Just went all in on XVG at 1300 sats

just went all in on XVG at 1300 sats
how fucked I am?

Attached: verge.png (256x256, 18K)

You might actually lose 50% of your stack if you sleep with no stoploss

we've still got 7 more days to go. It's just daytraders closing positions.

welcome to the senpai.

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ok srs question, what about the hack? noone cares? i really dont understand, why something compromised got any value.

Hopefully completely.

The hack is resolved and it didn't do anything to stunt its growth. Wich is a very strong signal of actual mass adoption. The normies are loving this shit, so i keep riding the wave.

If the announcement really is as big as they say, xvg will be 2 dollars before the summer and take the nr1 spot on cmc. Screenshot this.

Just sell before the 18th

news doesn't do anything to financial markets outside of small timescales. Financial markets are deterministic exponential functions

Geez, it's almost like you guys never learn anything.
You better prepare your wojacks for when the partnership turns out to be either shit or an exit scam

Buying high again I see. :)

you gonna get more fucked than a crackwhore

Attached: faggot.png (483x193, 8K)

A-user, I...

$1.15 19th april

lul, in a few months possible but not in red times.

absolutely fucked get out of that shit nigger

Stupid move but you couldn't have picked a safer coin to fomo into. 200 sats soon.


Normies don't know about it and normies are the ones pumping this

OP I went all into XVG at 520 sats few weeks ago, then asked the same question you just did.
The board talked me out of it because there was some shadowforking BS and what not.

Now look at what happened; I was an idiot to trust biz. They don't know shit and you should just stick to your own decisions.

Already down 10% op

new here?

Attached: wec.png (2560x1536, 3.74M)

>I was an idiot to trust biz. They don't know shit

This. Biz is half people who are literally autistic and have no idea how this market works, and the other half are clever but want to see you fail.

Thanks for buying my bags
t. Rajesh

learn to daytrade! since last night several positions made me +20%. 1300 sats will be reached again so don't worry

I truly can't believe this shit is mooning

Whaaaat áre u waiting for???

Attached: nex-token-sale.png (800x450, 25K)