>your cunt
>do you hate the rich?
Most of them
Your cunt
Why would you even hate those people?
Because they shit and pee on you as you can see in OP's pic.
Maybe you are rich tho
>Because they shit and pee on you
They don't. I don't even come across any people of the kind you see in OP's pic.
Only the new-rich chinese who are obnoxious about it. Otherwise no.
I hate rich kids, yes
Because they don't pay their fair share and the economy/99% of the population suffers greatly for it. They just hoard money for no reason other than to have it. Compare 50s/60s America to post-Reagan America and tell me otherwise.
youre just a jelly dumb fagot
typical canadian
I dislike natalistic wealth, instagram kids who just have money because of daddy.
But if someone works their asses off and starts a business and over the course of their life accumulates wealth, all power to them.
Not really, no. I somewhat pity them in a way, being raised taught that money is all that matter and therefore living their life with an ignorant sense of superiority.
>mfw a bunch of these kids parents went broke or got charged for fraud after an IRS investigation due to their lifestyle not matching their taxes
Hahahhahaha fucking noveau riche douchebags
Back then rich kids were intelligent and educated, now I have the feeling that young rich people are fucking dumb
That's actually way more disgusting than their lifestyle.
No why would I? Only povvos who are stupid enough to think that money is all that matters hate rich people.
The richest guy I knew growing up was the kid of a judge and he was pretty normal
I'd almost prefer the ones in your pic because they realize they're massively privileged. It's much more annoying to hear some rich kids talk about how much their life sucks and how their family is struggling so much they're not even going to be able to go on vacation this year.
As a rule of thumb no i dont. There are some that should be hanged mind you.
they are a necessarily evil, at least for the moment
There are still tons of rich, educated and grateful people.
These type of narcissistic/histrionic noveau-riche cunts are unbearable, but because so many of them are complete idiots who waste their wealth, they end up broke by 40. Complete schadenfreude.
Or the get a wake up call and become humble. Either works for me
The people bitching about wealthy kids obviously never had parents who loved them. How else could you be so oblivious to the idea that they worked hard to give you that life?
Wealth doesn't correlate nor excuse trashiness or narcissism.
777.87 MT on Maypril 31, 2018
Feel bad.
These kids. Slaves to corporate brands. Who owns them?
it's clear.
large corporations.
they have been brainwashed.
wealth isn't money in a bank account.
it's a state of mind.
no clothes.
whoring herself out for popularity.
corporate slaves requiring validation.
Why would you hate these poor people and not feel bad for them?
Yes, with some exceptions
Lets make a revolution my comrades
I don’t hate the rightfully rich who suffered 6-8 years of university for a good job that contributes material value to society. I hate traders and trust fund babies though. Gas Wall Street.
I hate bourgeois cunts honestly. However I hate their petty bourgeoisie apologists more.
yes I hate rich people
in past 3 years I damaged at least 20 rich people cars. there is no way a good man can afford something that is worth over 5 million rubles while living in Russia
I hate rich people who don't behave as rich people should.
>all these salty poors
Based Lenin 2.0
Why you hate nouveau riche? They are the only ones that actually took the effort and risk to acquire their wealth in one generation. You guys like the old rich who inherits all their wealth more? Feels bad man.
t-time to bust my ass for min wage so I can barely pay rent while Chad's son gets to fuck bitches drive a luxury seden and pour 20 thousand dollar champagne down the drain. Please replace poor people with robots and 3rd worlders already so I can be sent to the meat grinder for you. Your allowance is more money than I will see in my life after taxes to bail out your dad's company heh.
I don't hate them, I envy them
from my point of view, if you live in canada or any true first world country (not a shithole like uk for example), arent rich, and to top it off hate rich people, you must be the faggiest dumb cunt in existence
No, just envy their opportunity.
I'm kind man i cant hate at the same time russians and someome else.
can i join?
