
Japanese Thread

is this really why we come here? just to post in separated cancerous circlejerk shit threads?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Im watching this anime and its one of the greatest Ive ever watch :3

/mämmipizza/ is love
/mämmipizza/ is life

Correct. If i want to talk with foreigners i will post on Jow Forums

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just crammed a dildo up my ass lads

Natural human behavior to seek out groups of like-minded.
Don't worry we will be the last generation to live without a truly global network.
When we die a global culture is much more likely to evolve and we will finally be free of generals.

i like to cum in a freezer and then throw the frozen sperm on people on the street

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Salam guys

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>no /balk/
good post

I suppouse we need to make the great socialistic revolution here.

But /deutsch/ is the pinnacle of culture on Jow Forums.

/hilo latino/i;boards:int;
/Le Fil Francophone/i;boards:int;
/Japanese Thread/i;boards:int;
/Culture Pals/i;boards:int;

Union of Soviet Socialist Threads:
Soviet Federal Socialist Thread of /ex-yu/
Soviet Federal Socialist Thread of /balt/
Soviet Federal Socialist Thread of /cum/
etc. etc.
this is the only way forward

There’s plenty of non-general threads, pity they’re all shitty bait threads.

I like to talk to people from my own county who are at least as autistic as I am


I intentionally shitpost on /luso/ and answer seriously in other threads


/syria/ when?


>Macron discovers Jow Forums /fr/

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Problem is random shitposting in a new thread is banned from Jow Forums, and from all boards except cancer containment boards.
Only in generals do we not have to think "damn, is it really related to international culture, though not at all political?"

I made a thread about Japan's economy the other day on Jow Forums. Moved to Jow Forums.
It had already caught the attention of 2 people on Jow Forums. On Jow Forums there was zero reply. (obviously, as they're only on about "cultural marxism" and niggers and jews and plot theories)