The superior choice edition.
first for best girl
That's a sad panda.
Here's a happy cow.
I feel like that's a reference to something.
I'm not sure if I can trust the cow.
Is Jow Forums gone slow at loading images for anybody else recently? Seems to be happening since that outage last week.
>"milk" that frothy
She should have seen it coming.
Considering the apparent source, should it even be that frothy?
I don't think either are supposed to be frothy desu
I'm sure you farmboys should always keep a reasonable safety distance from cows
Bunch of virgins.
So that's a thing for other people? I assumed it was just on my end.
Do you also have the problem of uploading images getting stalled on 100% for a bit before going through?
>Do you also have the problem of uploading images getting stalled on 100% for a bit before going through?
Currently dying of anxiety and dread. Feeling a lot of scary thoughts.
But I don't want to take my xanax because I'll only be like a zombie for the evening if I do.
Guess I gotta ride this out again and wait for it to pass. Wew.
>Green Party announce that they want to decriminalise cannabis
>loads of people online now claiming that they will vote for them on the basis of this one issue alone
Fucking single issue stoners.
>"Hey Jow Forums is this new phone good?"
>notch lmao
Aren't most newer phones getting a notch?
Are Jow Forums going to be like /v/ now in giving out about every new product (vidya/phone) that comes out?
>went to bed "early" last night
>got almost no sleep
>Aren't most newer phones getting a notch?
Let's hope not.
>Are Jow Forums going to be like /v/ now in giving out about every new product (vidya/phone) that comes out?
You mean they're not already?
>t. guy supporting Drumpf solely for the memes
Define early.
>You mean they're not already?
I don't browse there enough to read their collective personality, but you are probably right.
It's a work of genius, I tell you. Bet they thought the guy that invented the front-facing camera was an idiot too.
I have that too, you are not alone my friend
Rolled around in bed for two hours, slept for a while and then woke up at about 4,/éire/'s bad habits are truly rubbing off
>t. guy supporting Drumpf solely for the memes
>still misunderstanding this over a year later
Poi pls.
>Define early.
>Bet they thought the guy that invented the front-facing camera was an idiot too.
Yes. Selfies are a cancer on this world.
Have you considered working from home? If you were able to that is.
>woke up at about 4
Why didn't you keep the thread alive? Have you no kindness in your heart?
>two hours shitposting about making the bed
>Selfies are a cancer on this world
I agree but people were doing them in the days before digital cameras anyways.
I wanna find love in Ireland
Are you neet or what?
Not possible desu. My physical presence inspires the workforce.
I wish.
Does anybody here rent or are ye all living with your parents still?
>Yes to abortion poster in the the background on the News
Knew RTÉ were biased all along.
>not replying to medium quality bait
Ruined my day.
Some people here rent, yes.
>/éire/'s bad habits are truly rubbing off
>everyone else's sleep goes to hell when mine improves
Do you?
>stealing our sleep
The eternal Mayoman strikes again.
>Ruined my day.
What's this guy's name again?
>My physical presence inspires the workforce
>"Whenever I feel down or uninspired I look over at that man's workstation and think, 'at least my taste in anime isn't that bad'." - Local co-worker
I have started a sleep chart based on the theory that sleep is cumulative and solely dependent on the average hours slept in the past and not on last sleep or general tiredness.
Will let you know how it fares.
>"Whenever I feel down or uninspired I look over at that man's workstation and think, 'at least my taste in anime isn't that bad'." - Local co-worker
Decorating your desk with scantily-clad anime figurines is apparently a bad way to assert dominance in the workplace.
Do you like your job or are you a constant ball of stress/anxiety and/or bored out of your brain and contemplate quitting all day?
Being a wagie is suffering.
>dropped water bottle out of my hands whilst the cap was loose
>dropped right next to my desktops power supply
No idea how water did not spill everywhere.
>Being a wagie is suffering
You tell 'em wagenon, you tell 'em.
