What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: eastern europe.jpg (500x500, 84K)

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Gypsies, poverty and nationalism.

My future wive lives there waiting patiently for me to breed her

town rapists

Žižek explains it well


Thats moldova

Water drains into the Danube river, for the most part.

All different answers. What REALLY happens here?


g shit

all of these answers are true



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Did you know we have T.I.G.E.R.S?


The exact same thing that happens in Greece - because they're the same.

t. sangipopolus

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Vampires and gypsies


*blocks your path*


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good food, great landscapes, pretty nice and open people, much warmer than in Poland

I truly wonder..

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Listen, I live in a 99,9% white city, there's no need to project your hatred towards me because you're a self-hating t*rKler living in Bulgaria m8

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I dont know man, most people dont look like roaches here.

Such a place doesnt exist in Canada, friend. And even if it does its not for long. Canada is undergoing the fastest population replacement in the world, even more so than Sweden.

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Oh man... this is way too easy

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Nobody but italians watch soccer here bro

People there have a distinct way of carrying themselves, dancing (of the chain sort) and speaking (lots of profanity). They are all religious on paper, each and every one. Food and popular music are essentially Turkish/Iranian. The division of gender roles is very strong there. Their dress sense is flashy and cheap, also lots of tracksuits. They have this Mediterranean way of social interaction: if you fight a Balkanite, expect his 12 cousins to show up to the fight,

Doesnt excuse the fact that almost half of the team presenting your country are oogabogas

Hail Kosovo!

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my ancestors ;)

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kek thats exactly how gypsies behave

The closest correct answer