Attached: elfacebookCHI.jpg (1001x1223, 320K)


Attached: 1495566246172.png (1801x351, 373K)


so how's life?

the same i was bored all of today though since i had nothing to do

It isn't too bad, It isn't any good either though. Just about alright for me, how about you OP?

Attached: life isn't turning out like i planned.jpg (650x187, 22K)

how was your day? get anything done?

is everyone a chicano in here?

A bit like the last few days, I got a little something done.

Hi guys bye guys

Hello, bye.

no, honestly think i'm the only one here

today was pretty boring for me had nothing to do all day

Reminder that patriotism is gay and if you don't burn your upcoming draft notice you're literally a cuck.

Attached: usa.jpg (800x1079, 103K)

I hope you get sent to Syria and die as painfully as possible.


Most american anons here are CHIs, I think.
Atleast anything bad didn't happen.


i meant in this thread
>Atleast anything bad didn't happen.
couldn't post all day

>i meant in this thread
So did I, generally I think most american anons who post here are CHIs.
>couldn't post all day
Oh, range banned or why?

Do you speak Spanish?

there aren't that many american flags that are regulars most of them just stop by
>Oh, range banned or why?
something was up with the site

>something was up with the site
That happens occasionally. Anyways i'm off to bed, good night.

goodnight user