Thank you based Japan

Thank you based Japan.

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Why does Japan always make the best posts?

t. weeb idiot
Japanese are among the worst shitposters

I find it really hard to say anyone else is a worse poster than Japan


Probably he is the same person who posted these evil posts
He always bully Japanese and destroy Japanese threads and posts several threads for bulling Japanese
As his banned is too short, he continues to bully Japanese.

That poster is a joke

Is this you? If so that is BASED.

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Is there an alternative to an economy based on eternal growth?
Something has to give eventually

Zainichi on vacation in Britain i guess

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Britain is Corean clay!

Who will support the elderly population? I guess we'll just have to leave them on icebergs

he is not wrong
growing population amd high birth rate is not a good thing.
there should be less people in the world to decrease pollution and land waste, please fucking kill me too.
fucking dumb american burger nigger, obviously robots supportbelderlyvpopulation dumb white

>Jow Forums begins to think that low birthrates are a good thing as soon as japan says so

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Politics and economics is just a workaround for immorality. People misbehaving? Let's just systemically ban misbehaviour, and then no one will misbehave! This is the erroneous thinking of isms. Everything is thought about abstractly in systems, as if we are only a correct system away from harmony and utopia. But whenever a new system is devised and tested it always goes wrong. This is usually interpreted as a flaw in the system, but the reality is that no matter what system you come up with it will always be exploited and cheated by people. If it is in the heart of man to exploit then he will find a way to exploit. Society will only be good if a good society is what the heart truly desires. The answer is not to treat humans like lemmings who need to be mindlessly funneled in the correct direction without any regard for their desires. The answer is to change the hearts of men and convince them to desire virtue of their own volition.

anything that is illegal will be profited.
anything immoral will be used for gains.

Wow virgins are going to all sorts of lengths to justify being loser virgins.

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There would be nothing wrong with low birth rates in the west if they were consistant in the whole population but mudslimes and other immigrants continue to have higher birthrates and keep being imported so unlike japan, low birthrates in the west are gonna result in westerners becoming minorities in their own country. Japan has such low migration rates that they will forever continue to be japanese at their rate. Thats the only problem.

This meme needs to die

No he is right. People dont get children in japan because the place is overcrowded

>too many people
>stop making babies
>people get old
>no youth to pay for elders anymore
>welfare check folded over one million time

>Japan has such low migration rates that they will forever continue to be japanese at their rate.
lmao they have already begun to import flips


guess old people will have to work longer


This post has so much wrong.

Low birthrate = declining consumption and continuing deflationary spiral

Declining consumption = economic crisis continues, more companies will be bankrupted because no customers and no business

Deflationary spiral = Yen will be more expensive vs other currencies and Japanese exports will massively suffer, worsening economic situation (you can forget about wage rises entirely now)

Cheaper Real Estate = Loans and Credit that was used to guy real estate will not be able to be paid back, let alone end with a profit for the one who invests in real estate, while no wage rise and increasingly bad economic situation would barr average worker from ever buying real estate, no matter how much cheaper they will get.

This is called "Death Spiral" and Japan has been trodding down the path for the past 30 years. The breaking point will be when low birthrate causes our population to shrink significantly in the next decade.

But I dont expect netouyu NEETs to know economics.

Based fellow extinctionposter

But don't you see that a system that depends on endless growth is fated to collapse from the very beginning? Nothing can last forever.

126 million people sharing a chain of craggy islands. A nice notion while it lasted.

Indeed. The only winning move is to change the entire economic system. But I would be called a Communist if I ever uttered that sentence.

As things stand now, high growth always means inflation, inflation means low birthrates (because children become too expensive to feed), which leads to deflation down the road and ends up with the death of the nation.

Any high growth economy already bears the seeds of its demise from the early days. IF there is no huge structural economic reform down the road. And Abe is sadly anything but reformist.

What reforms would you suggest, and do you think there is an economic model that could produce our current culture and lifestyle indefinitely?

Away from a growth based economic structure, where companies have to continuously expand and find new markets to survive, or else die. This would also mean that neither consumption or exports can be the drivers of the economy anymore. But this is very utopian and would call for a radically different economic system that might have more in common with gommunism or staticist medieval economic structures. Although this might work if we infused it with new technologies like robotocs and AI so to offset the disadvantages of these economic systems.

For Japan?
Fucking end the corporate oligarchy and arrest all their cronies at the top of the Abe/LDP government. First of all, people need higher wages and Japan still isnt at that point where it cannot afford it anymore. It is a shame that we have so many productive members of society who work for decades but still cannot afford either a home nor a family. This has to be solved ASAP.

I would suggest an aggressive sovereign fund that invests in emerging markets

This would work, if the Yen would be weaker. As of now, all our efforts to develop emerging markets ends up with China winning by taking over the infrastructure that we help to fund.

Our exports are simply too expensive. We have neither the economy of scale nor the financial power to eat losses for medium term until they turn into profits.

