/lang/ - language learning

Language learners here

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that pic is adorable and relevant


Kriegshetzer (m): warmonger

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The state of language learning

Anyone else starting to read literature in their language?

I've read Blake, Wordsworth, Shakespeare, Melville and Poe.

How do i differentiate the pronunciation for words when i speak?
>beach - bitch
>leave - leaf
>words ending in "-ed"
pronunciation is hard :(

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Not me, it's too hard

Beach has an "ee" sound
Bitch has a long i sound like in itch

"Kriegstreiber" is a bit more common and (intuitively, at least) closer to the English term

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both sounds like "i" to me...
i guess ill just avoid the word

La "ea" en beach se pronuncia igual que la i española. La "i" en bitch es algo entre "i" y "e". Pon atención a la pronunciación de palabras con llevan "i" (como big, is) , te darás cuenta que la pronunciación es la que mecioné

Which language?

how should I go about learning Russian and Cyrillic

How the fuck do I progress from intermediate to fluent without actually living in the country

learning songs and singing them helped me
gives you a nice sense of flow and a good knowledge of colloquial terms

you learn it

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ah ok ya entendi gracias
You have the internet, you don't need to move to the country.
Browse pages in the language you want to learn, join chatrooms and forums of that language... If you want to learn the phonetics porperly watch a lot of youtube videos and if you play videogames you can try joining a game community that uses their mic.

You shouldn't.


Russians are meanies and they will hurt your feelings.


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What language are you doing

leave - leaf
/lev/ - /lef/

Has anyone ever written a book or e-book in the language they're learning, as a way of practicing your language?

That's how I got into the language in the first place
>Browse pages in the language you want to learn, join chatrooms and forums of that language... If you want to learn the phonetics porperly watch a lot of youtube videos and if you play videogames you can try joining a game community that uses their mic.
I pretty much do all of this at the moment, although I wouldn't try to drag games that need a mic down with my meh German. I'm fine on pronunciation (don't sound like a native but that's prosody for you) but my verbal comprehension is awful.

snella å rara
helt underbara
å dera saga berettas igjen
hösj deras sånger som för många gånger
djupt inni skogen där lever de änn!


>the best community on the internet for my target language is fucking drumpart.

what are your normal hobbies? Besides learning German and fapping

hipp hurra

Why are they smiling like idiots?

How hard is to learn France?
I remember the school tried to teach me but I never bothered with it

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Because they are about to die

No smiling allowed, Mikhail! Happiness forbidden

Best language to learn for surviving the war?

the arabic alphabet looks nice.


How much studying is too much?
Im scared that Im going to just over do it and then it all kind of "leaks out".

Get a degree in it.

t. degree in Russian

I think as long as you do it every day and revise what you learn, you could study as much as you like.

When I began learning german, I decided to get through A1 in 1 month a a half, for which I took 4 hours of german class everyday.
I'd say that's my natural limit. I might have been able to assimilate all the knowledge because it was in introductory level, I don't think I would pull it off now.

Beach and bitch should be fairly easy because you can just listen for the length.
In beach, the vowel will sound longer than in bitch.
As for leaf and leave, that's no different to besar and pesar. It's just a minimal pair based on the voiced quality of a consonant.
Currently reading a bible in Croatian, but it's kinda like one of those illustrated versions made for teenagers, so the language is a bit simpler than the actual bible and it just follows the main stories of the OT and the ministry of Christ chronologically. Pretty good desu. Learning heaps of new words.
I found that when I used to study often (2.5 hours every day), I didn't spend enough time on revision, which ended up making my study pointless because I wasn't consolidating the knowledge I was learning.
Depends. If you want to fight for America, learn Hebrew, if you want to fight for the good guys, either Russian or Arabic.

>I wasn't consolidating the knowledge I was learning.
Yeah, that must be what it is, Ive been doing a few hours and its because Im not consolidating what Im doing. Thanks.

I honestly can't stress revision enough. It has changed language study for me.
I mean, it seems so obvious, but I think most of avoid it because it can seem boring. Most of us language autists are just so excited with learning new shit that we often only ever focus on new word lists and sentence structures.

>wanting to learn Croatian

are you bosanska dijaspora or just generally love shit languages?

kek, I'm the son of Croatian diaspora. My parents never properly taught me the language properly. I never knew grammar and only knew about 100-150 words, so for the last year or two I've been trying to teach myself.

Why do you consider it a shit language? I've heard slavic languages are hard, but I've never considered them bad, ugly or boring, they sound interesting.

