/smg/ stock market general

Summer is coming edition

/smg/ official hedge fund:

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

previous thread

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Who here /slv/?

we is bro
thats all that matters


A kind reminder of the incoming event

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Let’s do this

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yeah unless you got calls on a bunch of bearshit

I'm getting tired of waiting for it.

did you get in on oil too?
my calls are ITM on them too. good morning

Tfw you are holding tvix and slv calls.

Today's hexagram: Retreat (33)

in what is small, perseverance furthers

thus the superior man keeps the inferior at a distance, not angrily but with reserve

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Afraid to sell my slv, shit might just keep going


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mah fellow i-ching nigga

I got a 4/20 put on SPY
Uncle Xit's speech is made to be consensual
I don't trust that things are going smoothly behind the scene

There will be no big and flash bear market m8
This is a sideway market in which you buy the dips and sell the rallies

I wish dude, I went all in on SLV because I believed in it more

Xi bent the knee and it came out that they can't use anything they found during that raid that relates to Trump. Mueller already distanced himself from it because it was outside the scope of his investigation. They're just investigating Cohen for bank fraud.

How long we holding these 15 50 calls slv expiring Friday ?

>There will be no big and flash bear market m8
This is a sideway market in which you buy the dips and sell the rallies
Pretty much this, just gotta make your money where you can.

Right here. I'm /GLD/ also.

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I'm updating my price target to 15.72-78, but I'm a greedy fuck

Why would a stop loss order be rejected by Robinhood?

I'm scared I may just sell today, made 50 % so far. Ktos calls are shitting the bed though

Never mind. The email said it’s cause I was above the price.


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>tfw made a few thousand in a day

What the fuck lads

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Guys the VIX is moving up with the rally.......

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Oh shit, is this the return of volatility?

dammit i need to get in on the biotech game

Something is going on, markets are restless today

Did you listen to Martin Shkreli for that ?

Buy NVCN!!!! To the moon!

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YESterday i thought i would of made some buck tody. Now it turns out nothing really happened and if anything i lost money what fhe fuckkk

No I just bought a few thousand on a whim during the dip last week since I had money.

Does anyone feel like they've actually "learned" something from this recent market volatility? I've been sticking to the same strategy for months now, which is been kinda shitty, but I don't really see what else I could have done without massive risks.

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lol you damn lucky bastard
Shkreli actually made that AveXis call nearly a year ago. It is some crazy, risky but innovative play on brain degeneracy disease.

This shits not gonna jump

I didn't learn anything.

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my lesson this whole year has been to trade less and baghold :(

The easy bull run money is over.
Pick your stock wisely, like Buffett-sama would do.
And play options to hedge.

Never wrong

Yes I only do defined risk option trades now.
Its been working out well.

Damn slv what the fuck

Or you can just buy the VIX

>I don't trust that things are going smoothly behind the scene
yeah i dont buy it

i took half at open, and im letting the rest ride. got a put at the same strike. been doing this for weeks

Aaaaan here we go

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Sell weed stocks now. Canopy heading to 15$. Fuck this sector.

Will he bomb?

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I'm trading on Robinhood what stocks are people losing money on right now so I can buy low?

Of course, RIP nasdaq

I tried to sell but none of the contracts sold

This is speculating and this is not my style
What I am doing right now is holding stocks I like and hedge them with an SPY put (which conveniently is equivalent to the value of my hodlings)

There is an article on Zero Hedge about the bts negotiations.
They are like a competition of bad faith

Why is Luv tanking, is Buffet trying to get it cheap?


do you use walk limits? thats how i do it normally
gives you a range so youre more likely to get out in time. still think its got some legs on it though. especially if things turn red

and speaking of things turning red.
was scanning for options and look what i found.

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50 cent

another moon shot attempt with cheap OTM VIX call

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Damn, wtf

FB will come back. You short game cucks can't imagine my gains.

that guy won last time.
that doesnt sound good. worse this is a relatively near term contract. fiddy bought them like a year or two out

one fund always buy 50 cent VIX option for the big 3 SD events

buy high sell low

Pic related is the most valuable and most profitable lesson I have had so far

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They're only buying at the cheapest but that's fine, I sold most of my Fridays but kept my 4/20's for any extra run time

standard deviation (or sigma)

just when I thought marijuana wouldn't go any lower

why did i buy an over-inflated penny stock

As expected cannabis stocks keep on free falling, no breaks.
I have set up a stop limit now for all of them.
Cannot take more than 60% loss, have already lost over $7k.

Not gonna make it, there is no way to recover from it.
I better play lottery than this.

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ah then its nothing out of the ordinary. i just thought it seemed funny. i got my calls for friday still running actually. i think the fun has yet to begin. im getting the weird feeling of someone setting up bowling pins to knock down from this market right now

it sucks, but it honestly makes sense. theyve been speculated so hard on, everyone kind of forgot that its still pretty much illegal in most places. lack of favorable legislation in many new places has caused hype to die down

>tfw I missed out on the PTN bubble

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What under the radar options are you looking at


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MU Seems to be breaking resistance.


>Put my closing order on the wrong exp date
FUCK that was a pretty penny to fix.

When is this market going to burn? I mean they're trying to impeach our president.

this still hurts

it's a loss that I just rationalize in my head as having bought a new car over a used one or a similarly expensive decision. It could be worse.

Why are people pumping this? Trying to setup cheaper puts?

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Fuck off, you dumb redditors.

I wonder what they did to their penises

nothing right yet. i noticed theres a bunch of puts on USO for 11, but that seems ridiculous. i was gonna get some 13 puts maybe for the inevitable pullback. could be that my scanner is picking up people writing OTM short puts though. not entirely sure if it differentiates from em.

i mostly gotta see how the market reacts to the zuckening. everything seems to high right now and the daily charts on the indexes still look like total shit. i did pick up some more vol calls for next week though

I bought at 1.13, panicked and sold at 1.12 last week, I fucked up...

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mess with the bull you get the horns kid

getting mad at reddit wont fix your problems

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i bought it at .60 and sold it at .30
fuck you

equity value?

it was not a lot of money whatever

same put in like $50

Never ever. Only liberal retards think they'll actually succeed.

it still hurts to see it pushing 1.50 now
hurts real bad

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literally 0% chance

Only a lingering feeling of defeat for me, which is what makes me realize that I don't have either the brainpower, nor the luck to gain anything from trading or anything.
It's less stress to play lottery.
At least I tried, now all that I have to do is play mass lottery with the rest of my money and do an hero.
Rather be dead, than be a suffering wage slave with 0 merit.

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it looks like the street is entirely unafraid of drumphfs inevitable impeachment. good to see the market acting rationally to such stupidity

7k loss is not the end of the world friend
youll be alright

Goofy ass liberals are actually bearish rn lmao

Legitimate question.

The day of/after ex-dividend date how much is it expected for a stock to drop. Especially one that is relatively new (5-8 years).

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It's all relative though. I am a poorfag and a NEET nowadays.
It was more or less my last bet in this game, not the end of the world for anyone but me though.
I see no chance in recovering it, it will only get worse. Mentally I have given up now.

>they actually think this stormy daniels FBI lawyer shit is going to affect the markets

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no youre just being a faggot
wake up and go sit in the sun for a while

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