Whats theit fucking problem? This will trigger chain reactions, europe will suffer under more refugees and USA won't do shit to help us
Fuck off yanks
Whats theit fucking problem? This will trigger chain reactions...
Other urls found in this thread:
t.helmut ivanovich
t. lower gdp than commiefornia
>USS Hue
>OHP frigate
lel those have been decommissioned for years. What is this nigga smoking?
Perpetual war is the one thing that keeps the US economy and political system stable
>it ain't me starts playing
Why are you surprised? A black Europe is the eternal anglo's wet dream.
Europe is suffering under rapefugees because Germany keeps inviting them and insists the borders must not be guarded. Germany is the problem here and should be nuked.
EU should federalize and toghether with China fuck amerimutts and ruskies over
t. breitbart
t. the_donald
t. Daily Shoah
>Whats their fucking problem?
Their master's ones.
just dont accept the refugees its simple
just don't get shot, it's simple
Why the fucking hell is everyone running amok because their might have been a gas attack that killed maybe 40 people?
Hell ISIS probably killed hundrets of thousands on some of the most babaric ways possible and spamed it all over the internet, yet nobody gave 2 shits.
It's not some conspiracy theory. Germany did invite the rapefugees and it does fight for the borders to be unguarded. Germans are either very evil or maybe just stupid.
hasnt happened to me yet desu
There was nothing
Assad was winning easily
Build the wall
Oh wait
>Hell ISIS probably killed hundrets of thousands
>and it does fight for the borders to be unguarded.
Actually it pays T*rkey to do the dirty work for Europe.
>t. retard
Fuck yurope
And fuck OP
Without Goymen there would be no trash in the word yurotrash.
Because the hook nose man on TV said so while emphasizing and repeating "chemical weapons".
Thanks for your input, Mr. Retard.
>trump says he wouldn't interfere in foreign issues anymore
>after getting elected literally bush on steroids
You know, EVERYONE saw this coming except deluded Jow Forums soyboys.
jidf get OUT
not that guy, but statistics without sources or further descriptions are unusable.
considering there is a lot of media manipulation when it comes to war and especially syria youll need to be extra careful especially considering that those first gas attacks on civilians a few years back by assad were mainly reported by his opposition for instance.
and where is the source material? should not perpetuate fake news user.
Funny how a day after Trump says he will pull troops out of Syria Assad decides to gas 150 of his own people. Sure makes sense. Who could possibly be behind this
Seriously, whoever wrote "cultural preservation" doesn't know shit about China.
The best way to know nothing will happen is that every power knows this shit is staged. They're just "fighting" to gain shit for themselves. These things only make it so the average normie doesn't realize he's being played.
It is almost as if this is a tounge in cheek meme.
Assad had already bombed his own people in densely populated area for nearly 7 years with barrel bombs. I was just refuting the fact that ISIS had killed hundred thousand of civilians which is mathematically impossible. Even their most famous massacre video is about them killing Iraqi air force cadets, not civilians. ISIS is very effective with their propaganda, that's why people are very afraid of them and it is working for their own benefit. One guy with a truck killing few pedestrians in Europe is enough to send Europe into frenzy mode. As long as people fear them they already won.
>"muh moderate beheaders that got killed so now they are civilians"
Tucker is literally speaking the truth on the (((news)))
the methodology is laughable. given the situation it's not unexpected. but taking these statistics as a matter of fact at face value would require a leap of faith
Won't Germany refuse to accept refugees?
>trump says it will be "america first"
>implying any other president put america in 2nd place to other countries
>actively harms foreign relationships and therefore america with its "america first" policies
really gets the nogging jogging
when someone has gone through 7 frontiers escaping their "war" country they aren't really refugees, they're migrants
>europe will suffer under more refugees
In case of WW3 there will be refugees FROM Europe.
>USA won't do shit to help us
They are not obliged tho, you are their property.
>In case of WW3 there will be refugees FROM Europe.
It is the worst if a civil war breaks out in Germany
Germans are so poor
>Whats theit fucking problem? This will trigger chain reactions, europe will suffer under more refugees and USA won't do shit to help us
We've had Strike Groups everywhere for the past few decades, Hans.
>As of March 2016 there were 10 carrier strike groups.
