Please hate the UK

Please hate the UK.

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Fuck you.

Do you hate UK?

I always hated it

i LOVE the uk


I only hate the orwellian dystopian nightmare it has become

i always hated it

The stores close at 5PM.

*hates the uk*

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i dont tho

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Time to start! pow pow.

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sorry, I just somewhat dislike them


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>Please hate the UK.

>The stores close at 5PM.
Then plan ahead.

I love her so much

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Fluffy girl.

One time Cupid shot me with his arrow...

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Oy mate
You got a license for that kit?

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quierooo que me trateees suaveementeeee

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I want to fluff her Fluffy hair, if you catch my meaning

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Nah, UK is good

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If I can have Erwin.

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she's great, but Caesar is still the best Hippo girl 2bh

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We're going to have a falling out.

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you don't even need to ask

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I do.

already do

I'm much more of a Romanboo than a Werhaboo, but to each their own (panzerfu)

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Okay. I forgive you this time.

Do you see this? I forgive someone. Not you though.

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t. non Londoner subhuman

Uh. I'm in London. It's a Sunday trading law.

you do know I'm not the argiebutt right?

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german is a strange language you know

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your discord friend

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But the shops near where I live in London are open past 5PM on Sunday?

I don't use Discord. I'm too old school.

You sound central.

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I am, is it different in the 'burbs?

Yes. Everything here closes pretty early on a Sunday.

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the one you called a 'dog', that's him

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How horrifying

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Maybe. It looks cool.

Oh yeah. What a shame. It was nice having an Argie friend.

he said you went over the line

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