Should be fairly easy for you. Iirc my italian most of your conjugations derive from the verb to be(essere) and to have (avere) + second verb. Same thing with french (être and avoir), so you shouldn't have much problem comprehending this structure.
Vocabulary wise I didn't find much hassle being a pt speaker, and imagine it should be the same for you too.
Would say 6/10, spelling may be weird at the start but it's very consistent so after getting the hang of it it'll be a breeze

Arabic. Arabs are going to be flooding north for the foreseeable future.

I guess it's because Croatian is a very small language with almost no cultural output at all. If one were to learn a slavic language for the sake of learning a language, Russian would perhaps be the best choice.
I fully admit that if my parents weren't born in Croatia, I certainly wouldn't study the language. I absolutely hate it. It's so stupidly frustrating.
My level of Croatian after 1 year of self-teaching and a life-time of exposure only equals my level of Spanish when I had studied it for perhaps a year after never having been exposed to it.

What if one is completely opposed to Islam?

what are all these extra letters

One will be arrested for hate speech, sunshine

In which case I'd like to know the language of the peoples who are opposed to Islam. I know there's Hungary and Poland but... eh.

I eventually want to learn Hungarian, it sounds like an intriguing language, why not give it a try?

I don't know anything about Hungary, I'd need to look into them and see if they're of interest at the very least. I'm not going to be motivated to learn the language of some foreign country I've never been to and may never go to purely on the basis that I share one political view in common with the nations CURRENT government.

Then just learn the language of a country you like

Yes, I suppose you're right.

WTF i hate Polish now

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How will the D*tch ever recover?

Maybe you'd be interested in my language. It's the only one I know of where - in many places - being a speaker of it depends entirely on not being a Muslim, in Muslim-majority countries. Arab nationalists and more recently ISIS have tried to eliminate it. ISIS burned down some of the largest settlements speaking it, in northern Iraq, which were entirely populated by Christian non-Muslims.

So it's not necessarily the language opposed to Muslims but it is the language extremist Muslims are opposed to. Besides the fact it has been a classical sacred language of Christianity for well over a millennium, another reason why it might be targeted.

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>I don't know anything about Hungary, I'd need to look into them and see if they're of interest at the very least.

You'll probably have the same problem with the speakers of this language, though. I could try to help with that, I guess.

Your not going to be able to learn a language if your not actually interested in it. Politics is so fickle and hatred doesnt result in interest.


Arabs kill more arabs than anyone else.

>tfw my german got better even when i wasnt studying just because i was playing vidyas in german and listening to german music at work

b-b-b-but i was told that learning a language was extremely difficult and stressful!!!!!! this isnt fair!!!!!!

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How is the Duolingo course for Russian? Reliable or dubious?

Easy. Italian and French are the two nearest language in the Latin family.

Source: ho imparato l'italiano

I doubt anything that comes out of duolingo can be bad... plus considering the general lack of online resources for learning russian it's your best bet..

I fear you're right. I think my feelings are more of fear than hatred, and a sense that whichever civilization is going to be the one that protects its citizens from this problem is not going to be an English speaking one. But your point still stands.

I enjoyed your interesting post but what I had in mind was more like a powerful modern nation who would be able to keep itself safe from the menace.

>my feelings are more fear
The easiest way to get over that is be looking into it, researching and stuff. And also things from the other side, like if you hate one political/ethnic group, maybe look up things from their perspective and shit. And take a break from news/media too. I used to be a right scared Jow Forumsack but it was all bullshit, good writing gives the reader a feeling, and the easiest feeling to make is fear, hence why journalists use it so much.
Just thought Id say that since Ive been in a similar place and it was hell.

It is pretty easy to generate an interest for a country, if you like history look into their history, if you like their sport etc. etc. and different cultures have different values so you could look into which ones suit yours well. Laws and politics might change easily but a cultures big deep rooted beliefs last a long time.

Nothing really relevant for cramming German into it

Thanks for your post, it gives me something to mull over, especially the last bit about sampling other cultures. I certainly wish no harm upon anyone no matter what they do but I have been stricken by fear of the ways of certain 'others'.

It's okay, that's a feeling we all experience every now and then, just make sure to look at things with a broader perspective, and you'll realize that things aren't that bad. Perhaps learning an Asian language such as Mandarin would be more to your liking? Just ruminate on it for a while.

Help me think of a YouTuber

He's a black guy, polyglot, has these "level up" videos where he travels the world and talks to native

His YouTube name is Laoshi or something but I can't remember and I can't find him

This guy


That guy!! Yes

Nogen danske læseheste her?

I am thinking on learning Portugues. Is it worth it?

wtf is there really no generic russian verb for the verb to go? It’s literally in every language except russian :^(

yes...plus some science fiction and some surprisingly erotic shit

a lot of languages get this shit because they are not deemed "useful". Noone should be put off for learning languages they actually like and/or are intrigued by.