Dear White Americans

You can only be loyal to one thing:

>The White race


If you want your grandchildren to look like your white grandparents you should stop identifying as American.

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What's the point? Euros don't consider us white anyways. Even if I were to show you a genetic test showing 100% European ancestry I'd still get a bunch of mutt and 56 memes. Besides I've already taken the black pill. It's over, it has been since ww2.

And now you are ruled by Orange people.

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>white americans

what did he mean by this?

These guys that risked their life for a mutt future.

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What's the source for this?

Don't know. Probably Jow Forums.

I'm not going to stop identifying as who I am just because my skin is slightly paler than some other people that live here.

Estonians deserve it.
Can't wait to see black Estonians talking about soviet oppression

And you call us butthurt...

>implying multicult forcing hasn't been going on everywhere past 20 years

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Is trump a soyboy? Why do his lips do that?

Not an argument.

k I'm still going to breed dark qts tho

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>tfw seeing people wake up to the Ameriuruk threat in the last few years
There's still hope.

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>20 years

oh sweete summer childe

I had a nigress gf, she was from denmark but i had to break up with her bc my dad didnt like it

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FUCK birbs

If I ever got a black gf my dad would be against it.
feels bad man
