honesty have no idea why price is so low. Fuck me I'm not that smart I'm actually kind of dumb and I can see ChainLink solves a problem that would make this entire market more valuable. What the hell is going on am I tricking myself? ChainLink has more potential than Ethereum itself what are people not seeing from the outside what could they possibly be missing

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Other urls found in this thread:

did it really fucking take you 6 months to figure it all out you dumbass?

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unfortunately everyone else is too dumb to understand. the average person doesn't know what SWIFT is. They do know what a "huge partnership" is though. Honestly, the chainlink team needs some serious community outreach. You can't have nodes running if people don't know the product outside of Jow Forums.

Jesus. You do know a better company (ripple) is going to crush Swift. Terrible job user 0/10

if all this is true, then why is it only 30 cents?

check and mate

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they dont need to do community outreach because they dont cater to the average redditor/fb investor. they are dealing with and report to the big trillion dollar enterprise players who they have NDAs with. they could care less about your lunch money

>tfw been here memeing CL for 6 months
>tfw biz finally gets it
>tfw biz now thinks its undervalued
i feel like ive been through hell. but finally pple get it.
its underv1lued because people dont see it like us yet. the project is too technical and people dont realize that sergey is the king of autists.
sergey is a diehard believer in his tech.
we WILL make it but for other pple yo relize it its going to take time.

i was in link since before all those recent news...just by reading the whitepaper back in the timz you knew it was groundbreaking tech

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look at the sat value you dumb fuck.
>he still measures things in USD.

you dont know how diehard were the fudders and the retard callers back in the day.

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might happen soon, bros.

Price is so low because the mainnet is not live yet, when it is you won‘t notice any price increase either because all the „big players“ get their LINK from sergey at a immense discount (check out how many tokens are reserved/locked)
Price will probably increase after a few years tho. I‘d say at some point in 2022 we could see $3 LINK.

ChainLink is a difficult concept to explain to non-crypto people. It has an Ethereum core developer working on it for instance. On top of that, the team are very anti-hype. They know what their goals are and hyping the coin is not going to get them there.

New money reduced significantly after the crash so it's unsurprising that it has stayed low since then.

ChainLink will increase in value when blockchain tech gains adoption and companies start using its Oracles. It will then become a more well known brand and once a few working examples exist it will be easier to describe.

I sincerely expect ChainLink to become a top 5 coin in its future. We know the real value of crypto is the business benefits of smart contracts and, as IBM concluded this week, decentralised Oracles are the integral enabler.

>Had 6 months to accumulate
>Started with a stack of 6k
>Diversified into other coins
>now have 3.5k and some shitcoins worth fuck all
Mistakes were made.

This gonna take many many years, chainlink price will remain low for years to come. And sure as fuck no 1000 dollar end of year which is simply impossible when all the big players like barclays or Fidelity get their LINK at a discount. You really believe big banks are gonna buy your overpriced bags?

you're an idiot if you think they don't need regular people to succeed.

>what is supply and demand.
>what is OTC
lol. nice try fag.

Why would they need your node? What important banking information do you bring to the chainlink network?
How many of your API calls will gonna be needed for multibillion transactions by the biggest banks in the world?
Probably none.

sorry guy you are the idiot.
run by businesses, for businesses, bought by businesses, speculated on by biz.

>hundred of millions of link tokens already given away at discount to the ones who will actually use the network
somehow you think they need to buy your LINK which they don‘t.

True, LINK is entirely business focused so it will likely take years before the LINK token is worth a shit.

>still only 1/3 of the coin supply in circulation
>still most likely years of testing before really being implemented
>still years before mass smart contract adoption
>still no interest for chainlink to disclose anything (as these things are 50 layers on NDA)

Sure it's better than the vast majority of shitcoins but being too early is equal to being wrong.

the new fud is out kek

Started with 25k in Oct, now on 75k. Never going to forgive myself if I can't get to 100k.

>Sure it's better than the vast majority of shitcoins but being too early is equal to being wrong.
I've heard this before. Probably investopedia. It has some truth but it's hard to tell how early you are when I believe this has more potential than eth

Top 5 is not $1000, it's $17, and moreover I agree top 5 within a year is tremendously unlikely. I do however think by the time link is top 5, that top 5 will be many times larger than $6Bn

>implying private citizens wont want tokens

People say
>it's way underground
>nobody outside biz knows
I don't have any social media like Facebook twitter etc but it's not like this hell hole is invisible. It seems the info is out there if you don't have you're not blind.

