Post areas of your country that are full of traitors

>pic related

Attached: california-state-map.jpg (660x520, 42K)

none yet but cl*Joids are the prime suspects

That's not the south, whom are literal traitors.

Dixieland (blessing upon it) is only traitorous to the federal government, it is loyal to America as a concept though.
California actually fucking hates the American ethos.


Attached: B7D73678-4120-4F7B-84AC-DD1D0ABC96DE.png (622x773, 59K)


Attached: csa statue nc tranny.png (555x558, 362K)

California is its own nation, traitors to d.c are traitors independence and californian sovreignty

(You) dixie is its own nation and fought against yank foreigners

the Confederate States of America was American, but it was distinct from other Americans like yankees.
like how the UK is all British, but England is different than Scotland.

Only republican states are traitorous

>Hate blacks
>Bring over most of the blacks

>buy your slaves from the only place in the world still backwards enough to raid themselves for slaving purposes
>back at home, you still want to keep your social hierarchy
>"lol y u bring blacks if u hate them tho xd"
yankee brainlets, and bong pretentiousness

Attached: 1518223830699.jpg (750x698, 340K)

Ironically, D.C. is probably the worse major city in the US and heavily anti-American.

Attached: washington-dc-flag-large.png (1200x600, 7K)


Attached: fuck white people.jpg (800x800, 111K)

>it is loyal to America as a concept though

LITERALLY rebelled against the United States of America.

to create the Confederate States of America

they were both American.

By that logic the entirely of the Americas should be part of the union.

California literally kicked out the military. I can’t wait until there’s a civil war and California gets wrecked

I wanna see all of California’s industries leave America. It’ll be funny seeing Hollywood and Silicon Valley move

Which was a treasonous entity that deservedly got its ass kicked

California republic
Independence when?

Many people from Finnmark want to secede from Norway, mistakenly believing that they dont need the welfare checks from southern norway. Also inhabitated by s*mi scum

Attached: 175px-Norway_Counties_Finnmark_Position.svg.png (175x187, 13K)

When we strip it off all its resources and nuke it

was just banter

geographic name =/= "American" culture and identity

treasonous to the Federal Government of the United States, not to America as a nation.

>geographic name =/= "American" culture and identity
meant for
>pic is me

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