Remember this from yesterday? The lead developer of ethereum creating a project on ChainLink’s github? Well look at pic related. Looks like he created specifically for use in oracles, ie ChainLink. So the lead dev for ethereum works on Chainlink. Let that sink in.
Linkies get in here
Other urls found in this thread:
also this
wait, if i'm understanding this correctly, sergey has solved the shadowfork caused by jason parser's hack?
holy shit this is fucking huge.
link at $10,000 eoy
Thanks assblaster
cool, hopefully my 6k linkies can emancipate me from niggerdom slavery
Uh ok user you let that sink in for a while.
Doesn't that mean link 1000€ eoy?
Means ¥10000 EOY
fk7n nice news! cant fkin wait for link to skyrocket! wre all gonna make it
yes we are, can’t wait to chill in my lambo by EOY
Wait, Nick Johnson is rewriting Ethereum to be compliant with LINK? Did I get that right?
Boy better know
Someone ELI10 this shit for me. Basically ETH Dev is working on Chainlink GitHub?
We talked about this yesterday, check nick johnson twitter, he worked for smartcontract, yes, but not as a permanent dev, it was just one job.
But that Sergey got to hire that guy is what's relevant. We are closer and closer to the singularity.
Thanks user
That's yesterday's news. Today's news is ETH lead dev is rewriting ETH for Chainlink.
He wrote it for the chainlink github but what he’s saying here on reddit does make it sound like it’s part of a Ethereum’s functionality
Ho Lee Fuk
Parsers are actually pretty inefficient way to transport data
But most api use it, thats why chainlink is using json parser hence thats why ethereum need to be receptively to it
So it could be related to chainlink, it most likely is, but its defense more related to how api works
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. He's writing oracle integration into ETH.
But he posted it on the Chainink Github, not ETH. Therefore he cannot be writing oracle integration into ETH
>So the lead dev for ethereum works on Chainlink. Let that sink in.
well no shit OP maybe if you read his twitter where he explicitly said that he was hired by sergey to do this you wouldnt need to speculate
He didn’t say that anywhere retard. Also am not speculating, we know he does.
He said smart_contract were his "client" RETARD. That means he was hired by them for this task
Even he knows its just a JSON parser. Just marketsold my stack.
Yeah. I mean, Ethereum is sandboxed by design - they are going to be more likely to support a specialist Oracle system (like how Oracalize works already) than make it an EIP. So yep - accumulate those Linkies!
>t. Weakest FUD attempt ever.
>Money Skelly teams up with Money
>Open up a chain of "Ped-o-Burger"
>Put a one on every block
>Change the meaning of the word >blockchain
That shit needs an update
I honesty have no idea why price is so low. Fuck me I'm not that smart I'm actually kind of dumb and I can see ChainLink solves a problem that would make this entire market more valuable. What the hell is going on am I tricking myself?
Impressive. Very nice.
for real bro, I don't get it either. It's so obvious how practical sergeys endgame will be, but still there are people who are buying single use Coins of which most of them seem very shortsighted. I'm pretty simple too I would say, creative type, non-tech or maths or all of the credit if I ever made it has to go to biz.
I'be actually been thinking about wether my conscience transcended into this particular version of the multiverse where I actually get to do good and meaningful this. The chance is right in front of us, marines.
1000eoy is a gross underestimate. if crypto comes to represent anything in the coming months/years, it'll be smartcontracts, meaning that whichever coin comes to underpin that reality will be tops.
imo, 5000 eoy, either 2018 or 2019
It's just too underground. Nobody outside Jow Forums has even heard of it.
I have been in the market for a while, and the majority won’t react to LINK until the potential is staring them right in the face. If you trust Sergey’s vision, then we understand that hype twitter posts and weekly medium updates are something Sergey is intentionally avoiding.
He is meeting with big wigs multiple times a week being the networking god that he is. A Smart Oracle network will be the catalyst for real world Smart Contracts.
All we have to do is be patient and let the market react once we blow past $5 and beyond
lmao, deluded, trolling, and retarded linkies never cease to amaze me
>faggot uses "ELI"
>actually gets replies and isnt told to GTFO and go back
I fucking hate you redditors so much. And im triggered as fuck that you nigger newfags are becoming a majority
I'd like to know if you're serious or not. Smart Contracts won't be mainstream for AT LEAST another year. More likely 3-10 years. I want to believe you man, but I'm trying to stay realistic here.
