She makes money on the stock market

why aren't you?

Attached: stocks 2.png (895x735, 184K)

got better things to do in my life than play with boomer toys
crypto takes 10% of the time for 1000% of the rewards, and happens to be world-changing technology one can enjoy interacting with
making money is really a byproduct of being at the bleeding edge, not the point of it

that was back in 2016, imagine what its like now, imagine how bad its going to be soon!

>why aren't you?
I made over $100k in stocks, but it took me 5 fucking years in a bullish market.

Surely not making boomer richer.

>Not buying weekly options that go up
>Not losing all your money or making 10x in a week

tl;dr version: buy low; sell high, and have $10,000 starting saved from "normal jobs"

Attached: lol.png (978x561, 362K)

>entire strategy is 1 scribble on a paper with 3 minutes in explanation
>stupid youtube roastie makes money
>you don't

Attached: 1522087460501.png (599x510, 356K)

To make money off of normies you have to think like a normie. Turns out normies are really fucking good at thinking like normies. It's painfully ironic.

>find shitty thread
>am sad
>close thread

is that a martingale strategy?

>Not margin trading triple leveraged ETF with 100X leverage

I'll die first before becoming a normie. Then my only choice is... to become... an intellignet investor!

Attached: 1520403278270.png (400x400, 14K)

I don't know what was the point of that video, she clearly tried to say you should sell high and buy low which is completely wrong according to Jow Forums. Who should I trust more this jewish goddess or Jow Forums?

>trusting a jew
Just buy high and sell low, don't trust kikes, they will fool you in the end.

The rest of her videos are always her in a bikini, and in one video she even admits to it that she took a risk setting her camera down alone just so she could get pictures of her in a bikini, she's obviously a attention whore.

Its foolproof really.

The reason so many cucks are stuck making 5-10% gains is cause they overdiversify and hodl forever, not claiming profits off the peaks and letting mediocre companies drive their average down.

Buy and hodl got Buffet rich as fuck.

Well Buffet did one thing out of those, which is only picking a small set of winners.
And yea he's the most notorious hodler but most of us dont want to wait 10+ years with our tiny investments.
We have to make smart picks on growth stocks and cash in before the hype runs dry. Rinse and repeat.

that's a good point, I failed at that and didn't buy ripple in september because of it.

16.17% gain

13k in passive income for the year
doable even for normies