Is anyone else's biggest hangup about LINK the constant Jow Forums shilling? Making it can't be this obvious... right? Right? This doesn't happen?
Is anyone else's biggest hangup about LINK the constant Jow Forums shilling? Making it can't be this obvious... right...
I’m a newfag but from what I understand Eth and antshares were both shilled pretty hard here before they mooned
Was here for ETH & ANS.
LINK is the next mega moon you better believe it.
Nothing is a sure bet but this is pretty close. It's basically normie proof though, the success will be from B2B which could take some time.
A lot of people meme it here who haven't really done any research. The information is out there, though. You don't have to believe Jow Forums.
BTC was shilled hard af on Jow Forums plus hard FUD
ETH was shilled hard af on here plus hard FUD
LINK was shilled...
I actually held ETH for a while. Bought 181 Eth when it was 10$. I haven't been this excited for a coin since Eth.
Not rich though... I tried to daytrade and increase my stack, and got stuck bagholding some shitcoin (AMP). I was so stubborn that I held AMP all the way up until Eth was a few hundred in August last year. It was probably worth 10 eth when I sold it all for other coins.
Luckily I made enough trading in the fall/winter to get the equivalent of about 63 eth.
I'm not missing an obvious moon ever again. Day trading sucks.
the fact that nobody is fuding it anymore is worrying me. back in september/october it was about 50/50 shilling vs fud. now its like 98/2...
Even a few weeks ago there was a lot of FUD, but it has suddenly vanished
Not like link
Eth and neo never had any marines or delusional bag holders stalking social media of slack members and bots spamming copy pasta every time op mentions link
That larper last week was right about Ropsten coming out, he also predicted more important additions to the github coming shortly after that
aka sometime this week
not gonna lie. I think LINK might be the moon of all moons. Something tells me it's unique. Kind of like the bull run we just had. It almost got to 1.50 without even fucking launching a project. Can you imagine what the price would be if we have an institutional size bull run plus partnerships. This might be the one chance to set your life straight for decades to come bros.
Inb4 we all get rich off link
>hundreds of desensitized goyim suddenly have mad dosh
What could go wrong?
Hey brother I remember seeing that gif way back in the day when it was first made. We are gonna make it old friend. Youve been here a while. Me too.
You clearly don't remember Eth properly. I hated myself for not buying Eth because the fact that it's constantly shilled was WHY it got so much attention.
I remember eth 100%
Do you?
Link is dgb marine on steroids
And Confido
And bitconnect
The point is: everything gets shilled here
See what I mean? Everything gets shilled and fudded here
Every. Single. Coin.
> link is like dgb
I'm glad that people like you actually come to this board and type shit like this because it makes me feel like a genius in comparison.
>Eth is gonna MOON we promise!!! IT'S THE NEW BITCOIN!
5 threads at once on the front page, for a year. We used to talk about real estate before that and /rbg/ was the bees knees before that.
Delusional bag holders
Countless shitty memes made and spread by underage trash
Bots replying to any thread with mention of the shitcoin
Close enough... at least dgb actually mooned though
We also had countless PND threads on the front page
What is your point faggot? Seriously...
>x was shilled so y is going to be as successful!
The lamest tactic in the book, Rakesh. Keep trying.
You deluded pieces of shit
You just had to shill Link 5 times a day every day
Now i can't swing trade it
Every time it pumps some massive faggot probably on this board puts a huge buy order next in queue
Not letting it dump, what kind of faggot keeps buying right below current price
Delaying the housing market crash
You sound bitter.
Sorry that was me
t. bought at 33 on sundag night
You sound like a desperate shill who has been btfo
Who hurt you?
LINK has sustained shilling despite price set backs. At first I thought it was a pump and dump shilling but I realized now it's genuine enthusiasm after looking into the white paper and all the potential use cases. I bought myself 40k LINK as suicide insurance just in case this blows up to $10-50 in the next 2 years. There's a lot of retarded shilling for meme coins but more often than not you lose out bigly if you don't invest (think DGB, ANT, OMG, ICX)
>You're such a strawman pointing out someone else is doing a strawman!
Jew. I am saying that just because X is happening (shilling) does not mean Y will happen (scam). Your response is to say that I'm saying just because X is happening (shilling) that Y will happen (success). You're either pilpul, low IQ, or contrarian.
>a bunch of autists have been posting 50 threads a day and filling them with replies for 7 months straight
>it's a scam/joke
>it's genuine excitement
what do you think
The fact that Reddit doesn't like it (before they inevitably FOMO into it) makes me trust it more.
lol no. The shilling is organic. Are you some kind of pussy who's scared of some memes?
Link has the most vast potential use case of any crypto. Ever. If eth mooned because of the smart contract meme and being used for a billion pajeet scams, then Chainlink will hit unprecedented levels of gains.
we have the best memes too.
We sure do
Link is shilled and fudded hard here since august. Sometimes on Jow Forums too
why? it isnt shilled anywhere else. if this were a reddit coin id be worried but they think its a joke and will buy in at $5< thinking theyre getting a great deal
I wish more people would fud. it used to be about 50/50 now it's like 95/5 shill/fud. this means if it moons only 5% of this board will kys. that's not enough. I need at least half the board to kys. link $.01 eoy mass suicide cap this
>tfw the funders are gone because they have all filtered out chainLink.
>mfw we will by pass their filters and rub shit into their nose after singularity
>yfw there will be singularity generals in your lifetime
It wouldn't be so obvious were you not on Jow Forums.
This might be the usual stuff for us but no normal people come here, let alone sticking around and reading LARPers and copypastas.
This is what I’ve come to understand, particularly about LINK. Is it true that LINK isn’t shilled or even really known about outside this board?
Only thing that worries me is the amount of racist Jow Forumstards that hold it. Nobody will ever take them seriously. Hopefully it really is normie proof. Otherwise we're fucked if it gets labeled as some alt-right Jow Forums coin.
I've got like $5,000 of free cash to put into crypto each month. What all would you be buying if you were in my shoes?
Kys faggot
shit like that
literally no one knows about this or takes this seriously outside this board. well at least no sizeable or significant entity
>well at least no sizeable or significant entity
you got elec right. omg i know nothing about and dont really care. tomo does nothing special. eth already mooned.
Sometimes I get this feeling of burning regret and remember the time I visited Jow Forums early 2017. ETH was shilled like crazy and I wanted to get with a measly 4K, I had 22K in savings so it wasn't like I couldn't afford to lose, but for some stupid reason I didn't. Mind you at that time crypto seemed like a scam to most people. I am not making the same mistake twice.
i was about to write a long fucking answer to you but lets put it this way. you know that is a lie.
So since 2015 it went like this
As far as consistency goes.
Lol if you can’t tell the difference
Lol ark
My biggest hangup is philosophy major, 32m ico but no real dev team to speak of and slow to no progress on development.
Awaiting medium post for maximum validation
I have notice that when link starts to get exciting the fud seems to slow down.
people who have ark dont have the balls or brains to buy link
Because shills are wanting to sell. The shill/fud pump/dump cycle is real.
It's because everyone is filtering out the threads. Hell, I'm only seeing this because I'm not on my usual computer.
>My biggest hangup is philosophy major, 32m ico but no real dev team to speak of and slow to no progress on development.
exactly. Literal low IQ random dude with no business or programming experience as CEO, with a small unknown team and slow as fuck progress, yet they will solve one of the top 5 hardest problem in the crypto space? Never gonna happen.
Buying chainlink is like betting on the cripple horse that has no chance of winning just because you're getting 1000 to 1 returns if it does.
That gif....