be welcomed as an iranian again.

We will see who is the cuck when you get punished for what you have done to Iran. I will kill your wife and children too. We don't need you Arab whorshipping animals anymore.

I don't care if I die. If I get to slice 1 mullah from anus to head in half I will die happy.

>he doesn't stand with Israel

I want Israel to fuck my wife.

Fuck off retard, go and cry about poles pretending you are native cause you're ashamed to be iranian, everything about you screams pathetic

When the USA finally invades and squashes you disgusting animals I will have no reason to be ashamed about being Iranian: I will have no reason to stay in Europe either. I will become Head of Savak and I will have my own little torture chamber for People who suck arab cock and swallow arab sperm. Just you wait. The day will come. We ture Sons of Iran will take our rightful place again. All the youth hate Islam and wear Faravahar, it's just a matter of time until you get what you deserve.

lmfao keep larping retard, in 10 years you will still be on this website having accomplished nothing

>h-hilldog would send our daughters to war!!!

I have already have everything. I live like a King here while sleep on the floor while the mullahs rub their shit stained assholes with the Iranian people's money. Keep being a slave to a dead Arab and keep destroying Irans future and our reputation where Iran is "just another Arab country" in the wolrds mind. Great job you animals. 5000 years of history and all it took was you inbred cousinfuckers from the farms to ruin it.

Give me one good reason NOT to invade towelheads
Checkmate, atheists

the USA will not invade Peru, there is nothing else here to be steal. white already took all the gold and silver from these lands.

We're coming for your vicunas next fucker

Canada. We will annex Toronto.

Trump supporters are disgusting people.

are military is 10x bigger than what we used as well

less heathens