So what does the world think about this guy now?

So what does the world think about this guy now?

Attached: Donald Trump.jpg (800x522, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't like him

Dumb fat fuck with ego issues

Im still laughing

this picutre says more than thousand words

Attached: merkel drump.jpg (3500x2333, 1.7M)

Because what matters most is that the whole wide world really, really likes us, and just to make sure, we're going to give them my lunch money, since I make too much anyway.

>mein gott, die kreatur aus america

gutes deutsch

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Shadilay, my brothers

I like the cut of his jib.

Thanks my ancestor I'm 1/39th German

idk much about how he handles things in america, but I like how he does everything Israel tells him to. stay based, trump-boy

Boomer failure

All I can say is I'm curious where burgers can possibly go from this

Attached: 4b6.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

We cant possibly go down right h-ha right guys?

President Zuckerberg 2020
Screencap this

He's such a faggot it's hilarious. That being said, it's funny because he's shone a light on how awful the "moderate" Republican is. The only thing Trump can do now is maybe go to war against North Korea or Iran since he needs a war to stay in office.

I dont think it shines a bad light on moderate republicans. The guys a fucking fool, he doesn't represent much of anything beyond the 50+ crowd, rednecks, and alt-right edgelords. There is still hope for America but this presidency is a blemish and is only going to damage this country

I think he is a fucking idiot and it is sad. Very high energy though.

Never more than a kike puppet which was always blatantly obvious

Not at all. McCain and Graham have shown their colors. So have many other republicans. They all pretended they didn't want Trump, and now that they have him, they go to great lengths do defend him because, as much as some liberals may not want to accept, Trump is the most "Republican" Republican politician since Reagan. He perfectly encapsulates the base and he's perfect for getting nothing done, which is what Republicans want.

What in your mind is "getting things done"?

He's good but he still acts and sounds like an idiot too much

He's actually a perfect representation of America.

Passing universal health care
Increasing the infrastructure budget
Increasing the minimum wage to what it was in the 60s (accounting for inflation)
Strengthening net neutrality
Solving DACA
Legalizing weed
Increasing protections for reporters
Improving prison conditions
Reforming criminal justice system

I could go on and on. There are a variety of things that need to be done that most countries are working towards, yet America cannot do any of it because they're busy debating a bunch of retards who are purposely being stupid so that nothing is solved.

That unfortunately is the issue with our current 2 party system, if the shoe were on the other foot we'd be saying the same thing about liberals. This country needs change and this has been embarrassing. But like I said I still thing there is hope and maybe after the dust settles from this trump bullshit small changes can start. However, I fear the money involved in lobbying, from companies more than comfortable with the status quo, will heavily discourage american politicians from implementing even minor changes no matter the opinions of their constituents

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A big fan and he's done a lot of great but invading another country struck me down a little.

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The guy speaks and writes like an absolute moron and just babbles on and on.He oversimplifies too much without understanding nuances and shit like that. He's a laughing stock and a perfect representation of the uneducated working class that has been ignored for a while now.

he's about to get am*rica fucking nuked so i fucking love him

Are you seriously defending fucking Merkel?

When will America begin?

Attached: kj6s.jpg (360x252, 24K)

I knew he would fuck over Americans, but I thought he'd actually have a decent foreign policy. Seems his policies are based on whoever fucking advises him now.

what did he mean by this

I'm glad that he is an incompetent clown

Does anyone have that pic where Trump is touching that wall in Jerusalem but he's got a huge jew nose and lost his hair?

Attached: 1519859410307.jpg (800x533, 30K)

I can send this instead.

Attached: (((Trump))).jpg (480x360, 38K)

He's garbage

Attached: Trump-Jew-Wall-4.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

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Jow Forums isn't alright


The media has fed the people the idea that he is evil incarnate and basically are like BLAMPFFFF, but the more centered people in private admit that some of his measures like in migration matters actually make sense. And who could blame those people when there is a literal defamation campaign against him, all the time.
Basically Mexicans deal with a very contradictory matter and goes like this:
The country has som horrendous troubles, you name it. But the country has only nice people (which is no) and there are no reasons for control in migration (yes), because no one, not a single time a bad hombre from Mexico has done anything wrong in USA (yes it has), it's because gringos are racist (some, but they aren't the majority).

He's proof that GOPtards are the stupidest people to ever exist in a 1st world country

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Trump is the sort of guy who will tell you what you want to hear, when you want to hear it, even if it contradicts everything he said the day before.

Attached: our leaders are so completely stupid.png (961x420, 77K)

The funny thing about this is that Drumpf's family is from Germany.

I like him, the world is now funny

either president zuckerberg or president west