Come up with the first comprehensive plan for a decentralised oracle

>come up with the first comprehensive plan for a decentralised oracle
>get ari juels on board to co-write the whitepaper
>get evan cheng on board as an advisor
>present at SIBOS
>present at SIBOS again, get data from barclays, bnp paribas, santander...
>become elevated into the elite tier of crypto, invited to conference after conference
>invited to SXSW as THE technical face of smart contracts
>github is humming along nicely, test coverage over 80%
>get more top tier talent on board
>be on the verge of changing the world, making billions, and becoming one of the faces of the blockchain revolution while completely changing the financial paradigm to lower barriers to entry and decentralised finance
>give it all up to exit scam.

Seems pretty likely, don't you think?

Attached: 1523121953531.png (556x420, 423K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i honestly hope this happens


honestly this

someone give me a quick rundown of LINK. ive seen this endlessly shilled for months and never looked into it.

hahaha if he exit scams, ill take my losses just to see the mass suicide on /biz, but he wont, and we ALL GONNA FUCKING MAKE IT.

Been buying since this price drop, seems like a good price to get in. Anything I buy in this bear market is a long hold anyway.

Sitting on
and now the infamous

Don't despair linkies, chainlink will succeed and they will break open a 10trillion market (underbanked and underserved people) Chainlink will rise to a few hundred billion marketcap and spark life to cryptocurrencies as people rush to find the next Chainlink.

Remember, the people that made bank on BTC and ETH held for years.

Does nano ledger support Chainlink???

link 1000$ eoy

Ye, butexot scammers can't change the world.
The oracle solution has always been just an illusion in your head


You are now aware Chainlink is to Jow Forums as fingerbox is to /b/

Attached: openedfingerbox.jpg (795x926, 114K)

>>give it all up to exit scam.
It was his plan all along

This fingerbox thing looks interesting. Tell me more

My brother got in my room and got to the only inheritance my dad could leave me - his fingerbox. As you can see, the little fucker opened it up and completely ruined it.

I bought pic related instead - a fingerbox for gangbanging

Attached: fingerbox.jpg (1600x1200, 414K)

Unironically kys

>that ID

Attached: 1338879587.gif (320x213, 827K)

>2005 will never come back

Attached: 0BC00827-80C5-4E10-82E7-FC9AFB99EDF7.jpg (679x679, 136K)

I love you and I hate you at the same time anons, I really do

wtf is a fingerbox??

Patrician tier art, most white families have at least one

Attached: ayo-fingerbox.jpg (536x465, 155K)

>oldfag here
basically the fingerbox joke started when a guy was interested in pranking his family members, by putton cotton in a box, crate a hole in the bottom, put finger through the hole, put some blood on the cotton and close the lid on the box, then proceed to show the content of the (a bloody finger) to family members and have fun.

later some pissed off anons wanted to know what the finger box was about, and started to ask around, with people larping as to what that box was, until it became a meme and a trolling tool to identify the newfags

>despite all this the average redditard thinks it's a "Jow Forums meme" and hasn't looked into it at all
how sweet

Nah fucking kill yourself. This same question has been asked for months. We're done spoon-feeding fags like you.

Attached: 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg (1086x811, 209K)

its just a meme

Its been explained so fucking much, you're really going to have to do your own research on it I doubt anyone still has the steem to explain it once more. Maybe someone has a screenshot of a post but thats all you'll get I'm afraid.

Attached: 1523351546900.png (750x1334, 804K)

Just a meme good sir nothing to see here

lol maybe this is why link is destined to fail toxic community of dweebs. CYA LOSERS

Because people are tired of explaining it? Thats toxic? That isn't toxic, thats just communities that are trough with the endless fud campagnes on their projects, same can be seen all over. People are exhausted fighting every doubt and confusion around projects.

So glad you decided to bail. See ya fuck face.

enjoy your shitcoin, those of us who actually like moneyare making stacks with XVG, dweebs

Fucking kek, hows that exploit going?

ChainLINK is like the SS+GOMAD or the Moist Nugget. It’s the one that anyone, with no idea what they’re doing ends up starting with. It’s like the Space Marines, you want to enter into the world of this board and it’s a good starting point.

Kek. Just DYOR.

A lot of the link threads have updates and connections in them. Check one of those out next time

The fundamentals around LINK are good. I can't really say that about ss+gomad.

SS's workload is so bad absolute novices dont get enough stimulation make gains comparable to high volume programs and former athletes (played sports in high school but are now inactive) plateau within a few weeks or months.

