
Real nigga hours

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sort it out pond scum

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CANZUK Federal Union lads

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>gay rights lawyer
They've already won all the rights they'll ever need and more. No loss then

*enters the thread*

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the fightin, the stabbin
the pullin, the grabbin
the riot squad with the captain
nobody knows what happened
the two years in the box
revenge, the plots
the 23 hours that's locked
the 1 hour that's not

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he cute

>teehee i'm racist btw

Drinking in the steam room again. Why doesn't this happen to me enough

This. Hoped you have signed the petition mate

Until heterosexuality is outlawed they won't give up the fight

how people actually die
good riddance

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good lad

can't cuck the zucc

Jow Forums is going to be fucked in 10 years time when everyone has 1 of 3 flags

we should just go full monarchist and have the crown on a white background

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CANZUK but we annex Alaska and New England

is having weapons on your country flag a sure sign its a shit hole?

Sitting in the McDonald's parking lot lads
Hope they don't tell me to beat it

name one(1)


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>the same Canadian obsessed with the "descendents of Canadian immigrants" is still here
oh boy

most intelligent post i've seen on /brit/ in months

fuck off cunt
the northeast is seceding and taking the maritimes and killing all francophones

why the FUCK aren't we included.

very upsetting...

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any of you lads got some shitty flatmate stories you could share???

this but replace new england with cascadia
but purge everyone from king county and portland

Wrong. The US has fifty throwing stars.

Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka

Rain down, rain down (that's it, sir, you're leaving, the crackle of pigskin)
Come on rain down on me (the dust and the screaming, the yuppies networking)
From a great height (the panic, the vomit, the panic, the vomit)

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Having a go lads

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Dreaming of the day I get Mycobacterium tuberculosis in my vas deferens

melvin here. just sold the rights to my business idea for 100 000 dollars

the smelly irish is here

Still giggle at this premise

its not a map of the anglosphere you dumb cunt

one queen
one system
simple as


Why are Pikeys so chad-tier lads? How do we compete with them?

just stabbed someone with a dried maple leaf
canada's now a shithole

Can't wait for the US to fall apart
such an unnatural union

wtf is finna?


the paki pizzas nearly arrived

>Sri Lanka
not shit

well I suggest you change that ASAP or you will be hearing from the authorities.

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>tax day
>on a sunday

hello NEET!

Set fire to their caravans and banish them from the country

finna = fixing to = going to
fixing to is a white southerner thing that blacks turned into finna

autismobrit: dave
autismoyank: ryan
autismobruce: melvin
autismoleaf: mark the mulatto
autismokiwi: frodo
autismosaffer: johann

>Can't wait for the US to fall apart
>such an unnatural union

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what was it?

im unfortunately a neurotypical
cant get autism bux

doing a pray


yeah it is though

they're modern day barbarians, they don't have any permanent settlements and they don't follow our laws. they're uneducated and have violent tendencies. civilisation has always been about submission to other men, if you're not part of the 1% you are a peasant cuck. The final redpill is anarcho-primitivism

/oceania/ is at war with /eastasia/. /oceania/ has always been at war with /eastasia/

because you can't be trusted with money as your iq is too low

I cant even get benefits haha
Cant even work LOL
My existence is a bit of a cruel prank these days

youve never had a sex before right?

>education is escapism
>accepting your drone fate is what a real man would do

delightfully wise post


Jow Forums told me low IQ niggers got all the handouts though

fucked up

had it, stuck it up a girls pussy and ate her ass

a leaf used the n-word

i am the haitiANO it is ok

Suddenly feeling like a normie lads

The Future of the West should be determined by three united blocs:
United Europe
The United States
United Commonwealth

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You know, claiming that White People are responsible for all that's wrong with the world is bascially saying White People are the master race. It's White Supremacism.


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been trying to roll a smoke for an hour but keep getting distracted talking but I'm alone and just talking shit at the walls
this eccie is kicking my arse

dust once in a while you filthy being

I do think I shall be returning to Engerland before the year is through. Our lifestyle, frugal as it may be, is not legally sustainable despite our best efforts

The future of the west is kalegri plan and white genocide

>You know, claiming that White People are responsible for all that's wrong with the world is bascially saying White People are the master race. It's White Supremacism.

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There are no seatbelts in the vehicle of life


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there are vehicles in the seatbelts of life

you're not welcome back here

that building would look much nicer without that cock on the top

hello Churchill

relax, they don't mean us

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now I can't get life is a highway out of my head, cheers cunt

Night lads
And beto, stop being so rude. If you do you might shag a bird one day.

Why don't Australians celebrate passover?

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vs the guy she told you not to worry about

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irish subhumans supported rebels in our country

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this but we get rid of the spics

Mummy will take me back