The old rich think they're some kind of elite but they get BTFO on a daily basis by lower class entrepreneurs. They're not even 40% of the Forbes 400.
>I'm rich
KYS you Panama Papers/Paradise Papers enabling apologist cunt. Just because your country is a shithole doesn't mean we want ours to be.
So your envy of 1st world people surpasses your envy of rich people?
You just hate 1st world people because they're richer than you but you don't want to hate rich people. You're retarded.
cz, no bcuz here I am one of them
>muh class journey
pff, only allowed if they are hedge-fund raised babies
Because old money requires that the family and all its generations understand that they are caretakers of wealth, and spending it frivolously and flaunting it is bad taste and will destroy them.
Also, most of their assets are usually in stable investments, real estate etc.
It only takes one shit generation and the family is back on the streets.
I prefer those over some nouveau riche who made millions of a shitty app for other stupid people who flaunts his wealth.
>tfw not rich
So someone who puts in the time and effort to create something new and fight their way to the top is bad because they choose to spend the money they earned in a way that’s disagreeable to you? Whereas some guy who does not work for his money and simply inherits it is better because he won the birth lottery?
Get fucked.
Oh hi. There is so much you don't seem to have a clue about. It makes me smile inside, but I better learn to put on a mask to hide it.
only rich people I dislike are arab trash like the OP who think a car made of solid gold and covered in name brands looks good
be arrogant, be oppressive, whatever, but at least do it with taste
Why hide it? It’s not like it matters on an anonymous board. Grow up kiddo.
I resent the fact that the support measures that serve no one anyone who isn't at least upper middle class.
So you tell people on anonymous boards to grow up. That also sure matters.
Is this the new 2018 meta-insult?
Nouveau riche isn't everyone who made a fortune. It describes a certain type of people.
I would probably not describe Bill Gates as it. But it would apply to most star athletes
Yes especially the young ones who never really worked
They're arrogant useless hedonists and they disgust me
Only lazy people are poor t b h
Maybe get a job or something
Trust fund kid here
Your tears are delicious, wagecuck
Bigger trust fund kid here
Your tiny fund amuses me. Dance for me monkey, maybe i'll throw you some hundreds that i wiped my ass with.
I only hate the rich because they've basically solidified themselves in-place and made so many industries noncompetitive
There's nothing wrong with the rich as long as they're equally subject to competition
I told you to grow up. If you have a opinion speak it. It’s not like any posts here will have any repercussions. Instead of this coy bullshit ‘ oh in have something to say but I don’t want to say it’.
It’s a derogatory word used to describe new rich. People who acquired their wealth in one generation. If you acquired wealth in one generation you obviously didn’t win the wealth related birth lottery.
shit-tier, they'd lose to jose in his boosted $3k civic
All these sucky attempts at diversions are making me tired. Why don't you throw in een paar nederlanders while you're at it.
My opinion is that beer is good. And to taunt richies that they won't be able to rent my mind or cross-breed me with anglo whores is the most fun I have had in my life so far.
I'm the poorest person I know.
And I honestly hate people who live off wellfare, while I can't even get any because I'm trying to make something of my life.
You don't seem to understand the term.
It is a derogatory term for a certain type of newly rich.
Certain arab princes act more like the Nouveau riche then any actual newly rich.
At least how I perceive the term. Might be different in the land of milkbags if it applies to even the guy who won 10 million on the lottery, put it into a few investments, and lives of his returns.
>hate the rich
Why don't you stop being poor then?
>that first pic
>imagine thinking chanel is for rich people
I hate the poor rich, barely rich yet their tacky as shit
fucking ghetto unfashionable cunts
Nouveau riche are scum but at the end of the day the rich pay the vast majority of taxes and the average person would be fucked without them, if there's one reason to hate the rich is that they've become soft degenerates and provide poor leadership
>>"Nouveau riche" (French: 'new rich' [nuvo ʁiʃ]) is a term, usually derogatory, to describe those whose wealth has been acquired within their own generation, rather than by familial inheritance.
