Post Redd/int/ in one picture

post Redd/int/ in one picture

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Triggered by the anti trump threads?


And he keeps getting his ass kicked

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You're lost.

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OP’s ass is on fire from the other thread because his pic got posted.

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remove the mutt meme and this picture would be good

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Who would had thought Redd/int/ gets triggered so easily. This place is a goldmine.

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Did you see that guys?
He's playing the 4D chess with us right now

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>only illuminated people like me can see through Trump's 29235 D Backgammon

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Is Jow Forums unironically pro-refugee, pro-apple, pro-glasses, pro-beard, pro-feminism and pro- labour?

Hating Trump is like reddit's official pastime though. Obviously Jow Forums, being relatively leftist by Jow Forums standards, is one of the more reddit-like boards.


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>implying Jow Forums was leftist before the reddit and discord cancer flooded in

Its pretty 50/50. But 1 guy will spam the kekistan cringe threads just about every day with the same few proxies.

Jow Forums is very similar to reddit actually. It's multi-cultural, speaks many languages, hates Trump and the right, pro-green, proactive and for gay rights.

It's a very progressive board when you compare it to other stupid low brow boards.

How is this redd/int/? Or Jow Forums at all?
>refugees welcome
Every other comment is a damn refugee joke on this board

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Jow Forums has always leaned left. Your new is showing.

>this is what newfags actually believe

Thats not really true. Pol has always been extremely racist.

>Jow Forums has always leaned left.

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>somebody responded to me
>they are butthurt
Lurk moar redditfag

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>poltards and their revisionist history

Jow Forums =/= Jow Forums

>The western nations that dominate discussion on Jow Forums have been greatfully improved by their sudden and dramatic third world demographic swings

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Why would pol be racist if the rest of Jow Forums wasnt? Surely it would have been flooded with leftists if that were the case. But it never was

>this is what newfags actually believe

Imagine the only way you to make a smart comment you found was to be a total contrarian. Totally an example of mutt "inteligence"

>Jow Forumsleaf and Terrone in the same thread

>Jow Forums has always been left.

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Christ you're embarrassing yourself. Youre derailing this thread with your retardation

It was more apolitical/libertarian. Standing up for diversity and antiracism and feminism was laughed at.

Because Jow Forums was flooded with r/the_donald retards around election time and now they're leaving their containment board and contaminating the other boards. Jow Forums was never anti-racism but it was never Stormfront-lite like Jow Forums is trying to say.


>this is what newfags actually believe

This really. Politics back then was regarded as something old people did.
In fact younger generations getting into politics is a new thing, it wasn't big since the 70's.

apolitical yes, anyone who was too far towards either spectrum was just laughed at. Jow Forums has always been centrist-left like I said.

>this is what Jow Forumsfags actually believe

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>Jow Forums has always been centrist-left like I said.

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Yes, Jow Forums has always been racist. Your picture has nothing to do with the rest of the site and like I said, Jow Forums =/= pol. If anything moots post proves that the rest of the site wasn't stormfront-lite because he never had to axe any other board for being overtly racist.

>Jow Forums
so this is Jow Forums history according to newfags

Jow Forums is a young board and only in the last 2-3 years has it been as it is now.

Aw, it's adorable that this is Jow Forums's little safe space thread, but you're cancer and should go back to your containment board.

Odd that only racists went on pol and nobody else. Especially considering the website was left leaning.

Are we getting raided by both leftypol and pol or what

>Jow Forums

I always got more of the edgy teenager "I hate all politics and institutions" vibe from pre-2010 Jow Forums. No one would be spared on either wing.

Why do you lie, user?

There's an entire subreddit about Jow Forums that's like 20x bigger than the Trump subreddit. Only a tiny fraction of redditors coming to Jow Forums are magapedes.

>Aw, it's adorable

This is actually an extremely reddit way of speaking.

even the dog is a goblino

Odd that you're equating centrist-left with SJW bullshit. Odd that, like i said Jow Forums was never anti-racist, but it was never Stormfront-tier. like pol is trying to push. The swastika habbo raids from 2005-2006 were to troll people, not because everyone on here were stormfront transients.

Like the old chanology raids and protests weren't left leaning? This site has always leaned left and that came to light around 2006.

>this is what newfags actually believe

Don't forget to KYS on the way out.

why are left wingers so racist? why give people privileges over others based on arbitrary unchangeable characteristics like skin color? why can't we just judge people based on merit?

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I agree with you in removing the Jow Forumstards but you could make your posts less reddit

>Odd that you're equating centrist-left with SJW bullshit
Odd that youre making presumptions. Odd that youre completely ignoring the point i made and trying to deflect. Almost like you know by now that youre wrong. Its okay kiddo, everybody is a newfag at some point

Reddit is overwhelmingly american, one of the reasons I dont use it anymore

You have to go back

>reddit: the country
well at least I admit that once I used to browse it, not like many faggots here who pretend not doing so but keep denying it

Kill yourself.

I love the modern left. Keep fighting for me.

t. Black

>reddit: the country
I can't deny this

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Already addressed your point kiddo. Try reading comprehension.

You're about 10 years too late to bitch about rebbit faggot, no one gives a flying fuck, the sites are intertwined at this point and this isn't your sekrit club.


4chin is always the contrarian depending on the current trends and predicts future.



>being this butthurt that Jow Forums isn't your stormfront safe space

>being this obvious
Kill yourself.

>if i keep saying hes from reddit i'll look like an oldfag! Jow Forums was always stormfront-lite!

You didnt say why pol filled up with racists. You just say that there were some ironic nazis in 2006

Because it's intertwined with their right wing bullshit you fucking faggot. If the entire site was stormfront-lite, then why was the Jow Forums the only one to get nuked for it?

You think the projectchanology was stormfront-tier? You think lulzsec was stormfront-tier? You think any of the other multitude of memes, raids, and anonymous trolling was stormfront-tier? Ironic that you call others a newfag you fucking autist. I never said Jow Forums was a SJW bastion, I said it was never stormfront-tier and you ran with it to the point of assuming I called Jow Forums tumblr-tier.

>I never said Jow Forums was a SJW bastion, I said it was never stormfront-tier and you ran with it to the point of assuming I called Jow Forums tumblr-tier.

You keep making shit up.
the no racism rule didnt apply to /b/ and all the other boards had topics that werent related to politics. It just doesnt make sense why the political board would have a bunch of racists in it if the whole website itself wasnt always full of racists. But you keep ignoring my point and rambling about stuff i never said

So if /b/ was never held to the no racism rule, then why wasn't it stormfront-lite? I'm not rambling, i'm giving examples of what the site used to be, which isn't Jow Forums and isn't Jow Forums's revisionist history you fucking mongoloid.