Global warming

>global warming

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>americans unironically want to destroy the planet for profit

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but how

>where is the equality for white men?

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fuck we actually went full circle

I can't wait for the flooding of New York and Los Angeles.

But 2bh Amerilards will probably hire Dutch engineers to build a dystopian seawall around Manhattan

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The Earth contains Canada. It's worth it.

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>wanting areas with high concentrations of people that are for measures to be taken to combat climate change to suffer the effects of it
>not rural shitholes in the south and midwest that deserve the BOC (big ocean current)

The Midwest is hundreds of feet above Sea Level at minimum in most places, we're safe.

Humans are so retarded that they need to live the problem before fixing it

And yes, the flooding of global cities is a good thing as it will push people to act faster

>Paris and Lyon will never be flooded
>Marseille will be flooded
>Feels good

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Laugh it off. Everyone knows it's true. You can make jokes about it if it helps, but once again the United States shows everyone how brilliant they are.

A Mongolian rushing to the aid of a Chink.

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>iq over 100

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>oil pipeline on the edge of breaking over the Strait of Mackinac
>invasive species out the wazoo
>Nestle purchasing all our water reserves
>all this due to lack of regulation

We're fucked, m8.

>Paris and Lyon will never be flooded
>>Marseille will be flooded
>>Feels good

Maybe the ocean won't sweep in but it floods.

>americans think that a system based on infinite growth on a planet with finite resources doesn't have any negative consequences on said planet

i got an 89 of 100 on my IQ test and ican say im prtty proud

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>American IQ tests stop at 100

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It's true that climate change causes more rivers to get out of their beds, but it's still easier to fix it with dams and canals, especially when you don't have to battle the fucking ocean

None of those involve getting covered by the ocean and thus ocean currents.

percentages go up t 100 brainlet

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Khan's blood makes me rush to places and impregnate all the bitches while I'm at it. Can't help it.
But it wasn't aid of any sorts. You might see it as aid because you feel attacked and butthurt. I'm just simply stating facts. How do you feel the rest of the world sees the US as Drumpf has declared that you guys withdraw from the Paris Agreement? Do you even know what it is?
Yankees are so smort, it's, like, incredible.

>thing I don't like

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Do people believe in climate change unironically? Even you guys? Didn't realize I was on R*ddit.

That's a bait, it's gotta be.

>green energy

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>fossil fuel fags are okay with polluting mindlessly and using up a limited resource without an alternative (all scientific facts that even a climate change denier can't turn away from) because it triggers lib

Et tu, Brute.
Sano nyt es et rölläät ;_;

>The natural progression of science is soy
Fucking retards, I swear. Once green energy becomes more sustainable over long periods it will btfo fossil fuels and the backwater cumskins that support it. Can't wait.


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Nigg e e.r

Alkaako sua ahdistaa, jos en röllää?

Kuinka vitun vaikeaa on oikeasti ajatella itse, sen sijaan että annat muiden viedä itseäsi kuin pässiä narussa? Mutta et toisaalta taida tykätäkään siitä.

>these cucks cant live under water
>these cucks arent man enough to starve to death due to famines cause by climate change
*beats chest*

greenpeace and his biggest scam


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it's not in the bible.

Alkaa ahistaa. Se, että täällä Suomessakin on niin tyhmiä ihmisiä, joille se että "ajattelee itse" tarkoittaa sitä, että on erimieltä koko maailman tiedeyhteisön konsensuksesta ja sivuuttaa kaiken todistusaineiston. Ajatteleepahan uniikkeja ajatuksia, eikä ole mikään bääbää lammas ketä vedetään kuin pässiä narussa :)
Joku epäitsevarmuus tuossa kyllä paistaa. "Annat muiden viedä itseäsi kuin pässiä narussa" kuulostaa siltä, että olet mielummin väärässä, kuin myöntäisit enemmistön olevan oikeassa. Ja tällä (olet mielummin väärässä) tarkoitan tätä:
Veikkaan, ettet kuuntele mitään todisteita asioista, joihin et halua uskoa. "Järkeilet" "vastapuolen" tai enemmistön argumentit itsellesi aina maton alle.
Ja ei, en tietenkään tarkoita, että enemmistö olisi aina oikeassa.

I already start thinking if trump is really the best option. Focking politic and economy in less than two months, now he wants to start a war to take control of a shit country


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Ilmastonmuutos on valmistettu mediassa. Mitään konsensusta ei ole. Työpaikan menettämisen lisäksi vain ymmärrys tutkimustulosten väärentämisestä ja lasten aivopesusta.

Tutustu eri aineistoihin. Lue ja tutki. Tai kuuntele:

Tutustu siihen, mitä tarkoittaa teknokratia. Pystyt tämän avulla ymmärtämään ilmastonmuutoksen oikean tarkoituksen.

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the planet is fucked by everyone. Just ride the wave, there's literally no point fighting it without an entire civilizational change aside from feeling better about yourself.

I'm pretty sure everybody knows what the Paris Agreement is especially after Trump decided leave it because it made big news here.

what reason do you guys have to be speaking your gibberish language right now

if NYC OR LA flood, the netherlands will be no more, so nobody to hire lmao

Tutustu siihen mitä tarkoittaa big oil ja ryssä, vitun ryssä. Tämän avulla pystyt ymmärtämään, miksi sinut on aivopesty.


100% is best, dumbass

>clothes lines


Tutustu siihen, kuka on Maurice Strong. Muuan muassa. Minä en muuten tarvitse ad hominemeja.

I know. He started.

>not worshiping kaczynski

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