Facebook is in troubles


10% of Facebook users have deleted their account and stopped using the service.

Have you deleted your Facebook account in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal? Tech.pinions, a technology and media research firm, claims that almost 10% of people in the US have done just that.

The firm surveyed 1,000 Americans across age and gender demographics. While not all respondents were Facebook users, a whopping 17% of respondents reported having removed the Facebook app from their smartphones, and 9% had deleted their accounts altogether.

As of January 2018, statistics aggregator Statista reports that Facebook serves roughly 214 million users in the US. So, to put those numbers into better perspective, that means around 36.38 million people in the US have deleted the Facebook phone app, while 19.26 million have deleted their accounts altogether.

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This might not even be the worst of it

We'd be pretty concerned about losing nearly 20 million sets of eyeballs on ads, but according to Tech.pinions, those numbers might not even have Facebook worried.

In its survey, 39% of respondents said they’re now more careful about not only what they post, but what they ‘Like’ and react to on brand pages and within friends’ posts. Meanwhile, 35% claim to be using the social network less than they used to following the data breach.

These numbers should be of real concern to Facebook’s bottom line. As Tech.pinions says, the fact that users that are engaging less with content and brands means they simply aren’t as valuable to companies paying for traffic or buying ads.

Perhaps to stem this supposed tide, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has publicly floated the idea of introducing a paid version of Facebook with zero ads and stronger privacy protections. However, he may want to reconsider, as a massive 59% of survey respondents said that they wouldn't be interested.

The problem with all of this is that, whether you like it or not, it’s growing more and more clear across the internet landscape that, if you’re not paying for the product, then at some level you yourself are the product. So, unless attitudes change toward paying directly for social media and other connected services, there will always be a third party for those services to please (ie advertisers).

they will come back

who even uses facebook in 2018? third worlders? most normies i know stopped using facebook in like 2013. facebook's peak was in like 2009 or something.

old people

I did it years ago

you mean 30+, only the 20ish something, and teens have leaved Facebook

(+ everyone regardless of age, if they have any sense of privacy and are not Lambs)

That is why they bougth Wassap

They should have asked about Whatsapp as well
would be hilarious if the same people who became concerned about Facebook don't also delete other services by the same company, which I am sure is what is the case

All you hypocrites boasting about not using Facebook, delete your Whatsapp as well

What's even bad about the data collection? Oh no, internet services serve me better targeted ads! Horrible!

t. proud whatsapp user

fake drama created by mass media

never used whatsapp but isnt it worse than Facebok if you just want an sociam media app that functions like Facebook, for your computer, big screen, mouse and keybard, not mobil phone

>tfw already deleted my original account in 2011.
>tfw get to school and they requires FB for school's announcement or else I'm gonna missed it.

People who piggyback off messenger.

I only deleted facebook because it esposed my non existant social life

There are shitton of cringy reddit, Jow Forums, lefty/pol/.. meme pages on fb.

Facebook is just a chatting app
I don't even like or read posts

what is Facebook Alternative?
it needs to be similar: read news, discuss news, and shit
I dont care about posting selfies

Everybody uses Facebook, but I agree that most younger people have started using Instagram more.

Also pic related.

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>not iGoogle

>10% of Facebook users have deleted their account and stopped using the service.
You can't actually delete your Facebook account, though. """Deactivating""" it is the height of the end user's capabilities, which means nothing changes other than the end user's access.

I think most people realize this, their info stays on the internet but the point was, they wont be writing anything new there any more

You can delete it.


I deleted mine mine in 2013

>implying i ever made one

This is good.

It's pretty useful in French schools and higher education to organize things you're working on together, or just delegating tasks within a society/association.

Whatsapp is ok at that too, but you can't use it from a computer.

>Whatsapp is ok at that too, but you can't use it from a computer.
But it's a hassle to scroll up just to look for the announcements.

What do you mean?

I'll be honest, I don't use whatsapp a lot.

A prof send something in the whatsapp group, hundreds of students spamming inside, literally had to scroll up just to find the whatever prof had said. At least in fb you can see the announcement in one large piece and the unnecessary cluttering mess comments underneath can be ignored.

telegram doesn't have this problem


The data stays in their servers regardless. So if CIA is creating a database from Facebook data, you're already there and their facial recognition AI can identify you no problem.

Right wing Jow Forums pages are the worst though. Zero self-awareness and somehow even cringer than the average Jow Forumstard or r/The_Donald fag

No, because people are dependent on messenger and I can't persuade my classmates and my social circle to delete facebook

Shit sux

you can pin messages in supergroups

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Oh totally. Group chats are a nightmare anyways. Just normies hopelessly flirting or orbiting, and constant one-upping with "jokes".

It makes me so tired reading through +100 messages to get the gist of what Imissed.

what if I didnt manage to pin it in time, before the hordes of unfunny shit and annoying questions being asked?
+100 is still scrollable, Mine was always like 2k++, even you just didn't check them for 20 minutes. That is just in my prof group.

the author of the post can pin it the moment it's sent

Zuckerberg still owns Instagram and Whatsapp. And unless people start using Tox, Wickr and some hidden chan that know knows, they're still getting monitored.

I back to myspace