I used SS starting out, but the longer I've lifted the worse its protocols seem. Both types of novice lifters have far better options. Also
>lmao at 1x5 deadlifts

This isn’t Rajeesh’s pump and dump shitcoin idiot, we don’t need you. Come back in 2 years when you see LINK in top 10.

It's what the people in the fintech industry call a decentralized Big Mac aggregator. Based off the accredited research of Jason Parser, chainlink hopes to disrupt the currently centralized big mac production process, sharing the fruits of his labor with the masses. Using a previously untapped resource of Oracles (literally the ancient wiseman of Greek mythology) Sergey has cruelly bent them to his will, using the blockchain to chain these oracles down to the labor of linking big macs from the heavens into our universe, (hence the name chainlink). This will allow people across the globe to download big macs straight to their table, solving world hunger. Sergey is sacrificing his health for this, as he must taste the big macs personally to ensure the end product is up to health standards. The only side affect of this burger retrieval process is the smell, hence the prophecy that my linky stays super stinky $1000 eoy

Nobody gives a shit about your chain link piece of shit tokens

It's a failed project, just embrace it and go on with your life

>Nobody gives a shit about your chain link piece of shit tokens
Do you know where you are?

Honestly... can someone help me figure out how to register my EOS tokens

I can't believe I remember this. Does this make me an oldfag here on newt gingrich?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about ChainLink, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my crypto economics class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla fudding and I’m the top Link bagholder on etherscan. You are nothing to ChainLink but just another shitcoin. I will wipe your tokens the fuck out with losses the likes of which has never been seen before in these markets, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, no-linker. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack your private keys in over seven hundred ways. Not only am I extensively trained in memetics, but I have access to the entire hashpower of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little street shitter. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brainlet. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Deluded bagholder central?


Ķ ¥ $

Been on here for a year or so now and I've seen coins come and go. Anyone know what happened to these?

Digibyte DGB. What happened to all the digimarines threads? Did they finally sell?

Bancor BNT. No one even makes fun of this one anymore.

ARK. We used to have huge generals for this one. What happened?

I guess no one even knows what I'm talking about anymore. That's a shame because I miss the memes.

So you’ve seen ETH and ANS/NEO too. If you can’t see the difference in the level of technical discourse between these and the coins you’ve listed, you’re not going to make it friendo.

Attached: DA7FCB1F-A866-4E9D-958E-2F2BBCD6B199.jpg (480x693, 88K)

who is the guy user?

Attached: 1522498586027.jpg (993x738, 288K)

DGB BNT and ARK were all destroyed due to FUD and memes. LINK is NEO/ETH status. It has tested months and months of fud and dumps. The tech behind it is solid.

Attached: lockheeddev1.jpg (1862x152, 44K)

Chainlink is in ultra stealth mode right now

Brainlets can only think of "lazy" and "exit scam" because of it - man, you guys are going to get utterly BTFO soon

Digits for the big Macs!

Money Skelly + Money Belly gonna upset the burger industry when they launch

>pic unrelated
OP you misesd this line.

whats t7 though?

>identify the newfags
what you missed the thread that day? ive been on here for a while and was confused about that shit

It's WT7

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 9.23.48 pm.png (1814x1382, 1.75M)

A lot of advisors and few devs equals dead project.

Ultra stealth mode? More like going nowhere mode.

rip us all

the replies to this post are literally the most bullish sign I've seen for chainlink on this Mongolian basking weaving forum. this shit is going to moon spectacularly and everyone who knows this is tired and worn from the endless hours they've spent digging down rabbit holes to piece together the puzzle of link and smart contracts and the future of finance. that knowledge is earned, a man only has so much good will to give to freeloaders.


I convinced a couple of people who trust me to put some spare bucks into LINK. Not every holder is a glorious one, but I think you can see their amount of faith by the amount of tokens they have.

t. 10k linklet (50% in)


I've tipped off only the worthiest of my friends and family. 63.5k on lockdown.

Don't forget the Jibrel marines.

my family would think im crazy and should be wiser with my money and tell me im gambling. only people know how link i have is people in this shithole.

t. 34k link

Lol wait your family doesn’t have a finger box???

Nulinkies don't remember the Lambo ID get

Attached: IMG_0571.png (423x725, 205K)

I smile at these posts knowing that this guy will want to kill himself in a year. He will have had the chance it stared him right in the face and instead he covered his eyes and ears.

God you are dumb and it makes me feel good that your low iq will remain poor

no one really knows. Everyone says they read the white paper but no one really understands it