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they dont buy my tokens off of me you dumb fuck. do u think they are gonna get on some illiquid chink exchange? you dont know anything about the project so i suggest you shut your mouth before you end up looking even more retarded.

Yeah, if LINK succeeds as the first decentralized oracle solution, crypto as a whole will benefit from the big players and actual good use in the real world.

So far, Smart Contracts are only somewhat useful for creating shitcoins. We need them doint actual stuff, like processing fiat payments and bonds, bets, loans, stuff like that.

Time to make a new link cube. Lockheed Martin software engineer just starred and forked chainlink.

My biggest problem is that ETH in its current state is a piece of shit, that it will require a couple of years to be competitive, and some time more to have enterprise stuff running, and Link, until main net release and beyond, is tied to ETH. Link should be focusing on EOS.

Took me 2 months. First month ignored it. Then I realized there's got to be reason and if I don't look into this I may kms later

there are """"PEOPLE"""" right now, in this fucking board, that thinks that big companies who will be given LINK tokens for free ARE NOT INCENTIVIZED TO PUMP THE FUCKING PRICE. imagine if sergey gives some company 100m LINK when its current valuation is at a dollar a pop. if they pump the fucking price to, what, 10 dollars each, they just saved themselves $900M because WHEN YOU USE CHAINLINK IT WOULD INEVITABLY BE PRICED IN USD (while using the token). now imagine every single company who were given free LINK adopting this mindset. nevermind the fact that game theory would state that because of this, they'd want to hoard EVEN MORE LINK as soon as possible before they'd get left behind. the absolute state of fudders in this board, and the ones arguing against it not simply saying this simple fact.

Ummm no. All he did was fix a typo in a README file

Based on the size of API economy. $10 link seems guaranteed although I know nothing is and could fail.

>what is blockchain agonostic?
they've already worked on ADA adapters. ethereum is just a piece of the network. they dont depend on it to succeed 100% however.

Eos emulates Eth natively.

he contributed...make it

This, how people don't understand this is beyond comprehension

5/10 not subtle enough

The fud made link threads appear invisible to all but the most autistic

No one measures in Sats. You fucking kike.

I believe you, can you just show me proof of ADA adapters?

this shit will never surpass $5 sad but true

>Top 5 is not $1000, it's $1
This is assuming the marketcap and all coins remain exactly as they are right now and LINK moons by itself. If another bullrun happens LINK could hit $100+ and not even hit top 10.

you think the average facebook normie or redditor is capable of running a node even if you provided step by step instructions?


I somewhat agree but you're objectively retarded if you can't wait 2 years to become a millionaire

damn then i'd only have 8 million dollars fuck this shit i'm out


hurf durf, it'll take too long FUD

LOL the fud stopped because those fucks are trying to time the market and fill their bags.

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Anyone who denies this is a shill will a giant link bag or a fucking moron(deluded kinky). You need at least 250k to make it with link. Token supply is too high. Mainnet and partnerships will release into a btc bear market. We are trying to help you faggots.

>if bull run
>then could
Absolute state

Say the guys who are spam-posting this coin every single day since more than 6 months now, which one has barely moved, if it's not a sign impatience I don't know what it is.

But my point is very simple: falling in love with an investment with no plan beyond "hold it during X amount of time" is just bad investing in the current market because not only it makes you blind to other opportunities but when one will actually present itself you will be to fearful to sell some LINK and profit from it because "Chainlink could announce something any minute now" (pro-tip: it won't).

you got well and truly memed my kind of dumb newfriend

>he fell for the link is a meme meme

>t. guy with 5k USD in crypto at most

>t. bagholder who did a x2 in 6 months while everyone with a bit of experience did a x10 minimum

top kek you are retarded

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grats on making 2k bro

that's literally the same as saying you needed 5250 BTC to make it

Dude, that means that if everyone who owns chainlink owned 250k, there would only be 4000 people.

