ITT: Dumb Jow Forums related things you believed as a child

ITT: Dumb Jow Forums related things you believed as a child.

>Thought Siberia was a separate country
>Thought Mount Everest was in Russia
>Thoughts Las Vegas and Philadephia were states
>(not enitrely Jow Forums related but funny nonetheless) because I'm Irish I thought Obama spelt his name as O'Bama.

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i thought america was some terrorist country in the middle east. i mixed something up due to 9/11, and when i head america i imagined bin laden

for some reason I thought modern greece was exactly like ancient greece and all their buildings were temples like the acropolis in athens and they wore himation and stuff

>thought everyone in the world spoke Spanish (cuz you know movies were dubbed and shit)
>though I lived in the United States (cuz you know that's the only country they name in the movies)
>after realizing not everyone speaks Spanish I thought only Mexico and Spain did it so when I would see something about Latin America I'd assume it was Mexico

oh yeah i also thought that everyone in the world spoke german. and i thought germany was the largest country in the world

I was expecting this post to end with "then I realized it actually was a terrorist country" or something

I watched a lot of TV and thought the USA was the greatest country in the world to live in

I thought Denmark was fictional like from a scary story. I thought Finland was a part of Sweden, which is true I guess. I thought the UK and US was part of the same county or something. I thought the batlic states were Swedish islands (a boat I had been on stopped at some big Swedish islands as well as the baltics.

When i was a very small child i remember thinking there was only two countries in the world, Brazil and England, and England was some kind of "mirrored world" where everyone spoke english and everything was the opposite

Shit, I didn't even know which nation was germany, france or spain before I played civ 5. I jutst didn't care, it didn't affect my life one bit.

I thought Greece was still great

I didn't know there were Arabs in my country, since there were none in my city.

>I thought Denmark was fictional like from a scary story.
it is though

I thought that my country was great, respectable and relevant.

I thought Disney World countries were like actual countries, so you visit Mexico, Europe, and other countries.

rest in peace ancient greece


I read some unbelievably sad Danish fairy tales and cried. If all Danish authors are like that, they must be really depressed.

I thought Greece was still a superpower.

If I was Danish I'd be depressed too.

extremely rude

I thought that all people in Brazil were poor blacks playing football in the favelas or the beach, now I know that not all of them play football

When I was I kid I believed le English gentleman meme, I thought everyone was educated and elegant and that everyone dressed in elegant suits with top hats and monocles, I really liked that style and wanted to live in England really bad

It is not too late user. You can always relocate to the place of your dreams and make it yours. You just gotta believe and you can do it.

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>Germany was violent warmonger state kept in check by NATO occupation
>East Germany was a synthesis of communism/Nazism
>UK/Canada was our only real friends in the world
>Africans would die out if not for sally stuthers
>Eastern Europe was subjugated and enslaved by evil gommies
>South America was blowgun wielding savages

It's funny because that's the opposite of what modern day English people are.

>>South America was blowgun wielding savages
But this is true

Come on, Kast is your Aryan presidente

>>South America was blowgun wielding savages
THE ironing

>Though the US was 95%+ white
>Though that almost all Euros look somewhat the same, but some have more types of people than others (Sweden had more blondes, France more brown hairs, and Portugal more olive skinned people but the base population is still the same)
>In this theme I thought Euros and their decedents were the majority of the world pop, only seconds were the Asians and was kind shocked when found out we were like 6% of the world pop
>Though Canada was half-French
>Thought the problems in Northern Ireland were just mad priests arguing
>Thought Brazil was like 90% Black
>Thought Eastern Europe was a wasteland ruined by war and commies
>I'm half scott and though people there only did music with bagpipes and that they all wear skirts to work and everything
>Though the US nuked Japan out of existance until I saw products made in Japan, though anime was Belgian because Belgians made the best cartoons
>Finally I though Latin America was Africa tier because my parents would tell me "Eat it all, some south american kid is starving"

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>>UK/Canada was our only real friends in the world
s-s-so, dare i ask, what's the reality?

I thought that Serbs and Syrians were the same people.

Niagara falls was in Africa.

I also didn't know that European countries were so small.

>olive skinned
green like pepe?

