He did it Jow Forums
he fucking did it
MyPillow guy was a crack addict turned pillow merchant
If he can beat a crack addiction while selling a fucking pillow, what's your excuse for not making it?
He did it Jow Forums
he fucking did it
MyPillow guy was a crack addict turned pillow merchant
If he can beat a crack addiction while selling a fucking pillow, what's your excuse for not making it?
I'm not a crack addict
He said was
8 years ago, he was smoking rock
now he's hanging out with POTUS
what's your excuse BIZ?
When you are a drug addict, you need to have a regular income.
To have a regular income, you need to develop skill, or social ties, or others way to acquire the ressources to get your drug.
When you fight an addiction, you are put into a whole social net, meet nurses and doctors, go to support groups, get on programs to help you find a decent job.
Your story of ex-druggies is something abnormal, and abnormality is the best way to stand out, and the best way to sell something is to stand out.
You fucking retard. I bet you are one of those dimwits spouting shit like "that cripple doing a remarkable thing is so inspiring", when the REASON it's doing remarkable things is BECAUSE it's a cripple.
In war, in business, in love, in apotheosis, motivation is everything.
an ex-crack addict surrounded by a morally bankrupt conman and the biggest closeted fag on the planet
>If you have morals its because you're secretly xxxxxx
Woah you're smart bro
>have morals
>Yet he backs one of the most immoral and blatantly dishonest presidents in US history
you're apparently much more clever, user
>what's your excuse
God hates me
Motivation is fleeting.
Hatred and discipline are everything.
> success is valid only when it is achieved within my specific ruleset for morality which is entirely subjective
I hope that wojack is a self-portrait you did user
>one of the most immoral and blatantly dishonest presidents in US history
says who?
Trump is a godsend faggot.
Why would god send a faggot?
How does one become a merchant?
the latest my pillow guy commercials are so fucking bad.
Theyre not even good pillows. Its just all different sizes and shapes of foam stuffed in. You take out however much you want for the firmness you want. Totally insane this crackhead somehow became rich with a shitty pillow. The power of advertising.
I don't have a pillow to sell
Well that makes sense, on his commercials he wears a big cross necklace. I guess he found God and got off of crack.
His commercials make me want to do crack
trump fag detected
Billy did coke. I think you have to be on hard drugs to be a true pitchman.
he inspired me to create MyKneepads, the comfiest kneepads on the planet
>shitty pillow
It's pretty good desu.
If he expanded into dakimuras Jow Forums would praise him
I know you’re poor
junkies are turbonormalfags
it's insanely easy to become a millionaire if you can interact with people, the only thing stopping the average normie from success is their own laziness and stupidity
literal fag detected