The other aspect of unsustainable fertility in first world countries that nobody wants to talk about is which demographic groups have the most children. And it turns out that in literally every civilized country there is a negative correlation between fertility and intelligence.
In a few generations, when Japan's IQ drops to 100, anime and other forms of japanese popular entertainment will finally die. In a few generations after that its IQ will fall to the level of my country, which has, amongst other faults, a completely unsustainable public health system because there just aren't enough intelligent people who want to be doctors to drive their wages down free-market style. After that, it's a race to the bottom and when the average IQ drops below 90, Japan will become the corrupt and violent oligarchy that the southern Balkan states are now.

I think it's a tricky conundrum. Gommunism absolutely will not work, and you probably know that already, but the temptation is still there since it's the conclusion you naturally land on once you decide that growth based economy is finite. I think the problem is too tricky for economics/large scale civilization planning to solve, but time will tell I guess.

Who will take care of the elderly population?
Who is going to pay for the pensions?


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According to netouyu, le robot will.

he forgets that the companies would probably fail since the old people that we are set to have in the future, will not be the well-off pensioneers, but poor old people who will not be able to afford any care at all. Even with state pensions, this is unsustainable, as the state will likely be much poorer at that time due to a big crunch in tax collection due to the low working population and low consumption.

It is all so shitty that we might as well kos.

they will probably sudoku out of necessity,

The fact that Korean smartphones outsell anything we come up with is a sure sign that Japan inc. doesn't give a shit anymore.

Smartphones are just miniature PCs with acellphone function. I thought miniaturization was Japan forte, but alas

We could've built up prestige with our brands, which would've justified higher prices like German cars and Swiss watches but nope.

Gommunism as an idea needs to be adjusted to the new technologies of the time. And most importantly, depart from its paradigm of exploitation and revolution.

If anything, I can imagine a future where literally no human works anymore, since machines takes it over. But this would require a very radical new system where money does not exist anymore, since no workers = no wages = no consumption would be another death spiral in the making.

It would work, if goods are now freely distributed according an automatic societal wide AI-controled feedback system.
Robots produce as much as the society consumes and society pays any luxury good that goes beyond their basic needs (that they get for free) with crypto-tokens that they get according to their needs and their contributions to societal/technological/ progress etc.

Because as of now, robotics and automatization will inevitably destroy the capitalist economic system. If no worker is required, who will still have money to buy the capitalist's robot-made goods?

worst case scenario they can give out temporary visas and have people come over to do that work, and fuck pensions, just because you weren't smart enough to save during your life doesn't mean society should now have to pay to keep you around for the next 20 or so years

I blame "Galapagos Syndrome" for that.

Japan's economy was too closed off from the rest of the world for too long because of protectionist reasons. In this economic microcosmos, certain companies have established themselves and florished via catering exlusively to the Japanese market requirements. They also have established certain propetriary technological standards that only they can fulfill - another way to edge out foreign competition.

Now, Galapagos is nice for the Galapagos Creature, because it has adapted in that isolated place devoid of any foreign predator.

But that animal will die in a minute the moment it steps out of its island and tries to compete against creatures who survived and thrived in the competative global domain.

MITI was a good idea back then as Infant Industry protection measure. But due to our oligarchic and nepotistic economic structure, the babby was never kicked out of its parent's house to fend for itself once it became an adult.
Now this bites us in our ass.

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dont want the gay, but the fully automated part is not an If, but when.

Jow Forums is a weeb website, you should have figured it out long ago when Jow Forums eats up every shitposts japs omit (Do you love japan thread, anti korea thread, Japan did no war crimes thread etc.)

>you weren't smart enough
But that is exactly the problem. Some poor people just don't have the cognitive capacity to automatically think of the future. You're treating intelligence as this moral characteristic that everybody can achieve, but in reality it's just biology!
This way of thinking, inventing countless social and economic theories to explain biology is no different than coming up with new religions, because you are unable to face the fact that existence can be explained by mere physics.

Japs will enjoy immigration

i'd be willing to bet that their 'biology' would rework itself once they found out there wouldn't be anymore gibs just for being old. maybe japan can look into some kind of superannuation like in australia, where a certain amount of your salary is withheld till you retire to force dumbasses to save whether they want to or not

That is intrinsically tied to the end of capitalism. Wage labour is the force holding back greater automation today. Because capitalism requires people to sell their labour power to survive, they would starve if robots replaced them. Therefore capitalism will be overthrown as the workers get pushed out of their jobs and bring about revolution.

In an attempt to maximize profits and efficiency, the capitalists themselves will bring their own downfall. At least this would be my theory.

It would be a gradual process, tho. In the first decades, robotic manufactured goods will be used to sell to less developed economies and crash them completely, while in the first world, giant slums of unemployed workers will spawn everywhere.

If this doesnt lead to the end of the system, at least it will hasten it when even the developing markets are either responding by closing themselves off from the exports of robotic economies (which will probably lead to military intervention by the developed economies to forcibly open their markets), or they also will crash and the number of possible consumers will plumet due to destroyed domestic economy.