Looks like your the one that doesn’t understand.
>be a student
>lol you can't get government help because you're a student
>but you can get a loan
>start my own business to get some money
>lol you can't get help because people who own a business aren't available for work (despite that I'm looking for a job)
Meanwhile a friend of mine.
>didn't finish high school
>worked for a few weeks
>been on welfare ever for 5 years or so since then
>recently he wanted to move to a different city, so he got a job anyway
>after he moved he quit his job and went back to welfare again
I have no words for this bullshit.
Waroom niet naar tsjechien reizen? U kunt hier heel veel voor uw geld kopen.
>at the end of the day the rich pay the vast majority of taxes
What a fucking joke
Yeah be thankful that the ultra-rich guy pays a tiny fraction of his yearly net gains while you pay easily 30-40%
Because five years from now you'll have a good income and house and he'll still be living off welfare in some run down flat.
Only incels hate people who are on welfare (yes, I'm on disability welfare).
"have" a house? you mean have enough monthly income to be allowed to sink himself into huge debts to get a house? debts large enough so he will need to slave for life to be able to keep the house?
why would you hate someone for having something you don't have? Are you a leftard by chance?
>if there's one reason to hate the rich is that they've become soft degenerates and provide poor leadership
the rich aren't the same class as before
you're probably thinking of nobles while todays rich are filthy bourgies
Nothing wrong with people being rich as long everyone else has the same opportunity to also become rich
If they're rich and remain rich by establishing rules that prevent competition they can fuck off
If you have a problem with taxation you have a problem with the government not the rich
Rich people here complain there aren't enough houses for the demand and thus prices go up, their solution is selling social housing so they can buy it. Poor people have never taken anything from the rich and if they do they call it stealing, meanwhile rich people will go to ends to take away our housing and social securities.
The rich hate the poor, not the other way around.
I feel like I get fucked over. And if I would earn a decent amount of money in 5 years they will keep screwing me over, because then I'll have to pay taxes for them. Sponsoring those lazy dropouts that pissed me off, Moroccans who hate me and anti-capitalistic leeches who keep this system in place.
>You don't seem to understand the term.
No but it seems that maybe you dont
I have a problem with the rich who influence government to immortalize their wealth
That still doesn't explain why the average low to middle income earner needs to pay a relatively greater portion of their earnings in the rich pay the majority of taxes with meager taxation applied to them. And it definitely doesn't explain why anyone should be thankful for them
This is backwards, since humanity is marked by suffering, so complaining is regardless to income. Those, who are aware of their priviledge and are arrogant of it, are worse than those who complain.
fucking end yourself already
im not a commie so no.
Right, we pity those who delusion themselves with false-fulfiment, whereas the the truth we can come to know is without monetary value.
This kind of thinking is exactly the problem desu. Future projections don't help his financial situation right now.
The rich love the poor, because most of them sooner or later with enough pressure become such eager servants for a tiny tiny fraction of the money they have amassed.
class hate is a way of life
This has to be bait. No one is possibly this mentally retarded.
You're also paying taxes for healthcare, infrastructure, law enforcement, etc.
Education is already partially funded by the government so not only is he indirectly receiving money, he is also able to educate himself. Meanwhile his friend is only receiving the privilege of getting the bare minimum provided.
Just because the share that the rich pay is much larger than the poor and middle class doesn't mean it's fair and is instead an indicator of how massive the wealth disparity is.
Students and entrepreneurs actually have the highest risk of poverty in the Netherlands. Below the minimum living standards. Exactly because the government allows it. And just offers them loans instead.
And it goes both ways. If someone is on welfare for the long term he can't start a business, because he'd lose his welfare. And studying also affect your welfare.
Het is dezelfde situatie in Zweden ook.
Just hop out of your welfare and emigrate to eastern Europe where you can afford to live a bit. You don't deserve success if you angstily hang on to your welfare and don't try your wings.