>Welcome: Russia and friends
>Not welcome: Poland
Drinking coffee and smoking cigarillos while reading "Memories from the great war"
Post your comfy morning rituals Jow Forums
>Welcome: Russia and friends
>Not welcome: Poland
Drinking coffee and smoking cigarillos while reading "Memories from the great war"
Post your comfy morning rituals Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
poland is evil
poland is cute
poland is scary
poland is literally russia
Maybe this will help you make up your mind?
how are you doing
how is the weather
Doing shitly, atleast the weather is okish. How bout you?
*unzips thick, veiny rooster*
*Bends Wilno over*
*Sigh just get it over with
>El abominable
finally the spring is here, it's warm and sunny, going to have beer in few hours with mates.
Good on you. Hows the piva(o?) in Russia? Pisswater made from koncentrat or do you have something good?
Kokias cigariles?
Pakolkas is IKI, raudona metaline dezute.
Ten tos vanilinės tipo?
Nesu cigarilių megėjus, šiaip.
Vadinasi villiger red mini prieskonio juose nepastebejau, dar bandziau mint skonio zalioje dezuteje, tai ten rukant pradzioje jauti metos salduma, matyt filtras pamirkytas kokia brude. O pats siaip rukai?
Dar vis rūkau.
If genuine beer has no concentrate or anything. If it's made of concentrate it's called "пивнoй нaпитoк".
We have lots of local small breweries, lots of imported beer, it's easy to find a good beer.
>good beer
Does not compute.
Mačiau yra ir cigarečių dydžio cigarų. Įdomu būtų pabandyti, bet bijau, kad dar per stiprūs bus.
>Le I drink hard liqours, look at how manly I am" starter pack
lol wtf non anime balt thread? Something must be wrong.
It's morning.
Lithweeb's at school.
Well it's still school time for anime lovers right now. Just give it some time.
>inb4 2D>3D
I think were doing progress on colonizing V4
>I have severe mutt autism and get triggered easily by .jpg
nu/balt/ in a nutshell desu
Uhhh guy my grandfather blew commies up for your freedoms during the Korean war so back the fuck off?!??
Maybe I wanted the commies to cum for me
t. nubalt
t. soja
>mutt poster and nu/tuanian/ join
>thread goes to shit
like clokcwork
>If beer has no concentrate or anything it's called "beer". If it's made of concentrate it's called "пивнoй нaпитoк".
sorry 4 being dumbass
Slow thread, where are the other two baltic bretheren?
What could we discuss user?
labas rytas
Štai ir aš.
what do you mean potato tard?
Aš vėl bandysiu būt kaip vakar
>Based nykštukinis žydas
c-can I post h-here
Admitance price for non-friends is one boipussy pic
why would you want to post here
why would anyone
Because best bread
From where this soldier of fortune?
user, I have bad news for you
imagine being human
pirmą kart gyvenime šitos mėmės paragavau, visai nieko, jei atvirai
Do not understand you.
Grietinės skonio geresni. You can almost taste home
o Lietuvoj jų būn? Kažkaip nesu matęs
Ohh my sweet, naive, spring child. You have much too learn young Vania
Man rods, kad nėr. Per Ebay atsisiūsk, visokių ten snackų yra. Aš pats jų ragavau Olandijoje
P.S apsikarpyk kanopas
Gražūs nagučiai, neklausyk to pediko.
Syka blyat!
Tell me what do you mean.
>jisai neaugina apelsinlupio
ten tik taip atrodo
čia naujas memas kažkoks?
>plaštakos poza
pamenu mes taip mokykloj homikus nuo normalių skirdavom
spėk, kurion grupėn pakliuvai
čia tipo reikia į save pirštus sulenkt ir tada normalus, o jeigu išskėti plaštaką, tai homikas?
nu pizdec
aš nesitaikstysiu su tokia homofobija
blt, nuo wilnowskių tiesiog kraujas užverda
o kur šiaip weebas dingo? kažkaip nesimato
mokykloj gi
>Gownoiedas, oi atsiprašau Kownoiedas spoted.
Kaip sekasi Lietuvos benzo kolonkėj?
>Be (you)
>Get your beloved "city" BTFO'ed in every single way
>REEEEEEEE nuo wilnowskių kraujas užverda
Pic related, it's (you)
Is this anime general?
Hey guys what is your favorite anime?
Where is everyone? still wageslaving?
It is nice that I can get up whenever I want and do whatever I want
Kinda boring
Kaip jums vaikučiai šiandien pamokose sekėsi?
Ahmm why is there a grampa in this thread?
Am I alive
Ok so we are back
Can't post images
I wonder why did it froze
Why yes hello what where you doing when the site crashed?
playing vidya most of the times, but this shit really ruined my day
We live again!
Yeah that sucked. Freaking hiroshima nagasaki...
I can't live without this place
Thats bad. It can be inspirational sometimetes, but mostly delusional and trapping.