Biggest gainer on binance tomorrow

Remember STORM's run when it did a 2x in one day? It's about to do it again. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Attached: storm-min.png (299x299, 9K)

Watch how volume picks up overnight, tons of huge groups will be in on this.

Attached: storm.png (365x576, 23K)

A 2x in one day? Homie it did like 6x that day and I was accidentally in on it. I'll grab some more now, why not

Right, my bad. I sold it at 2x and watched in horror as it mooned to fucking neptune. I didn't fully understand the volume we were dealing with, this time i'll be ready.

why is this getting pumped?

easiest low sat coin to pump right now, also the most oversold coin on binance. Don't fomo in, wait to see volume pick up until you feel comfortable. Watch ZIL too.

Good tip, user. This looks ready to shoot up at any second.
OBV and RSI looking good in almost all time frames. Bollinger bands squeezing in 1h, on 15m slow and steady uptrend with insane bb squeeze. Clear cup and handle forming on 15m and 1h... and just look the order book on Binance, price is being heavily suppressed.
I'd say watch it for a bit, especially volume and order flow, but don't wait too much either or you risk missing the rocket.

>they don't realize we are in bear market
>they don't realize they are playing with fire
Protip this strategy use to work when the market had confidence
Now when a coin has been doing nothing for a long time besides bleed.... it usually continues to bleed

Have you been in the market for the past 2-3 weeks? shitcoins are mooning everyday and most of my positions don't even dip along with BTC anymore. Times are shifting man, I'm not saying alt season is back but accumulation season is. You can ride pumps everyday and sit on the sidelines for the rest.

Are you being facetious?

But meh, still risky bidness
I'll keep my eye on it


he's right though, a reversal pump is inevitable at this point. all you need to do is wait for your comfiest entry point. It's not going below 400 sat but I'm aiming as close to that as possible.

Are you fuckers really gonna make me fomo 100$ in this shit

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For me it's with btc/fiat that ta doesn't work
But works very well with alts, especially these days as alts seem less and less coupled to btc movements.

If you’re worried about $100 I would just keep it in your bank account

Why doesn’t TA work for btc/fiat then? Too much volume? From what I’ve read it’s all unreliable aside from being able to recognize support and resistance lines

I fomo'd in at 410, I felt it has too much support to hit my buy order. your choice though, we all gonna make it

Attached: stormy.png (268x516, 24K)

btc/fiat is too heavily manipulated, no ta in the universe can predict Barts. It used to be pretty unreliable for alts too but since their movements are becoming less pegged to btc, ta is becoming more reliable. Or maybe I'm just getting better at it haha.
You seem to be not very fond of ta. I'd say that using ta to trade any asset, even forex or stocks, is still gambling. However ta does give you much better odds if you're decent at it.

I’m just skeptical, market movements seem to have such a tremendous number of factors that it appears to be futile most of the time. Even rigorous calculus used in finance is a shot in the dark more often than not. Got any reading materials to recommend?

where do you see the sell history on binance to know its oversold?

Storm is in top 15 highest volume cryptos on coin market cap and it only has 125M CAP. Strange combo. It had insane monthly volume last month. Do you guys know why?

Well, even though ta works for me most of the time, I consider myself pretty much an amateur. I admit I haven't read any proper books on ta, and I've learned most of what I know from youtube videos.
As much as I hate the guy's guts and I believe he's getting progressively worse, Philakone's videos provide great teaching material and strategies. BTC Trading Challenge is another youtube channel with pretty good material.
However, psychology, emotions and our mental and hormonal states play a much greater role in trading performance than most people think, and there are some books on this subject that helped me as much as all knowledge I've absorbed on ta or even more:

>The Hour Between Dog and Wolf
>Sway - The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior
>Trading in the Zone

Even if you have no intention of being a day trader, I'd highly recommend these books. Keep in mind these books aren't about ta - their focus is on mastering our emotions when trading.

I think it's being manipulated by bots, the orderbook on binance reeks of manipulation. Same thing happens with TRON al ot.

Ok, cool, why will it 2x?

Duh he fuckin' said so the dude's legit buy his bags.

Cool, sold 100k.

Yeah I agree that psychology is a major part of trading, moreso than any attempt at interpreting future movements. Mastering ourselves is a big part of becoming a better trader, you could even say that is one of the most beautiful aspects of learning to trade. Thanks for the recommendations.

OP, is it you?

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kek no but i plagiarized "the biggest gainer on binance tomorrow" from him, AION is clearly bearish. STORM is ready to moon though, I usually don't stay in positions overnight but this one is especially comfy.

Volume is dropping as we speak and its stuck at 411 sats. Is it worth it to just buy in at 411 sats?

I wouldn’t be able to sleep with any significant money thrown into storm. There’s no reason to assume a pump other than a hunch from OP; caveat emptor.

why would it get pumped again?

Eh desu STORM seems to be stable around 400 +/- 12 sats barring any outliers, so even if you get fucked it's a 6% loss at most and you can just wait a day or two to recover it.

The magic of bots

PnD groups never pump the same coin twice, do they?

lul yes, many of them do the same coins multiple times. Take a look at amb for an example, got pnd many times, creating all these salty amb bag holders on 4chinz

can you get arrested if the FEDs find out you joined a PnD discord group?

It’s something analogous to a white van speaker scam so yes it is most likely illegal depending on the jurisdiction. Although you would have had to make a lot of people angry or one person with a lot of money angry in order for them to pursue you.

So its 415 sats now. Should i buy this fuckin shit or what

Math is useless next to proper instinct and trading skill.

>giving brainlets literal gems

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I wouldn’t say it’s useless, there’s been enormous advances in financial mathematics in the recent century. It’s just that human intuition will always be ahead of math. Math is an attempt at applying rigor to intuition.

looks like the pump is starting? Extremely suspicious order book

i bet that last green candle is because of this gay thread

this coin has been making rounds of crypto investing groups for over 24h now
invest 400-410

there were some fat orders of like 400k storm coin multiple times

>fat orders
>couple of bitcoins worth

Exaggerated a bit, but yeah thats my point. I believe rigor is useless in such a dynamic field as trading.

Thanks OP, just bought 1k. If this does well, it's going straight to my Linky budget

>$40 worth of STORM
Big dick playa

hahaha well I'm a terminal poorfag so that's all I can manage for now

all i see are orders of 1 on binance right now. what does this mean

Attached: what does this mean.png (252x747, 22K)

>Watch how volume picks up overnight, tons of huge groups will be in on this.
$1 by EOY. Coming on Bittrex late summer

It means pepper your angus

Only bought a few thousand of 'em, but thanks for the tip, have a stormy wallpaper.

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