It's just too good to be true. If link actually fulfills the prophecy I'll be an extremely wealthy man and I just can't see that happening.
chainlink is still underground, just imagine the singularity, when normies understand the potential of it, 1000$ is FUD, more like 3 - 5k$
Please explain what you're basing this statement on.
Same, I have 80k LINK. The though of LINK passing $12 and me becoming a millionaire is already surreal, let alone $50 and me being set for life with thai whores sucking shit from my ass for 0.1 LINK.
To be more precise, me and a bunch of other brainlets on this board will be rich. That's the part that's too unbelievable. That everyone on Jow Forums is going to be millionaires. I just can't buy it.
I mean you’re kinda underestimating how many biztards are idiots and don’t see the obvious and how many will leave crypto forever as a result of this bear market.
completely serious. but it'll probably be 5000 eoy 2019 rather than 2018. bear market ultiately wont stop LINK's price rise, but it isnt helping either.
"Endorse" is such a strong word. Oracles are awesome. Much harder to argue oracles are worth $32m.
The number of NEETS, autists, and general brainlets like myself driving around in Lambos is going to skyrocket in the coming year
thats some retarded timeframe 3-10 years kek
if LINK hits $10 i will pay asian thots $25k each to let me piss on them
>much harder to argue
>oracles are awesome
nigger all he is saying is that he doesn't understand the potential of Chainlink. this faggot didnt even know ethereum could moon to $1450. never says anything bad about it. Chainlink KEK
this shit will never surpass $5, kek faggots
Other than how wealthy I will become, I wont be shocked. The more I combat sim the tokenomics, the more I can see how the singularity is not only completely underestimated, but in the short term (10 years) potentially far higher than any of us could have guessed. I am in no way joking or deluded when I say that 100k eoy2028 is a real possibility.
The circ supply breaks down into 3 subs.
institutional nodes
dev choice
We and all of the insiders who bought up the presale ico in 2mins, have the market share, I'm guessing 80-90% of those holding will be staked into nodes, the return is to great early on to do anything other than stake. Collective staking could reduce the overall market supply drastically. Now imagine the second wave mid tier industrial fomo. Imagine 5000 9 figure companies that just watched the f500 cut a third of costs from management and legal while monetizing the process(link). They wil not only chew up the lions share of link, they will pay great amounts to do so, and will also stake the vast maj. of their holdings. The dev choice fund will be the major linchpin. I think it was created to control the singularity in waves if possible. Every tier of industrial fomo they experience as more and more businesses try to gain access to the network and it's process can be matchedwith those funds to keep the circ supple within the realmof our solar system. This is a short term fix at best and will eventually end as the dev choice funds are depeleted. When these funds are depleted and the 90% majority is still staked, only 90million tokens in supply with trillion dollar market shares at stake. Imagine in ten years a 9trillion dollar mrkt cap with a 90 mil circ supply. Ill let you do the math on your own for maximum effect.
Ivan Hamulin: Whay you delete your Twit about LINK after ICO, not in advance ?
Vitalik Buterin: I did not even realize people were using that tweet as an endorsement of their ICO. I never endorsed their ICO.
CryptoFox: You never endorsed their ICO, but you endorsed the tech, correct?
Vitalik Buterin: "Endorse" is such a strong word. Oracles are awesome. Much harder to argue oracles are worth $32m.
kill yourself reddit faggot
nice FUD
A lot of them will sell before it reaches crazy levels
you stole my get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
They will when they have 10k link and it's moving between $50 and $30 and they get nervous as they watched $200,000 disappear.
If they sell and it goes +100 its rope time. Its literally not worth to sell link
Nah it will definitely be nerve wrecking but this bear market as given me enough pain to build up some principles. I'm a little shrimp with 7k and will sell 10% when the singularity happens, to wait in mild comfort for things to break the fuck loose.
Here are some pro tips for you stupid linklet faggots
>link holders dump every price rise
>they know anything over $10-$20 link is extremely unrealistic
>the amount of link needed to make it is minimum 100k ideally more like 250k
>they have convinced brainlets that one trillion market cap in link alone is realistic
>this is 4x the current market cap
>main net and partners will be announced during a multiyear bear market that we have just entered
>small time holders will be holding pathetic bags when real holders cash out their 200k+ stacks
>every leg up will be viciously dumped while brainlets hold on thinking that link will be worth $50, $100, $1000 in the most deluded scenarios
Don't say you were never warned.