You can make it starting with 5k

btw i got 5250 by taking 21,000,000/4000

>t. bagholder who did a x2 in 6 months while everyone with a bit of experience did a x10 minimum
so, youre still up x10 from mid october? after one of the worst crashes crypto has ever witnessed? Id say even traders with a lot of experience are at x3 at highest for that period, at average.

Big money is waiting for you to get in so you can be rich.

I know it means fuckall on Jow Forums, and you'll claim LARP, but I'll be receiving roughly $6M from inheritance a few months after summer, when all of my grandfathers assets are sold off.

Will be pumping $2M into LINK, $2M into other alts and $2M into a new house.

Feels fucking good, man.

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Yeah? When?

You're also a fucking unbelievably retarded linklet for comparing an erc20 to bitcoin itself

lol to buy 2 million dollars worth of LINK it'll take you like 5 months of accumulation.

As dumb as that sounds it'll probably workout for you.

>comparing an erc20 to bitcoin itself

I'm talking about supply of a useful asset

didnt even compare to bitcoin directly you utter fucking moron

damn that sucks you cant put that in now. but congrats

I think yes.
If they have a computer.

It's a potentially useful technology. It is not the only possible solution to the problem it purports to solve. The valuation for it is difficult to determine. Should it have a market cap of 120 million, like it does today? Should it have a market cap of 1.2 billion? 12 million? Very difficult to say given that it isn't being used by anyone, right now it's totally speculative.

I would never put any significant percentage of my portfolio in something like this, it's dependent on too many variables for it to pump (crypto taking off as a whole which would necessitate people needing a solution like this to begin with, or people using chainlink instead of some other as-of-yet unknown solution). It's a moonshot, maybe worth putting a little bit into. Anything else is dumb, people buying too much into a meme.

Of course it's all speculative, but I invest in coins proportional to how likely they'll be adopted. For example, I'll hold more VeChain, with it being supported by DNV GL, Kuehne + Nagel, PwC, and so on, than I would hold, say, Devery or Ambrose. VeChain wouldn't go up as much as those two if either EVE or AMB take off, but at the same time, I'm less likely to lose my money because VeChain's at the moment less likely to fail.

I was wise to do that too. EVE is right now about 40% under its ICO price and AMB is currently $0.27 compared to $0.20 back in October. Contrast that with VeChain currently being $2.58 compared to $0.25 in October.

It's all risk assessment. Everything in crypto is risky, but some are riskier than others. Chainlink's way more a of risk than this board would lead a lot of dummies to believe.

Have you set one up yourself yet? Go check it out. I do not think the normal Facebook crypto investor will be able to handle.

>get their LINK from sergey at a immense discount
>get their LINK at a discount
Which pajeet discord thought up this one?

Institutions are going to need some incentive to be the first adopters to decentralized Oracle systems. Giving discounts to big organizations is actually a valid marketing strategy.

Tell that to all the retards that sold their LINK for "better opportunities" that ended up losing more money than they would have just holding.

Deluded linkies just got btfo
Gonna sit back and watch u idots try to refute this lmao

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Why would we it makes sense

It would also incentivize them to pump the shit out of it



Obviously there needs to be a balance and I'm sure there are people much smarter than biz working to figure out a good discount for these organizations. These major corporations are not going to buy your bags. I'm sorry but I will never happen.

man I hope Sergey gives all his linkies to blue chips. This would make the ones in circulation even more precious

Nice fud dumbshit


I guess. I'll never forget the memes and all the fun we had, all the laughs, all the crazy photos of Sergey, all the excitement over slightest price movement. Thank you Jow Forums, it was great, but now I need to move on in life and invest into other assets, market selling my links as we speak. Goodbye.

Even if the odds are 5:1 going ALL IN makes sense every time in the long run. This is all equity versus odds like you were saying and I agree except for the
>I would never put a significant percentage of my portfolio in something like this,
Depends extremely on total portfolio to percentage ratios again.

The real question is if there will be a new groundbreaking project after link takes off. I have a good link stack but I am not going to really make it with just link.

To be honest, if link takes off like we think it will, anyone over 10k will have made it. Unless you want to be have over 10 million dollars.

We have been blessed

chekt, FUDers rekt



Fuckin checked

every single day you faggot shitlink shills spam this board




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there is no better opportunity than link.