Fellow new worlders

Fellow new worlders

What's your excuse for not speaking the language of your ancestors?

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Yo nomas se un poco

All of my ancestors spoke English

I am passively learning Spanish, though, since it's the only other language I'd get any use out of in this godforsaken shithole of a country.

I don't see Nahuatl as being very practical

Even the Welsh don't speak Welsh

I do

Fellow new worlders



>other than spanish
dios mio

The fuck are you mutting on about?

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>or Spanish
Top kek.

It's not useful to me ever and it doesn't really interest me. I'm already learning French, a superior Romance language

I been living in West Virginia all my life and I never met nary a person one who speaks German or French at home

tfw my mom never learned enough of it to be able to teach it to me
tfw with my grandparents and their siblings dying plautdietsch is dying in our family
tfw it's dying all over so it's not really worth trying to learn

is this post even in english

when can we gas appalachia? or at least deport them all back to ireland or wherever they're from?

None of my ancestors were Polish

Most of my ancestors were English, Irish, or German

My ancestors that were Irish haven't spoken the language since the famine

I've refused to acknowledge my German heritage since the CDU donation scandals of the '90s

>mfw you don't know what nary means

thx public schools

West Virginia is truly a depressing state

My ancestors spoke Tepehuan and German.

Good look finding a class in the first.

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>I never met nary a person one

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>deport them all back to ireland or wherever they're from?

They come from this little shithole here, and I'm certain the UK doesn't want 2 million hillbillies. They're having a hard enough time with all the Muslims.

Attached: northern_ireland.jpg (850x500, 167K)

>Ulstermen in my America
Gas Appalachia it is then

well that explains their silly accent and penchant for living in trailers



we love our little tagalogs fuck you viking

No Finnish for Michigan? Thought there were a sizable population of them there

English is the language of my ancestors. If your ancestors didn't speak English then you aren't American.


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La Florida es española.

both my grandma and father are fluent in German, but never bothered to pass on that to me.

I instead grew up learning spanish instead. I'm no way fluent, but at least I can read some of it. Frankly, I like Hispanic culture way better than German

I'm learning Spanish as it's only rightful that Spain reclaims Latin America plus it's Northern American territories spanning the West and South combined.

The return of New Spain as apart of Spain will usher in a new age of peace, prosperity, and dominance. The mantle of the United States shall be passed onto Spain as the Anglo, Germanic and Slavic man will look on in fear for the Iberian mans time has come again and he will spare no expense.

The age of the Peninsulares and the Creoles will return as the Estados Unidos de America embraces the encomienda system, shunning the eternal Amerindian and his African counterpart.

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because globalization will make them irrelevant, unfortunately. all that will matter is english and chinese.


Kill yourself Britistani.

I'm not a muh ancestry fag but
>I learned German as a 2nd language
I guarantee at least a few of my grandparents would be pissed the fuck off about this if they were still alive

Because I was born in the US; I don't give a fuck where my parents came from.

i'm a mutt and I'm still pissed off. why learn a dying language of a subservient country?

No sé si mis ancestros son negros o indios, no sé qué idioma aprender
> :3

>like 10000 speakers of my mother tongue
>plan to move to Europe where no one even knows they existed much less know the language
>will need to learn at least one new language to move
Gee, I wonder...

Navajo is pretty much an alien language compared to English or Spanish.

But I am.

I'm Two-Sicilian-Argentine and I speak like a complete retard.

Lmao wtf. How did they make this map

>most spoken first world language aside from English
>tons of media is in German
>sounds nice
>looks nice
>grammar and pronunciation are heavily rule driven rather than arbitrary nonsense
>still some of the best countries in Europe (better than any romance language country, Bongland or anything east of Germany anyway)

English, not Chinese. The former is a lot easier to learn than the latter.

theres nothing related to it to make easier to learn. If you didn't grow up speaking it, I highly doubt you can truly master it like native americans can.

Why do so many flyovers are of g*rman origin and why do so many g*rmans immigrated to America and precisely to the flyover States while normal Europeans moved to the Northeast?

They're just LARPing. Most of them are Anglos who's grandfather once smelled a bratwurst.

German is spoken in several countries not just Germany. Japanese is the most prolific language in the developed world after English

Japanese is more prolific than Spanish in the developed world?

>German is spoken in several countries not just Germany
>Germany, Austria, half of Switzerland
>Several countries
You are an idiot

Though G*rmany is very populous, because they are 85 millions on a territory not larger than New Mexico.

Note how I said countries and not country in the last line

>stupid post
Why is it always like this

Because they got jammed into the small territory of Western Germany after the expulsions. Germany should not be as population dense as it currently is

its not that, you just used it in the wring syntax
> i nary, met one person

Texas or the Pacific Northwest? Those are the only places I can think of with both a lot of Spanish and German speaking families.

Based Michigan