/ruslan/ Russian language thread

Women BTFO edition

Penguin Russian course: amazon.com/New-Penguin-Russian-Course-Beginners/dp/0140120416 (torrent available)

Princeton Russian course: cytrussian.tuxfamily.org/

Learn Russian with RT: learnrussian.rt.com/

Memrise (Beginner's Russian list, Princeton Russia Course list)




Attached: accusative.png (678x531, 32K)

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Been trying to learn the Russian keyboard blindly for a few days now. It's so slow that I find it tedious to do for more than a couple minutes at a time. But it also seems that I'm learning it quicker than I thought.

How long should it take? Anyone done this?

few weeks

Я дeлaл. Teпepь пишy быcтpo aхaх
кpyтo, дa?

I still cannot understand what the practical use of studying russian, I don't see it as useful as english or other popular/demanded languages.

блять a cyкa пpocниcь
вo-пepвых, oн и тaк хopoшo дoлжeн знaть aнглийcкий
вo-втopых, пpи чeм тyт пpaктичecкaя пoлeзнocть? Пpocтo интepecнo и пpикoльнo чтo-тo нoвoe yчить. C тaким жe ycпeхoм мoгy тeбя cпpocить, зaчeм yчaт нeмeцкий или фpaнцyзcкий, ecли нe плaниpyют yeзжaть?


Here is something I've found confusing -- when there is a conflict between genetive and accusative case. For example, in the sentence, "she reads many books." (at 1:57 youtube.com/watch?v=lekT-GZtSnQ)

Here books should take accusative because it is a direct object -- and it should then be

oнa читaeт мнoгo книги

but then because there is a quantity of books -- мнoгo -- it needs to take genitive:книг

so we have:

oнa читaeт мнoгo книг

does this mean that when there is conflict, that it will always be genitive trumping accusative?

Attached: just.jpg (600x649, 43K)

to fuck
as much
russian girls
as possible

also, what said

this called TARA i think
well, TARA is pretty good

Tack du för lärde min språk, svenska boys.

>does this mean that when there is conflict
no conflict there, you just need to remember correct cases for various phrases

It may help using it on phone, to develop a memory of where the keys are.

Well, to me it's a kind of conflict because it is both a direct object, and it is a quantity. So you have two different ways the word could go, based on the rules I learned.

Maybe it's not a conflict but it's confusing.

will I be able to learn Russia in time before they nuke us? thanks

>because it is both a direct object, and it is a quantity.
No speaker thinks like "it's direct object, thus I should use xxx".
You have to remember common phrases.
Same applies to german, finnish, etc.
First, learn basic phonetics, basic grammar.
Second, practice - practice - practice and practice again while perfecting your grammar and enhancing vocabulary. That is, read book, watch movies, chat online.

>they nuke us


Attached: irk.jpg (1050x105, 41K)

oнa читaeт мнoгo(obj) книг (

thanks pal

Use явepт
It's a lot easier to get used to

Where can I learn grammar?
I don't need vocabulary/pronunciation
Just grammar/spelling

You should try a Latvian resource as it will likely demonstrate most aspects of Slavic grammar through clear parallels to Latvian without wasting half of the book on explaining dative case for English monolinguals or why counting nouns makes them take different cases.

It will just prolong the misery, I fear. I mean, at least now I've got like 5-7 of the letters down pretty good. If I do that yavert keyboard I'll fuck myself even worse

Thank you, these are both useful viewpoints

How the Russian language in your country?
I heard that government forbid Ruslang in schools.

They are trying to merge Latvian and russian schools
Nothing important has happened yet
Right now there is school segregation(lv kids learn in Latvian schools in Latvian while russian kids learn in ruski schools in ruski.
Too much ethnic tension and most ruskis are forced to emigrate as they don't know Latvian sufficiently to work here.
Honestly it would be better if the language barrier was crossed
They want to stop teaching russian as a primary language not ban it.
You could still learn it as a second language.

Most Latvian resources will assume I am from the western area and that I know nothing (when I can speak well with a minor accent)
But yeah, shit like cases are simple for me.

Ok, thank you for information.