>The Navy typically keeps at least one CSG in the U.S. Fifth Fleet in Southwest Asia and one in the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific at all times. CSGs operate in the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, and U.S. Fourth Fleet around the South American continent as they transit to and from other areas. CSG Commanders report to their respective numbered-fleet commander, depending on where they are operating. When not deployed overseas west coast CSGs report to U.S. Third Fleet.
Macron wants to attack Syria, not us, you uninformed retard.
This will be a second Libya, just like Sarkozy's mistake.
Garbage like NAFTA and trade with China take away American manufacturing and israel is self explanatory.
>hurr free trade is bad, lets become isolationists and make everything more expensive while forcing our companies to sell less abroad
literally fascist-tier economics
China assembles america's electronics, Mexico builds their cars, Canada depends in their exports in a large scale, and the whole world buys american products making the american economy the strongest in the world.
If you start blocking trade you are just shooting yourself in the foot. Specially when you actually are the TOP economy in the world.
Go read the tweets of drumpf
If you still not aware that shits going down in syria you are an uneducated fool
Then maybe you should address the tariffs that China has that are upwards of 25% you fucking retard.
If the USA slaps tariffs on China equal to what they slap on us, I see literally no problem. If they want them removed, they can reduce their tariffs to 0. It's not rocket science.
and you're an uneducated fool if you think it's American led you EU shill
can you not fucking start a war when im about to move and have a better life with my girlfriend? thanks
>International coalition
Even the official number is higher.
Free trade is bad and said success is questionable and a parcel of what it could be.
Fix North Korea first please.
I never implied that retard
Macron himself is stupid enough to drag himself to this just to prove howngrwat he is
That was until 2016. Your news is from 2017.
>it ain't me
Children out of Jow Forums now
Still, you have.
>2673 right now on their website
>as high as nearly 6,000 : theguardian.com
>over 3,800 : theguardian.com
Just saying what it is. Their numbers are a joke.
Kek, are you one of those utter retards that think our meme fence stopped them from coming en masse? Germany is paying the Turks whatever they ask in exchange for stopping them. That's way Erdogan can get away with anything, he has them by the balls. Germany really, really doesn't want any more refugees in here.
I'm not here to argue about that. Even I think the casualties caused by coalitions is far greater than reported. If you check my first post I was only trying to say that ISIS didn't kill hundred thousand of civilians. That's it. I'm not here to argue about anything else.
That's why when America want to interfere, they use the excuse of gas attack. The same reason people think that ISIS had killed most of the casualties. GAS ATTACK. BEHEADING. That will grab people's attention. Normal casualties are just numbers these days and won't mean anything.
>In case of WW3 there will be refugees FROM Europe.
Kek and whom will we be fleeing from? A country with a smaller economy than Italy?
They come over the med sea aswell
That would be rude and Nazi.
You are right, germany, france erc are not supposed to be afraid, slavshits on the other hand should fear russia
Look at poland how they chimp out at every occassion
They are afraid to get fucked up.again
Fortunate Son
My father finished school in 69, he really likes your music.
Fuck off vatnik
Imagine being this cucked
Because Assad is a friend of Iran and thus an enemy of Israel.
fuck off, vatnik
Are you having a stroke?
You know the EU supports the strikes right? Hell, France is coming along for the ride.
Wait, Perry? Those don't exist anymore.
By the time anything serious would go down Europe would be more or less united. Besides, Russia literally could not finance a war of aggression.
Sorry but western europe wont die for slavshits
Yes because protectionism worked out SO well for brazil
Why Nazi... (・∀・;)
But, it is possible that your country will collapse if your country accept more refugees, you Germans don't have to accept refugees anymore.
Only people who can help others is who they have enough money and human resources and place
>x1 Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate
I think they may have confused it for the Hessen, a German Sachsen frigate which is operating with the Truman CSG.
Brazil is backwards and produce very little manufactured goods that it needs, and our "protectionism" was defending foreign business's companies inside the country.
>I-it wasn't real protectionism
Easter Europe is actually very important to EU countries.They wouldn't really need to die any way.
Why stop at nation level? Go full protectionist in your house. Grow your own food instead of giving your money to the food jew. Sew your own clothes instead of funding the clothing jew. Develop your own microprocessor instead of helping the silicon jew.
It wasn't, it was incompetence.
Homesteading is an amazing thing.