Don't be a cuck and take a small gamble on COLX. Currently trading at 8 satoshis (essentially free). Been above 100 sats before. If Verge can do it with vaporware, there's no reason this coin can't at least do half that.

Remember, COLX.
On cryptopia and tradesatoshi. Get in under 10 sats, because why not? 1 million coins for under 0.1 BTC lol...

Attached: colx.png (300x300, 73K)

eat a dick pajeet

it'll be 6 next week. No one is buying it.

No, I won't hold your bags.

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Not shilling.
I bought this coin when it was 3 sat last year, and been staking the coin since, also been getting good staking rewards so far. The Colx dev have been doing a great working on the project. In my opinion I belive that Colx is a strong and solid privacy coin. I also do have a feeling that this coin is going to go very far in a positive direction.

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COLX is very secretive, which ironicly makes it stand out amongst the other coins which are all flash. The price performance hasn't been very good but it got promising metrics. If anything you can stake it for extra coins. Its easily got a price target around 3 cents eoy.

someone from ukraine log into my account on cryptopia and transfer my COLX to another user.
i still have holdings on tradesatoshi.

last time i looked at this it didn't have a white paper. Can user faggot confirm if this is a shit coin. it seems like they got a white paper up finally but im a dumb nigger to understand it.

>someone stole my coins because I was too stupid to take them off the exchange.
>it's ok though because i have a bunch more on another exchange.
so this is the kind of person that invests in colx? good to know.

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Had someone try to get into my account on crytopia too. Luckily I had 2fa.

I see the FUD

Too bad I'm waiting for my $200 worth of ETH to come back up from $98

Seems like a great buy

this speaks volumes.

Or you could invest in a shitcoin with a future like ECA

volume has been dead since that pajeet exchange died.

I bought three mil the other day.

thanks just bought 100 trillion

Still accumulating you fucks, stop it. Plebbit is all over here now you cuckmeat blabber mouths.


I think there was only like 90 million colx on coinsmarkets.

I've had an eye on COLX since before it spiked but now that it has crashed I don't know why it would pump again. The richlist is pretty fucked. I know some coins are supposedly locked for the dev team but I really don't know what sets it apart from PIVX which it's essentially a carbon copy of. I agree re:Verge but for some reason Verge has an army of twitter/reddit shills. Like, I just checked the COLX plebbit and it's pretty dead.

Also some user around here yesterday said this was never supposed to be a serious project, just a PnD that sort of hung around.

Any low cap coin is susceptible to PND. I do like the fact theres basically no drama associated with colx. However its always a worry that it could become a dead coin with no attention.

its half as good as verge you say? sounds just great

I always see these low cap coins pop up right before a pump. Like the pnd group is priming us for the fomo.

We have Verge. COLX is obsolete

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my dream is to be a nigger

just a dumb, fat-lipped, ripped as fuck nigger

If you invest in COLX, you will be able to afford a negroplasty.

Attached: nigger hogwarts.jpg (1024x871, 128K)

Fuck you. Bought in, go ahead and pump it now. Please pump it on cryptopia since that's where my colx is.