>Do you like your job
There's not a day that goes by that I don't consider quitting. However, it just so happens that I'm equally adverse to job-hunting and probably wouldn't be able to find a better job anyway.
>You tell 'em wagenon, you tell 'em.
Don't tell me what to do.
I want to be free from this but I know it's not possible until I'm old or dead. Unless I win the lotto, except I never do the lotto so thats not going to happen.
Endale Kenesconi, former Taoiseach of Italy.
Look forward to your Nobel prize on the matter.
Phil Lynnot was and always will be irish
>"A "Jonah" is a long-established expression among sailors, meaning a person who is bad luck, which is based on the Biblical prophet Jonah"
The chosen man uses Nendos instead
Here's a sexy cow.
>"I do think that alcohol when used in moderation is great craic and everything"
Not very professional language to use on a serious issue.
Who said that?
Nice milkers.
Some senator that did a study on alcoholism in the country.
The sooner they legalise cannabis the better.
Bored of /brit/ I’m gonna bother the Irish now instead.
feel like pure shit just want her back
Fuck off
Really miss her lads.
>more bastards means greener
Ag smaoineadh.
>Muh Gaelic
stop speaking that moonbabble and speak english, it is 2018 patrick time to move on and accept irish is a dead language
Red usually means bad :(
He probably got it off google translate anyway lol.
Do the Irish do any good ciders?
I managed to find a mpv script that does that video bookmarky thing I was on about the other day.
Shall see if it's helpful at the weekend.
Was /éire/ linked in /brit/ again?
nonce freak
Go away you cunts making us all look bad
Ignore brit posts
Do not reply to brit posts
Report britposts.
No exceptions.
Yes I linked it.
>Shall see if it's helpful at the weekend.
Not going to be watching any S;G on the weekdays?
>giving the m attention
completely fucked on xanax again
kek :(
>Not going to be watching any S;G on the weekdays?
You make a good point, and I was considering mentioning that.
I might, we'll see. I really should if I want to get it finished but I may not have the energy for it at the moment.
I just wanna know if there are any Irish ciders worth trying
Cooneys Irish cider from Meath.
>She is definitely attached to you, and sees you as her baby to protect.
>This is normal for a cow. And yes, that does mean she likes you a lot, so much that she actually gets jealous if other cows try to "attack" or get attention from you.
>I would count yourself lucky, as there's not too many people who has a cow that is this protective over them.
Reminder that the Brit fears the anime.
Had myself a Chinese takeaway, it was nice
Lads what you think of me new jewellery?
>fears the anime
Good anime especially, make sure to post lots of it.
>Chinese takeaway
Is this slang for Asian prostitute?
>supporting foreign industries
What did you get? Was never a big fan of chinese myself. Not the Irish take away kind anyway.
Very few authentic places here.
Out of all the various migrants in Ireland, the Chinese are one of the more welcome don't you think. Like the filipinos and indians. They actually get good jobs and contribute to society.
I only ever get chips in the Chinese. Sort of defeats the purpose but it's only when the other places are closed.
>implying an Síneach aren't honorary Hibernians
>good anime
No such thing you rat.
Chicken balls, rice, chips and curry sauce. What kind of takeaway do you prefer?
Normal chipper. Run by italians or Irish preferably. Not those turkish kebab shit shops.
Friends of my sister's used to run a Chinese restaurant around here would always get treated well there and sometimes even get takeout for free
Hardly ever get Chinese food anymore since they retired, do you get it often?
>This cow keeps following me and if I lay down she lies down. I thought well maybe she likes me a lot, but when other cows come near me, she turns into a rage, trying to protect me. is this normal?
>This cow keeps following me and if I lay down she lies down. I thought well maybe she likes me a lot, but when other cows come near me, she turns into a rage, trying to protect me. is this normal?
Stop molesting cows, Lux. Or maybe it's the cow that is trying to molest you? It's hard to tell.
>Stop molesting cows
But how else do they milk them?