Do you have morals? Would you torcher and murder someone for a million dollars if no one found out? I was thinking...

Do you have morals? Would you torcher and murder someone for a million dollars if no one found out? I was thinking, and I think I'd kill the guy

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anti-social freak


>Do you have morals?

Yes. But I have a high IQ, so my reasons are different from those of most people. Human "life" is merely one sensory node of a much larger plane of reality. It is important to bring your spirit into alignment with the next level of reality, and behaving in a manner considered "evil" according to traditional human morality is contrary to that aim. You're basically regressing to animal status rather than proceeding to a better experience.


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Depends on who it is. If it's some random shitskin probably.

No, I wouldn't take a human life for something as superficial as american dollars.

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But think about it, you could live for the rest of your life on that money you really wouldn't ever consider it?

So you wouldn't if it was a white person? I suppose that's some kinda moral code

Ok you can have a million Netherlandish dollars

It wouldn't be worth it, if you would even consider taking a life for any sum of money you're stuck in a slave mentality and no amount of money can free you from that. You will just burn it on materialistic things and still feel empty inside at the end of the day.

a-user please

>Do you have morals?
>Would you torcher and murder someone for a million dollars if no one found out?
Yes, why not?

Bitch what

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>Do you have morals?
>Would you torcher and murder someone for a million dollars if no one found out?
I would do it even for free.


>Do you have morals
Probably more than your typical NEET on Jow Forums

>Would you torcher and murder someone for a million dollars if no one found out?

Absolutely not. I don't have it in me to torture a helpless victim, even if said person has wronged me in some way previously. Only a psychopath could actually do something like that.

I refuse to believe that most people would


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>Do you have morals?
>Would you torcher and murder someone for a million dollars if no one found out?
Only if it was a weebfag or a slav(e)shit
I would do it for free anyway

I would gladly nuke some Western city, especially the protestant one.

Already been in prison for assault, theft etc so yes. A million dollars would set me up for life.
There is plenty of lowlife scum in this area no one would miss, wouldn't hesitate for a second.

What’s Swedish prison like?

Like in gachimuchi.
Tbqh I wouldn't be against being locked up in such prison if the grills would assault my anus.

It's pretty comfy. Lived in cell like pic related at Kumla for a few years.

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That looks like a uni dorm in your cunt. Scandi prisons truly are a mistake

I wouldnt even need 1 million dollars. if i could kill someone and it was guaranteed no one would know/ i wouldnt face repercussions id absolutely do it.