/mena/ الخيط العربي

نيببون edition

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This will die fast

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gorgeous work

third for sephardic whores

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I got 19.5 out of 20 on my test

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Why the hell would anyone in their right mind like these traitorous whores

Congratulations :)

hatefuck material is a good material

tell me about ar*b cinema

Ehhhhhh i think it's unhealthy

What subject?

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It's shit that's all you need to know.

this one is literally the only one that made any global notoriety anyway.

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Vank Cathedral (also known as the Holy Savior Cathedral) is located in the city of Isfahan, in Iran. The church was established when hundreds of thousands of Christian deportees found a safe haven in Iran and settled there in the 17th century. In one corner of the courtyard there is a memorial to the 1915 Armenian Genocide in Turkey. Armenian-Iranians, the Vank Cathedral, and the other churches in Iran, stand as a major part of Iranian history and culture.

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Syrian movies give me the impression that they run on a budget of two sticks of gums and a broken nokia phone.
Lebanese movies are all carbon copies of each other : Hamfisted attempts at drama staring greasy fucks clad in flannel shirts and guy fieri facial hair trying to beat society and attain the heart of some washed up bimbo. Scenery usually alternates between Villa with awful lighting, expensive cafés with awful reverb and dark medina alleyways.
I've yet to come across a maghrebi movie whose core concepts are not palgiarised. There's a moroccan Godfather, a moroccan Snatch and a moroccan Ocean 11, all obviously made with eye-bleedingly awful production value and cartoonish acting.
The only country in this collective of inept shitholes that does not produce offensively bad movies is egypt, but it's nothing worth singing its praise since it's all juvenile gutter comedies and derivative softcore porn reciting the stories of strippers and belly-dancers.
Verdict : it's fucked.

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Pray 5 times. Do not watch movies, listen to songs. Strictly following halal & haram to your best efforts. Allah knows the best.

I hope you too, ignore music, cinema here after. Right?

architecture is noice

Watching a movie? Haram!
Getting a boner from an actress? Double haram with a cherry on top!



Morning light streaming in through the stained glass windows at the Nasir ol Molk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran.

It was nicknamed the Pink mosque because of the extensive use of pink tiles adorning the interior facades. It was built during the Qajar era in the 19th century so it’s relatively recent and quite small in comparison to some of the others in the area, but the stained glass makes it quite unique.

aren't you supposed to be a good muslim? Or I'm mistaking you someone else?

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>studying incomprehensibly convoluted maths and principles for years just to get a 9 to 5 desk job that'll crush whatever happiness and enthusiasm the arduous studying didn't already
Fucking normalfags, when will they ever learn.

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So what happened to you? Why do you think its better to live a hopeless life?

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>le ironic muslimposting
Wheren't you supposed to stop larping?

I'm just trying to be as annoying and unfunny as possible

>implying taking a top jewess qt3.14 her people order to weaken to zionist bloodline is wrong

How's being a NEET in the maghreb?

*from her people in ordre to

Stop jerking off! its HARAM!

Fuck kurdistan, they are Israel/US cocksuckers now

Nofap is a meme longterm, but one should fap only 3 to 5 time a month max, and only if he has no woman.
Unlike noporn, that every man in his right mind should practice.

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The Kurds are not a single monolithic bloc. you can't lump YPG with KDP or islamists.

Every time I try to fap to women I just can't i can only fap to men

lol no but I'm going to run my father's company

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مايجْرحُك اليَوم يجعلك أقوىٰ غَداً

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did the french flags stopped?

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we will never stop habibi ;)

ما ينكحك اليوم يجعلك اعرض غداً

اليوم هو عيد ميلادي

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how can someone get saudi citizenship

Happy birthday, one year closer to your eventual demise!

عيد ميلاد سعيد


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>how can someone get saudi citizenship

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What is wrong with those women?

It's funny because every preacher who says movies are haram because they're pictures has a tv channel and posts selfies

we're gonna bomb your countries lmao

Happy b day user.

Also daily reminder to fear Allah.

Why is mena such a shitshow now famalam, it wasn't used to be like this

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UwU congratulations

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Why is it always shias that turn into atheist murtad mostly?

how could other mena even compete?

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Because traitorous racists are vile humans

Now most ex-muslims are sunni females

No offence but nobody cares about your potential terrorist men, man.


