Winning feels great desu
I let you create it
2D >>> 3DPD
God damn what a episode
umm sure you did
I'm REALLY glad that you agree with me :)
>02fags having a complete meltdown on /a/ and spamming the board
>tfw lurk in a few communities to get info and materials on a hobby
>the few 02 fags there are also having a meltdown and threatening everyone while one is crying and screaming on voice chat
02 is still the best girl
How dare you
more like 02nd best girl lmao
What hobby?
it was okay
what are you going to do about it?
What a pathetic general.
shit taste as expected from a normalfag
Oh nothing... *punch you in the stomach*
oh shit
ahhaahha you just punched your monitor
One for books, one for electronics, coding and game development. Funny enough, all but the electronics one have people throwing a tantrum over the episode.
I'm in your room
then that was a very weak punch cause I have yet to feel anything
What kind of game are you creating?
love dark elfs
Ok I will wait till you gonna fall asleep and then do the job
>Ok I will wait till you gonna fall asleep and then do the job
wow so you're a coward?
arghghghghhghhghhg that triggered me a lil bit, but still I'm gonna stick to the plan
The game of no game. I'm too autistic to work on any one thing for too long, but might just do something solo for an upcoming game making event next week.
If I don't spend the whole time just watching something.
me two
Hmm ok what kind of cool games/projects have you done in the past?
*kill her* muahahhaha
he was Lithuanian too...
>arghghghghhghhghhg that triggered me a lil bit, but still I'm gonna stick to the plan
muahhahaahha triggering was the main point I have already won
fuck you
Wtf, I hate strawberries now.
Yeah I knew that(it was based on my grampa and I'm trying to be just like him *grins*)
You won the battle but in the end I'm gonna win the war
I like that image btw(have it on one of my monitors as a wallpaper)
no u
this, she is real monster
I hope Goro kills her
your grandpa sounds like a very sane person
>You won the battle but in the end I'm gonna win the war
if by "war" you mean "nothing" then yes you willl
>I like that image btw(have it on one of my monitors as a wallpaper)
but its only 701x1000?
I actually thought that it would be the same person aka you
going to fap
It's okay tho. I'm sure hiro/02 will happen. Just make sure to tune in for the healing episode!
>the healing episode
I hope we aren't waiting another ten episodes for it.
>I hope Goro kills her
We can but dream. He's a cuck though, won't stand up for himself.
>she is real monster
Did you started to hate 02?
>if by "war" you mean "nothing" then yes you willl
Nope tonight I'm gonna finish the job hehe
>but its only 701x1000?
Yeah I know but two of my monitors are not full HD and also as there are no edges it blends in nicely
>I hope we aren't waiting another ten episodes for it.
Umm....Don't handle sharp objects please.
02 walking between fodders reminded me of this for some weird reason
Franx is great! :3
I don't like this newfag
I know that 02 and Hiro will be together in the end, but I really feel bad for Goro
>tfw want to be productive for a change
>1/3rd of the year is gone
nice meme
Why are you replying to yourself
>I know that 02 and Hiro will be together in the end
What if one of them dies or something though?
>"I authorized the strike in order to secure the borders for greater Israel"
Goro is too good for Ichigo.
oh shit, this isn't /brit/.
>they're posting porn now to get the mods attention
dumb twat
what? why?
>Nope tonight I'm gonna finish the job hehe
if by "finish the job" you mean "die" then yes
>Yeah I know but two of my monitors are not full HD and also as there are no edges it blends in nicely
hmm okay
Oh nothing just a little misunderstanding on my side
>if by "finish the job" you mean "die" then yes
You want to die?
I don't but you clearly do *bang* *bang*
>he's posting loli porn now because he hates the show
I bought some orange juice because they were on sale, but they taste weird
fapped to an elf doujin
Your gun is not real tho I'm still alive hehe
franxx is okay
I don't understand why its so popular still I will be happy when its over
Fucking archive doesn't work
I mean there was better shows
>orange juice
>Your gun is not real tho I'm still alive hehe
no no it is really real there was even smoke that I had to blow away like cowboys
urge to eat comes every time after fapping
franx is another gateway normie anime show. first they took the games and now this.
>>orange juice
what did he mean by this?
>no no it is really real there was even smoke that I had to blow away like cowboys
yeah I know I used one of those too, still not a real gun
>I don't understand why its so popular
Best girl of this century in it.
For me it is to SLEEP
Are you saying that she is your ultimate waifu?
>tfw this episode will cause a huge influx in doujin's where Ichigo cucks 02
This. We must stop this
I was trying to imply that they don't use actual oranges
>yeah I know I used one of those too, still not a real gun
an actual gun is what I meant
the only reason probably everything else about the show is meh
>best girl of the century
How many shows did you watch in the past 10 years?
That's a lie.
>your ultimate waifu
I don't know about that. I'll wait until the series is finished to decide.
And nice pic.
None, I waited for this one because I knew it would be so good.
>None, I waited for this one because I knew it would be so good.
oh you mean chemicals like yuppi and shit
>an actual gun is what I mean
that is bad I thought you were just joking
either way like half of the season was done showing irrelevant chars when the only good one is 02
show is way overblown because of her
that would be my image
>that is bad I thought you were just joking
muhaahhahhaha be very scared
name good qualities of 02
>that would be my image
now it is mine. Sharing is caring :)
>muhaahhahhaha be very scared
nah when i'm thinking about it you are not scary at all
> Sharing is caring :)
give me ice cream then please?
>nah when i'm thinking about it you are not scary at all
why do you think I am not scary?
Bought a thinkpad *tips fedora*
t. Jow Forumsentleman
Don't have any ice cream right now
>why do you think I am not scary?
haha because you are like that girl in the .gif
its okay I can wait till you come back from the store
>haha because you are like that girl in the .gif
No I am much stronger than her NOTHING like her mhm...
Yeah I can go to the store, but how will that ice cream gonna get to you? hm?
>No I am much stronger than her NOTHING like her mhm...
HAHA nice. Denial is the first step to accepting the truth
everyday is the same. when will the normalfags leave or fuck
>but how will that ice cream gonna get to you? hm?
just smash it into your monitor at full speed and it will transcend and fall onto my table okay?
tell me the results
>HAHA nice. Denial is the first step to accepting the truth changes from person to person...
Ok just try to do it with an apple and my monitor screen is now fucked up and the apple is still here
Hey you can't modify my statements
>Ok just try to do it with an apple and my monitor screen is now fucked up and the apple is still here
HAAHHAAHHAAHAHAHHAAHAH that was the plan all along so that you'd destroy your monitor hahahahahaahha what a baaaaaaka
>Hey you can modify my statements
What an absolute bastard
I know I am truly very evil
sure will senpai :)
well at least I know that you are harmless :)
>sure will senpai :)
Ok do as you please
>that image
I can't believe I am not living in the same world as that I would go arround taking pictures of her underskirt....
>well at least I know that you are harmless :)
truly evil I am yes
>Ok do as you please I really like it!
no problem glad that you like it
and then she would fart and you would die the end..
Oh how cute he thinks that he is evil haha hahahaha
>no problem glad that you like it
Yeah I don't mind it at all
a-anime girls and especially idols at that don't fart....
>Oh how cute he thinks that he is evil haha hahahaha
its simply just the truth I am the most evil person to ever live like genghis khan would even be scared of me
>Yeah I don't mind it at all
ugh... I know that you mind it very much please admit it