Say something nice about Slavic immigrants in your country or we'll beat you up!

>Say something nice about Slavic immigrants in your country or we'll beat you up!

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Beat me up then, ugly hags.

they're better immigrants than palops and hues

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I'm a Slavic immigrant AMA

what percentage slavic, 56%?

I was born in Ukraine and came to America when I was 5

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I think it's hilarious how Slavs often look more "Aryan" than most Germans. Some Germans are downright swarthy looking especially in the south.

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It's almost like the Nazis were full of shit

They don't look Aryan at all.

He thinks they look Aryan because they have blue eyes, keep in mind only 10% of Americans have blue eyes.

I only know 2 of them.
A Bulgarian who works with me, he is pretty dope and his accent in French is 10/10. Also my cousin's friend is Ukrainian, he's a bit of a Chad I think.

2bh few Slavic immigrants come here. I like to LARP as a Slav though 'cause I can pretend I'm non-white to other non-whites, even though I have blue eyes and white skin.

I also started learning Russian for that reason, and like to wear clothes in Cyrillic or post shit in Cyrillic so people don't understand them.

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I live in Alaska and we have a shit load of Ruskies and Ukrainians. They do all the low-end auto repair. For the most part they're pretty chill, the poorer ones have a lot more dignity than the local white trash and don't usually get into drugs. The ones that wear traditional clothes can be a little strange though.

>shit load of Ruskies
2% according to google
but 10% russian orthodox kek

I think a lot of slavs do look Aryan, but the ones pictured are the stereotypical slavs that stand out here.

Are you French?

They could never pass as a Germanic person here.

I know thats why I posted them because they're extremely Slavic looking but he just saw their blue eyes and admired them.

They stand out easily over here because of the round heads

Slavs aren't whites, don't be deceived.

they are in jail but I think they are innocent

Bulgarians and Serbs don’t look like average slav at all. Every one I have met looks much swarthier and Turk

I live down the street from a Russian neighborhood so my perception is probably a little skewed.
And yeah natives got Slav'd.

maybe, but definitely not t*Rkoid

Fr*Nch-C*Nadian why?

No wonder you pretend to be slav

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He's only pretending, but you are slav.

I want to move but am scared people hate slavs

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This.. is really mean pal... I never were mean to you :(

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Slavs are worse than any other ethnic group I know of when it comes to the outdoors. They poach, litter, set bait illegally, trespass, commit vandalism, you name it. These subhuman fucking shits are one of the reasons that the recovery of sturgeon along the west coast has been so slow, they poach the fish to sell the caviar on the black market.


>I live down the street from a Russian neighborhood so my perception is probably a little skewed.
>And yeah natives got Slav'd.

Hey there Sitkabro.

Yeah, it's totally slavs and not spics and niggers. You have to go back to Central America.

Slavs are known to come here to pick every mushroom in our parks and in summer they fish our ponds and eat the fucking fish

There is no "Turkish look", modern Turks are Greek / Bulgarian / Bosnian / Anatolian mutts. Go to Xinjiang or Tuva to meet Turk-looking Turks.

There is a variety of looks you see in modern Turkey. You can clearly see when someone is Turkish or not over here. Doesnt mean they are super swarthy

I ran into a Russian guy at the grocery store a few weeks ago. He was wearing a jacket that had a Russian flag on the arm. We had this exchange:

— Извинитe, Bы pyccкиe?
— Дa.
— A в oчepeдe?
— Heт.
— A, cпacибo.
— Пoжaлyйcтa.

Russians are the most unshockable people. You can speak Russian to them in a country where most of the population speaks only English and they don't bat an eye. No "where did you learn Russian", "are you Russian too", it's just the most normal thing to them.

Ah fuck I understand this so much. You break your ass to learn other languages and people act like it's fucking normal.

I said "worse", not that they're the only ones that do it. SEAsians (Indochinese, mostly - Vietnamese, Cambodian, etc.) are the second worst and the spics are pretty bad as well but Slavs (especially first-generation and even more especially Russians and Ukranians) are far and away the scummiest of the lot.

They seem to prefer poaching for profit over here, fish as well as mammals. A couple years ago two "eastern European" men got caught with hundreds of frozen and smoked trout organized for sale and authorities thought they'd been doing it for a while so they'd probably already sold thousands of them. They were going to lakes all over the state immediately after they were stocked and laying baited longlines to drag out as many fish as they could overnight.

yeah boi
It's not like there's 3 mln russians in the United States at all.

Welcome into what it is like to not be Anglospherian

A quick correction of this statement is in order i think. What you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.

Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.

Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.

All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.

Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" thread.

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I love poles, they are our greatest non western-European immigrants.
They are much better than the somalis, kurds, Pakis and Syrians

Why would Anglophones be surprised? Everyone can speak English. Almost everyone is surprised and interested when others learn their language, especially Asians.

>he has a 23andme
Totally american and it's disgusting.

relatively low crime compared to georgians and albanians

less criminal than gypsies and somalis, I guess that's something .
top of the (European origin) crime charts every year.

Why would anyone be surprised? When you learn a language, you do it for yourself. Good for you but none of my business

sweden YES

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>Why would anyone be surprised?
I'm not speaking in should or shouldn't. I'm saying, based on my experience and what I've seen of others, most people in the world are delighted when you make an attempt to learn/speak their language. Whereas English-speakers don't care because so many speak English.

>Say something nice about Slavic immigrants
beat me up

Come to south carolina we could use more whites

I don't know man, I googled it and got this, not very convincing. and USA is so far away tho

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They don't look Aryan, they just have blue eyes and often light hair.
The "Aryan" race is a lie anyways. Most "Aryan features" are actually Nordic.

As long as you're white the police dont care about you.

i wouldnt be able to say anything positive about slavs, even at gunpoint

better than African and ME immigrants

Those are the Germanized ones.

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Sorry but this is my fetish.

The Slavic janitors at my workplace were going at eachother in their moon rune language, it was pretty hilarious

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Women coming on holidays are qt

>be a burger
>only speak one language
>have single digit iq
>get shot


>not poor

I'm not him, but I'm pretty sure that guy isn't Dutch.

>They don't look Aryan, they just have blue eyes and often light hair.
>The "Aryan" race is a lie anyways. Most "Aryan features" are actually Nordic.

Slavs are way more aryan than germs. :D

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The funny thing is there is a Pole on Jow Forums that keeps posting pictures of Poles in the Netherlands to prove we are just like them.

Their women are coalburners ffs
They go for nigs and south americans nice wasted genetiks

They were assimilated rather quickly, unlike autistic Germans.

germs are meds in denial

they are qts, but smell wierd

Nigga, we have a whole region who we sometimes call Croats. We only hate Slavs who stir up shit.

Some do. You're German, Spanish, French, and Slavic mutts after all. In "Deeds of the Abbots of Fontenelle" the author recalls how Utrecht use to be called Wiltenburg, and if we examine the Frankish Annals (page 789) we're told:
>From Aachen a campaign was launched with the help of God into the land of the Slavs who are called Wilzi
>The Wilzi have always been hostile to the Franks and used to hate and harass their neighbors who were either subject to the Franks or allied with them and provoke them into war. Thinking he should not bear their arrogance any longer, the king decided to make war on them

they sometimes look nice

99% Mongoloid faces

>slav girl will never hold you down with her thighs while milking you with her mouth


t. Pole

I got a Polish gf

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>croatia is that low
we need to send you more nigger tourists


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