About 70% of the american population are overweight of whom 36% are obese
About 70% of the american population are overweight of whom 36% are obese
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to "chubby" thread on /s/
>they're posting morbid obese people
Every time.
Large portions of sugary and fatty foods with sugary drinks do that.
Not giving a fuck about your health does that.
I think the problem is Americans walk very very little, and supermarkets.
Basically, an urbanism problem. Instead of walking to many stores in their neighbourhood, they live in suburbs that only have endless identical houses, and to get anything they have to drive to a mall or a supermarket. Many of the suburbs don't even have sidewalks.
And in the supermarket, you end up buying everything family sized, which leads to overeating.
Are people from a real city like New York with stores and sidewalks and public transportation less fat than the average suburb inhabitant of the rest of America?
Thank god the French social pressure to stay thin is that strong.
If being overweight is unhealthy then why do so many of them live well into their seventies
We are only beating you by 10%
>In 2010 38.5% of men and 26% of women in France were considered overweight while 60% of men and 43% of women in Germany were considered overweight
Seventy is not a very old age in the modern era.
I am pushing being overweight and I constantly get told how skinny I am by people when I talk about trying to lose weight and that "I don't need to"
They can fuck off, fat people are an affront to society and should be purged!
>losing weight and getting thinner
>simultaneously liking big girls more
help help help
If it doesn't start that way, it always devolves to obesity almost immediately. Not even just /s/, but any board, or porn website has the same issue.
>Dry spell keeps growing
>Expectations start lowering
There are no real benefits living past your seventies, you’re a burden to everyone.
>dry spell
Yeah 20 years of it
High test levels my friend, you’re now seeing things through the eyes of Jow Forums
>Are people from a real city like New York with stores and sidewalks and public transportation less fat than the average suburb inhabitant of the rest of America?
Yes and no, people in the city are generally healthier, but the skinniest state is Colorado at 22% which is better than most of Europe, Utah is also rather skinny, but that is because Mormons don't drink soda. Meanwhile the fatty states are all in the deep south (although 95% of the population of American Samoa is overweight, but that doesn't really count) Typically these people are poor and stupid. Food is cheap so they eat their problems away, large black populations are also fatter, black Americans are actually the fattest people in the country (outside of Samoa) Although West Virginia has like no black people and is the 2nd fattest, but they are also impoverished as shit
Amerifat Pride!
Amerifats #1 people in ze vorld
If you are a fat unhealthy fuck, sure.
With the right lifestyle, these days a 90 year old can be fitter than a young fat unhealthy lazy disgusting fuck like you.
Also nice goalpost moving.
Shame that our bodies don't have a hard cap on how much fat they are gonna store.
That would be neat.
On the other hand, you can identify undesirable people easily that way.
Imagine what goes on in somebodies head that looks and acts like in your picture.
A sane person would have identified a severe problem a hundred kilos ago.
But this guy just gets on a scooter and calls it a day, in utter and complete shamelessness, ready to get EVEN FATTER.
That's whats really disgusting, not even the fat body, but the fat mind.
You're a burden to everyone already and you are barely 20.
97% of the french surrender when balloons pop
>estimating your self-worth based on value to others
why did you post a picture of a canadian?
I feel bad for Mexico , whose health got fucked by NAFTA.
Americans deserve it for putting money before regulations.
Try estimating your self-worth by ANY metric.
That would be a start.
Exactly, I can understand how people get overweight, but obese people are a blight on our society.
The number one reason people bring up that they don't want a single payer healthcare system in the US is that they don't want to pay for these drains. They are right; we shouldn't support them. I personally think we should come up with a fat tax and anyone with a BMI over 35 will have to pay additional taxes to compensate for how much they cost the rest of us