Thoughts on this ?

>french gays defending islam in the responses

Americanization is working :D

because shias on average have 10 iq points over sunnis

that's only true about iranian and azeri shias

nature is cruel
deal with it
when you get upset over that video and don't bat an eye over cat sexual violence than you're either a hypocrite or a moron who thinks nafris are human

nah it's true over iraqis too
check iq scores by country

>nafris are humans
You need to learn the difference between bougnoules and nafris

I don't want to be mean but then why are they as backward thinking as the sunnis sometimes?

Toujours les memes trucs, et bien sur c’est un arabe qui s´appelle islem, ca commence vraiment a etre toxique et fatiguant, que ca eclate pour de bon qu’on en finisse

post halal anime girls

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Tu es un français de souche ou un maghrébin?

Why halal when you can post haram?

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suggest me some movies bros please im so bored and its al khamees.

Maghrébin et musulman, la totale

oui ca je comprends totalement, ces dernières années ça commence à devenir difficile. Je ne suis pas musulman mais je porte un nom arabe alors j'ai bien sûr très honte de voir cette racaille.

C'est pas que de la honte, tu peux pas comprendre

tu as peur du futur?

Non. J'en crains qu'Un et y'a que vers Lui que je veux retourner, tu peux pas savoir toute la toxicité que tu peux accumuler qd t'es croyant, et ça s'arrête jamais et bref c'est trop compliqué

Je vois, je connais un peu ce sentiment, j'étais musulman pendant 10 ans. Je te souhaites bon courage en tout cas ^^

go back to the french thread subhumans

I'm so sorry, what kind of movie do you like?

Eyyyy 7bb
Ana 3ndi wa7eda sual lak

Allah, souriya, Bashar ou bes.
Wa ana latso mu5 7bb.

Lel non tu le connais pas du tout, tu l'étais probablement par transmission, quand y'a une psychose constante autour de toi et de ta croyance et que tu vois que même ceux qui étaient de ton côtés (traîtres) contribuent à cristalliser cette psychose ça te remplit de rancoeur et de frustration, surtout quand t'es une diaspora qui ne sait pas où est chez soi et qui vit des choses qui te font comprendre que même si t'es le plus gentil individu au monde, tu peux être victime d'un ostracisme injuste parce que t'es musulman, et encore je m'en ficherais si ça c'était qu'en France mais bon ça arrive même dans des pays ou t'es sensé être "à ta place".
M'enfin ça s'explique pas ça se vit, bref plutôt bon courage à toi avec le préjugé arabe = musulman en occident, mais bon ça ira ta position est pas sensible

Eyyy 7bb, hook me up with that wasta and get me a job in the 5araleej

I also study economics in the US

Pourtant ce musulman ne fait qu'appliquer le coran en donnant des coups de ceinture à cette bonne femme. Peut être que tu devrais te convertir à une religion moins barbare.

>et encore je m'en ficherais si ça c'était qu'en France
Moi c'est l'inverse, les bougnoules peuvent bien faire ce qu'ils veulent tant que ça n'est pas en France.

Mais tu fais quoi ici, tu veux quoi

Et toi, tu fais quoi en France ?

Go back to /fr/, little frog.

Retourne dans ton trou à bougnoule, sale raton.

C'est pas un musulman arrête d'être comme ça t'es sur Jow Forums c'est pathétique

La France c'est chez moi.

C'est un bougnoule, qu'il soit musulman ou pas, ça ne change rien, c'est de la merde.

Je me doute bien, qui voudrait vivre dans un pays de sous races...

كس اخت هيك عيشة

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WW3 will happen because of OP's country

هدئي من روعك

stop thinking like an american, my dude

It will happen because of the USA and France. Macron just said at the news there were proofs assad launched the gas attack. It could well be WW3 very soon.

>tfw could be drafted for WW3
lel, Macron has a lot of hopes, as if I'd accept giving my life for sandniggers. He'd better send his treasured diversity.

بدي اطخ حالي. زهقت

nuke palestine

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>In a status quo mutually assured destruction
That's not how it works you politically illiterate twats

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I don't think so but I'd like a WW3

>his country doesn't have nuclear deflection programmes
Well that's pretty depress...


ألي ينيكك النهرضة هينيكك تاني بكرا