After this hellish period which can last anything up to 50 years, some surviving economies could upgrade to the fully automated societal system. Not sooner.

Most stupid shit I've ever read

I bet there will be luddite lobbies that will try and halt the development of some algorithms that threaten top paying jobs like medicine and law

sorry, I meant for

I will never understand breeders who think "there are 8 billion people on earth, clearly we need more!"

And by 'hellish period', I mean scenarios where people die in starvation and squallor by the millions because they lost their job and have no money to buy food, while behind walls and militarily protected landfills, mountains of robot-produced and robot-harvested foods are piling up to rot as they remain unsold.

The capitalist will never think for a moment to give them to the poor for free, even as he has to close one store after another, as he fires one worker after another to replace him with a machine.

Probably. But the funny thing is that algorithms and self learning AI even today could completely replace law and many medical staff. The last surviving job might still be the janitor.

Oh shit,why aren't you guys making babies in the first place anyways?

Japan's economy is still growing even though their population is decreasing. Young Japanese are becoming more and more educated and easier jobs are automatized.

Nevermind I just updated and saw everything

Also Japanese birth rates are on the rise again. Their plan is to lower their population to 100 million and then stabilize it. They acknowledge that their island is overcrowded.

Did you know that many European countries have much lower birth rates than Japan? Japan is used as an example just because they are trying to propagate for mass immigration in the West.

>he unironically belive larbour workers will get better wages

For example Italy, Spain, Austria, Poland etc. have lower birth rate than Japan

Japan is the only case where low birthrate has aleady impacted on the economy.

Europe has the advantage due to the Eurozone and the European Market, which gives it a huge "domestic market" that will cushion the loss in consumption/purchasing power of any single economy

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It's the shitty economy that's keeping it down. The trouble is Japanese economy's slow transition from its manufacturing roots to a knowledge based one. Singapore and Hong Kong were able to do it because they speak English and are open to innovation. Japan is too conservative and is not taking English language education all that seriously.

but anime boards are the most visited

pretty sure it's /b/ and Jow Forums

>Japan is the only case where low birthrate has aleady impacted on the economy.
It hasn't. For example German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian etc. population was decreasing faster.

Yet in these countries, it hasnt impacted on its economy.

In Japan, it already has. Japanese wages are falling as a result, despite new jobs being created (mostly in the low paying sector)

What are you talking about? Both Singapore and Hong Kong are much more backwards than Japan.

not /a/ ? btw look at all those weebshit irrelevant categories within an american board... if its not a weeb board tell me what this is and why ecchi or hentai need their own board ?


It is not the reason why you were having an economic recession. Finland had much higher birth rate than Japan and we haven't still reached the gdp that we had in 2008 because there hasn't been economic growth in 10 years.

Both city states were reliant on manufacturing but are now dominated by finance and consulting sectors and have vibrant VC scenes. Japan is no where near that phase.

... Did you ever visit these places, Japan included?

If anything here is "advanced", it is the propetriary technology that cannot survive anywhere else. We have ATMs that have closing time synched with the Banks here, for god's sake. Mobile cashless payment? Nope.

Japan is indeed a well-oiled machine where everything works as intended. But overall it is already an obsolete machine that people would fawn over due to its nostalgia and its patina, not because of its efficiency and advanced technologies.

what a fucking retard. lrn2economy idiots

nice maths dundee but you didnt answered, why ecchi or hentai would need their own category on a non weeb american board ?

To be honest I've never seen a Finnish product or service in my life.

>weeb site
>only 11 weeb boards
no more needs to be said

yes, germany created it and got fucked for it

Linux is Finnish.. if you aren’t into tech then well I can’t blame you.
Oh wait, xylitol gums aren’t a thing in Japan? I thought they were before they became popular in Korea.

/vp/ is not an anime board?

Considering, the most active boards are Jow Forums, /v/ and /tv/ so no not even close.

those boards were there before normies came

It's ok, communism will come to japan ( and the rest of Asia the minute America goes isolationist )

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/a/ is in tie with Jow Forums, so Jow Forums pure western website confirmed

Linux is not exactly as proprietary as say windows, and Linux is the kernel of an operating system, on its own it still needs additional tools and systems to ensure the rest of the computer works.

And it's not like Torvalds sells Linux like how Microsoft sells windows: Finland's main earner was formerly nokia

>Linux is Finnish.
a fennoswede pretty much 1:1 copied the source from minix. not really an achievement

But you already are a one party state with a free market economy.

mumins are finnish, apparently Japanese love them

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We are still dependent on ties with China and america, the minute trump throws a fit and leaves we only have China left, and if they follow through with their "using globalism to spread socialism" plan well..

so facebook is a site for uni students? australia belongs to abos? etc. etc. see the pic

a swede created them and it was first released in swedish xD

Basically, Japan didn't plan ahead of the days when their wages were still competitive globally and not speaking English was still PC. Now they are fucked