i know this, sad but true
Well you have to realize that not EVERYONE on biz owns Link first of all. Then there’s the fact that those who do own it probably have less than 10-20k. And finally most will sell way lower than what would make them millionaires. Plenty of people sold ETH at 5, 20, 40 just for the fast profits. If you think everyone is going to hold until the 1k meme then you’re mistaken. That being said I don’t doubt millionaires will be made. But not enough to the point of making a dent in society. There’s so many out there already that an extra few hundred won’t make a difference
It will never be 1k and at best people with 20k will make a few years salary. You fucking idiot you need 250k link to make it. God dammit get it through your tiny trench brain.
this. you're either all in or you make enough to get on another moon mission. theres no in between
>you need 250k link to make it
everyone is just guessing. you're no more sure you need 250k than he is you need 20k. you need somewhere between 100 and 1 million, probably.
Coping this much. Stay poor forever faggit.
Lowest quality possible. Never forget, when a bunch of oh p and dumping fags convinced poorfags to cling onto pathetic bags of link(basically anything under 50k) so that they could dump their 6 digit link bags on them at $5 while shilling link to the moon! Lulz!
well they will have to buy btc before buying link so btc will pump so will ETH not only LINK
Link is literally not touching ATH before btc leave bear market, mainnet and partners will release in bear market and you will all be on suicide watch when we don't break .80c
Look what we have here.
New GitHub guy, on Linked In he worked for Lockheed Martin.
We defence now
Nice find. We are going to make it. 4900 sats now boys, if you think we will drop drastically from here you are wrong. This project is ramping up a lot. Just be wary waiting to long for a dip, there isnt much liquidity to easily buy a position without market buying.
It's not really a find when I monitor all link pages 24/7 whilst I 'apply' for freelance work
He fixed a typo
Which means he was reading all the documentation and is interested.
Not great news, but not bad.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about ChainLink, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my crypto economics class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla fudding and I’m the top Link bagholder on etherscan. You are nothing to ChainLink but just another shitcoin. I will wipe your tokens the fuck out with losses the likes of which has never been seen before in these markets, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, no-linker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack your private keys in over seven hundred ways. Not only am I extensively trained in memetics, but I have access to the entire hashpower of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little street shitter. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brainlet. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?
Truth here and goes for any investment. It's easy to sit back now and say you won't take profits at 2x, 3x, 5x or 10x but when it's staring you in the face and you're aware how easily it could come crashing down in a volatile market, it won't be so easy
>>this is 4x the current market cap
Are you actually pic related?
4x the total market cap for all crypto.
At the start of 2017 the entire market was worth around 17 billion. At the start of this year ETH was worth 10x that amount. I'm not saying it'll happen this year or even the next, but another bullrun like last year on top of LINK delivering hard on its promises would mean that $100+ LINK isn't a fantasy, and $1k is easily within reach. If crypto actually hits a 20 trillion marketcap like some have predicted it would be entirely feasible.
lol I've gotten two pretty decent looking chicks to do it for $150. One used to let me do it for free back in the day. She was messed in the head tho. But 7 face and huge tits. I'd piss on her while her mixed skin 4 year old son was in his room sleeping. She'd be lying on her back on her kitchen floor and I'd piss all over her. And then after I was done I'd flip her over grab her hair and rub her face in the piss that went on the floor. Then have her go take a shower and then come out and blow me
I mean I know you'll be generous and all being rich. But 25k? Let's not get carried away
Kek hope you have a ksg handy when the price hits $1k and you sold at $10 faggot, you’ll just be a nolinker like everyone else at that point
This is fucking hilarious if not true. If true you live in an absolute shithole home if you can do this in your kitchen. You got full time maids and shit? Who's cleaning that up. Not you. You might live in a 3rd world shithole now that I'm thinking about it with air that looks black from the pollution of dirty streetshitters 24/7
beet me to it. ITs fucked up we cant have a place with out le epic meme squad coming in and fucking up discussion and board culture
just stop faggot
dude stop.
Forget your sippy cups at home? Cry more.
there are only about 1600 people with more than 20k
when moon?
If you haven't used reddit, how tf do you know what ELI means?
Stop acting like you are pure in this stinkhole lol.
We're still in the catacombs.
When do you expect a major price movement?
Idk, maybe double it. I have 70k on binance. I’m sure others do too.
I think you should keep basing your investments of wild extrapolations of "what is feasible" because you will end up so broken that you will kys and I won't have to read your retarded posts anymore
Almost so weak that it could be taken as comedy.