How many trades did you make today?

How many trades did you make today?

If the answer is zero then you have no right to be complaining about not making money in crypto.

Attached: trady.png (914x694, 421K)

What are you trading then you nigger


What if I made two be trades today?

XVG has been good today.

you must be rich if you're so good at trading

90 90 90 user.

thats ok

eh, me no made trade 2 days because me have markets cornered ATM
if it go under threshold me profit, and over threshold me profit
annoying however bots seems know threshold perfectly and price bounce 1 sat above buy multiple times....

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>trading all day

I would rather wagecuck and do something actually useful for society

but trading is fun user

I been in this crypto game long enough to know a elastic jump is coming where tons of idiots will sell thinking it will dip but it won't


too much fun for me. I like trading but godtier traders like myself position trade

Made two trades and made some money. You're right, OP

I used to trade Altcoins but that ships sailed. Everything else is gambling so I sit out till alts come back.




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The problem is that in this market, swing trading gets you fucking nowhere. You can buy a dip, go to sleep, and you inevitably wake up the next morning to find the thing even lower, and it keeps going down as you keep holding. Eventually, it goes up 5-10%, but by the time it does, it somehow manages to go down 10%-15% making you move sideways if your lucky, or just lose money if you're not.

As much as it sucks, trading for very small gains, locking profits then doing the same thing again and again is what's the most profitable until the bullrun part of the cycle starts, which could be tomorrow, or could be next year, no one knows.

I'm form Poland so 0 trades is the only option.

havent made a bad day trade in weeks. consistently make about 3% a day on my swing trading stack

Every trade in the past 2 weeks have been a loss for me. This market is all about 5 minute pump and dumps now

Oh hey, it's the guy that disappeared after making a string of terrible calls. Look at him and laugh anons.