I grew up in a town by the Canadian border and 90% of us spoke french. So I thought that Canada was part of France, that America's revolution happened just before my grandparents were born and that everything south of Connecticut was still English territory, Paris was the capital of Canada, France was an Island off the coast, New York was Italian, and we spoke french because we escaped france through the underground railroad (I imagined a subway) as slaves.
Later I also thought greeks were still pagan, there were 2 russias (kaliningrad) and that most countries started out with the same territory more or less, for example Poland was the same shape back in the 1930's and North African countries just decided to draw straight lines in the desert centuries ago, because I hadn't seen a map made before 1990 at the time


>thought 90% of Brazil was black
>thought south america was Africa tier
Then you grew up and learned that both of these are correct, right?

I thought we actually mattered on a global scale, silly me

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>as a child.
underage out.

>East Germany was a synthesis of communism/Nazism
it was basically nazi Germany without all the racism/leader cult and under Sowjet control so pretty accurate

As a kid I never really thought about race in other states so I just assumed we were 90%+ white and had a few blacks, I would only see them on tv or learn about slavery so I thought that they were just "there", basically just existed with us and didn't act like tribal africans.
How wrong I was.
Also thought that we had one of the only Chinese kids in the country and that Mexicans were visitors

tb.h that goes for any kid
>thought everyone spoke only english
>thought the french you see on boxes was badly spelled english

i thought siberia/serbia were the same thing and that it was a scary arctic place in the north pole then i realized its just the name for the Asian part of Russia. I thought all Greeks had black hair/tan skin/grey eyes. i thought europe was 100% white. i thought Brits were super posh and fancy. i thought Iceland was full of inuits like Greenland.

that's literally me before i found this cancerous board. (far from a child though).

>thought Muslims and Islams were two separate religions

> the only country they name in the movies
this gotta be a bait

I thought Portugal was a country in south America

I thought people in Egypt didn't have modern technology and they were stuck in Ancient Egypt cus that's all I ever heard about Egypt.

I thought "Arabia" was a one country.

I thought Mexicans spoke Mexican

I also thought that Hitler conquered all of the world before being defeated by the USSR which I knew just as "old Russia"

>as a child

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>Thought Lula (Ex-president) was the greatest and president of the entire world
>Thought Latin America was Brazil
>Thought the whole world used roman alphabet
>Thought the whole world was as racially diverse as Brazil
>China, japan? It was the same shit for me

Child confirmed

I thought we had it good

I thought the US was the best country

I also thought that germans were all retards, since one of my childhood friends was german and he and his entire family were tall, pale, anti-social weirdos.


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Heh you reminded me that I was also fucking amazed how a Bulgarian person be the president of another country and I used to think that Dilma Rousseff has some kind of agenda that wants to unite Brazil and Bulgaria and shit like that. Sucked when I became a teen and realised she's a descendant of the people in the Bulgarian Communist Party and a subhuman

>Africans would die out if not for sally stuthers
Fucking KEK

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Who would want to be social in the zoo you call home?

>Eastern Europe was subjugated and enslaved by evil gommies

Uhm yeah...heh..... that sounds dumb as fuck :'^)

>ITT: Dumb Jow Forums related things you believed as a child.
I thought americans are free

>thought bosnia was a real country

always believed that Ukraine is Russia. I have many relatives there and all the residents of country speak Russian even among themselves :D
And all Africa was a big Egypt for me with pyramids and all this mummy stuff (until I visited United Arab Emirates)
Also all my knowledge of Japan was limited by anime on TV and shitty american godzilla movie and until 4 or 5 I I really believed that there is monsters, giant robots etc in Japan

I thought it would take years if decades to drive to other countries and that the world was generally much larger

>thought ancient egyptians looked like Rami Malek
But now I know the truth

>>Germany was violent warmonger state kept in check by NATO occupation
>>East Germany was a synthesis of communism/Nazism
>>UK/Canada was our only real friends in the world
>>Eastern Europe was subjugated and enslaved by evil gommies
These are all true though

Anything to the south-east of Switzerland didn't interest me at all as a little kid.

I thought that Disney World was an independent country that only children could enter
I thought that white people were the majority of the population, both in my country and worldwide
I thought that Australia was in Africa
I thought that Europe was a giant museum and not actual countries
I thought that Spanish and Portuguese were the same language, just with different accents
I thought that Portugal was a state of Brazil, since 1822.

>>thought the french you see on boxes was badly spelled english

What state were you in? Première fois que je vois un franco-Américain.

I tought that the 3 most spoken languages in the world in order were English, French and Spanish.

