Why did the Italian diaspora in English speaking countries Anglicize their names but the ones who went to Latin America...

Why did the Italian diaspora in English speaking countries Anglicize their names but the ones who went to Latin America kept more Italian sounding names?

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anglos can't pronounce italian names

Because English speakers can't pronounce foreign names for shit

We didn't.

anglos are retards

t. mario boypoochi

WTF are you talking about? Italian Americans have more Italian names than the ones in Latin America do. Most Latinos don't know shit about Italian culture.

And Spics can? They can barely learn English, never mind Italian

Italian phonemes are eerily similar to Castilian phonemes.

>And Spics can? They can barely learn English, never mind Italian

What? Italian and Spanish are pretty much the same language. Not exactly, but close enough.

t. Tony Esposito

Brazilliams can pronounce Anglo names? That's news to me.

The average Anglo doesn't know how to pronounce Mario, and even if they knew they wouldn't be able to do it.

Spanish and Italian are quite similar, especially in pronounciation.

because local names are more similar to italian names

Mario is an easy name to pronounce. Could've used a better example.

You never know with an Anglo, lots of people seem to struggle with "Chile" for example

The only example from Latin America that I can think of an Italian descendent having an Italian name is someone like Antonella Roccuzzo (Messi's wife)

you just don't know, trust me

How is it pronounced? I know Brits say it wrong by saying "Mehr-e-oh"

Most English speakers can't trill their "r"s, and don't realize the English "o" (like in the word "no") is a dipthong with 2 sounds. they may also get the A wrong.

not marry-oh or other bullshit
and roll the r

And Spanish/Portuguese speakers can pronounce that better than Anglos how?

Are you fucking kidding me?

outside of the "r" thing, you also tend to add extra sounds to vowels

by having similar phonetics

>American education

In Spanish it's pronounced exactly the same.



Spanish and Italian are quite similar.
the biggest differences are Italian has ts and voiced ts, long vowels, many double consonants (I think Spanish only has double N, like in innovar. Double ll is a palatal l, not a double consonant). And words that in Spanish begin with Esc, Esf or Esp, in Italian don't have the E and directly begin with the S.

For example, Espada vs Spada Escuela vs Scuola

>Mario Massacessi

There is no way in hell the average American could pronounce that name correctly.