Do you have communities of other races who came to your country a long time ago?

Do you have communities of other races who came to your country a long time ago?
Turkey has Afro-Turks, but they mix with whites at alarming rates.

Attached: afro_turkler_izmirde_dana_bayramini_kutluyor_h193093.jpg (500x281, 37K)

Gypsy ghetto is count?


Yeah the fucking Amerindians

We have some who originated from Turkey, users to be called Janissaries.
In Libya they are the sponsors of ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood

There are very small communities of Albanians, Greeks, Italians and Turks. Egypt used to have HUGE expat communities and a lot of Jews too. But now, almost all groups were reduced to about 5000 individuals, from 20k to 100k, There's only 6 jews left in Egypt.

Remember the 6, goyim

but Afro-Turks are Turks

>other races

In a strict sense, no.

>Remember the 6

we had volga germans but then Hitler chimped out and Stalin sent them to gulag

We have the Sorben. (or Wends how they call themself)
The live close to the Polish border and speak mostly Polish. They are recognized as they own people with an official flag, anthem etc. and even the streetsigns etc. are in both languages there. There are like 60.000 of them.

Attached: Sorben.jpg (994x558, 194K)

Do any still exist?

I guess gyppoes sort of count

so amerindians don't belong to that land?
Are you one of those idiots who actually believe Argentina was founded as a white country and was empty before the immigration waves?

our most famous singer atm

Attached: Neujahrsansprache-von-Helene-Fischer.jpg (1024x1001, 146K)

many of them certainly look the part

don't you have tatars that even practice Islam?

Not sure about them (there were quite a few, but many came to Germany in the 90s, we have a saying that anyone that once owned a German shepherd was allowed to come here back then), but overall there are still some Germans left in the east which really surprised me. Actually I thought the sl*vs killed/expelled them all, but just the other day I met a girl from Budapest that was actually a descendant of Swabians that live there. She even went to a German Kindergarten and school and all her family speaks German (and Hungarian) and they still seem to have some community there.

We have blacks that came mainly from Jamaica in the caribbean coast, italians that stood in some isolated towns, jews that came from eastern europe during WW2, and a lot of chinese ones, though those are tricky, because some came a lot of time ago, but the have been coming here ever since

We have indigenous Canadians/aboriginals/first nations, who've been in Canada for thousands of years.

We also have some black Canadians who came here while escaping from American slavery through the underground railroad in the 1700's and 1800's, but they've mostly intermingled with the black Caribbean population who came here during the 1960's.

>Turkey has Afro-Turks, but they mix with whites at alarming rates.
which whites?