I also tought like many others that Ancient Greece and Modern Greece was the exact same and that they still had this cool culture with Ulysses and Achilles and gods and shit.

I tought that Yukon was West of BC instead of North.

I also made autistic associations, like Poland with baloney because in French these two words are "Pologne" and "bologne".

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>Thought Alaska and Hawaii were separate countries
>Thought Latin America was a region where everyone spoke latin and didn't know Mexico was part of it
>Thought New York was the capital of USA

I guess i don't exist

I thought that Europe and Asia became 2 continents a few years ago in my lifetime

I thought the name Muhamed was a combination of the Slovenian words for fly and honey.

For the longest time I thought those were in some tropical South American place because it sounded kinda Spanish to me

>>UK/Canada was our only real friends in the world
literally true

"friends" in politics lol. You are USA's satellites, nothing more. Like USA was UK's satellite. Maximum some sort of temporary allies until will appear a conflict of interest that you can not solve. Maybe we just need some time for Britain to recall the imperial times, and stop being USA's bitch, but we all understand this will happens one day

Some facts about the world, according to me as a kid:
>Europe is a landmass that literally encircles all of the European countries.
>Norway consists of Oslo and the surrounding areas. Anywhere where people speak a little differently, like say for example Bergen, are other countries.
>The country that has a desert in it is Egypt
>It's easy to recognize Greeks, because they wear togas

thanks bros, this will get me lots of points in r/Jow Forums

I thought that other countries in the world were mostly empty because why would anyone want to live anywhere than the US

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GUYS EVEN REMEMBER THINGS LIKE THIS. Do I just have a lot of brainfog or can anybody seriously not remember if they perceived the world differently when they were a child?

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I thought that Portugal bordered France because my mother kept phrasing it like "Portugal's closest countries are Spain and France".

I thought Switzerland was a Scandinavian country

i thought "white" meant "european"

always thought eastern european slavs were subhumans kept in check by russia
always thought germany was worse than uk and france becvause they won the wor 50 years ago

I thought that when the portuguese came here they became friends with the "indians"

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>Be me
>Look at globe
>Chinese comes from China
>French comes from France
>Native language is English
>America, United Kingdom and Canada don't sound like anything with an Eng

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When I was little, I thought "the government" was an all powerful tyrannical ruler that had more powerful than anyone else, including the president and congress because my dad would rant about it so much.

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How old are you OP

I thought Indians lived in the Indian Ocean. Like, native American Indians, not actual Indians. I just figured they paddled around in canoes all day.

I thought France was this really fancy, clean place that smelled like perfume and everyone was athletic and fashionable. I thought everywhere was essentially boutiques and cafes, with the occasional rainy farm/vineyard. I was obsessed with the idea of owning a studio apartment in Paris until I was around 13.

I also thought all houses in America were huge and made out of wood, and that American highschools were like the ones in the movies.

All Americans are rich.
English originated in America.
All Western countries speak English.

>Greenland was a country
>friend thought Morocco was a state
>thought the only countries in Eastern Europe were Lithuania, Poland and Russia

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>rome is in greenland
>vietnam war was still going

>thought that Denmark was a huge global superpower

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>used to think jesus was born in the 1800s
>used to think i was american
>used to think kings and queens were only a thing in medieval times
>used to think modern history started in the 20th century and that everything before that was ancient stuff
i was a retarded child

>thought usa was 50% black because of movies
>thought usa had skyscrapers only in new york, turns out every city looks the same
>thought they spoke swedish in minnesota
>thought new york was the capital of usa and toronto was capital of canada
>thought mcdonalds was from scotland
>thought sydney was the capital of australia
>thought south east asia was south east asian when in reality its 40% chinese and 40% indian
>thought germany was a huge country when it is really tiny in reality
>thought finns had funny looking faces

I thought that Hammer and Sickle symbol inspired by this:

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I thought Spain was brown like Mexico until I met a Spanish girl (who is blonde and blue eyed)

Obama got elected in 2008. If you were born in 96 (22 this year) then you'd have been 12 when he was elected

can't remember anything retarded, I got a world globe as a kid once and used it a lot so I knew most of the basic stuff

>Wales is the biggest country because whales are the biggest animals
>nobody knows where Wales is though and I was going to be the first to discover it
>Inca civilisation rules over South America except Brazil
>Lebanon is a generic name for small unimportant countries
>second world war is currently happening
>lotr was New Zealand's real history