there are """"PEOPLE"""" right now, in this fucking board, that thinks that big companies who will be given LINK tokens for free ARE NOT INCENTIVIZED TO PUMP THE FUCKING PRICE. imagine if sergey gives some company 100m LINK when its current valuation is at a dollar a pop. if they pump the fucking price to, what, 10 dollars each, they just saved themselves $900M because WHEN YOU USE CHAINLINK IT WOULD INEVITABLY BE PRICED IN USD (while using the token). now imagine every single company who were given free LINK adopting this mindset. nevermind the fact that game theory would state that because of this, they'd want to hoard EVEN MORE LINK as soon as possible before they'd get left behind. the absolute state of fudders in this board, and the ABSOLUTE STATE of the ones arguing against it not simply saying this simple fact.

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Other urls found in this thread:

someone give me a quick rundown of LINK. ive seen this endlessly shilled for months and never looked into it.

Link is your last chance.
That is enough for you.
Now get out and buy that Link !
Or poor forever.

kek nice bait

Jow Forums scam

$1k EOY

it's a scam, ignore my id

This is actually Hella funny gj

not sure if bait or reddit

Sergey said he wants to have how many nodes? 19k?

Now, Linkpool estimates the point of diminishing returns on 1 node to be 100k links

of course not every node operator will reach that point, so let's assumie 50k

50k x 19k = 95M links TAKEN OUT OF CIRCULATION, that's almst the entire fucking supply, so even if there is way less nodes, running on way less link tokens it's still gonna be a fuckload of tokens taken out of the trading pool

All those other shitcoin's holding incentives will look like a total joke, the price singularity will happen 1 day, I don't care if it's the mainnet or later, but anyone who will want to join in milking that money cow (chainlink netowork) will have to buy links from a very limited liquidity

>mfw I fucking KNOW we will be rich, I don't "think" I don't "have a feeling", I fucking know this for a fact

Attached: 10000.gif (500x213, 900K)

950 M*, forgot 1 zero

Attached: 1491182105400s.jpg (215x250, 7K)

You mean nolinkigger

circulating brainlet not total

Attached: brainlet.png (408x450, 35K)

An erc20 Glorified json parser

I thought it was memes
>link is up trending with out dumps or dips
>i sold like a gambling fuck
>it is above my sell point now


Holy shit can we /please/ get over 5000 sats.

total supply is 1bn, circulating currently is 350m, what are you talking about?

>1 billion coins
>anons accumulate well over 100k and relentlessly shill that it will be worth $50+
>they know it ain't going that high and depend on holders with smaller bags to believe the lie, so that they can dump at $5, $10 valuations while deluded stinkers hold for the false promises of impossibly high values($1000 EOY!)
>This is evident by the fact that time has proven all larps and memes totally wrong($5 after SIBOS! No? $5 EOY! NO?? Check this sweet singularity meme! Believe in AssBlaster! Oh, no? Don't worry, $1000 EOY! Hard to believe? Just hold till 2025! Muh API economy will be captured!
>*coughs blood* (((1billiontokens)))
>Mainnnet release and partner announcements will come during a BTC bear market

t. 25k linklet meme scholar. Really shouldn't complain, I had time to accumulate but lacked the courage.

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We will today or tomorrow. Anyone wanting LINK basically is forced to market buy. I think we’ve been experiencing some nice organic growth other than bots making market orders tricky

dude why is this happening
which fucking faggot puts a big buy wall at top
Every time we reach new heights he blocks the price so it can't come down
I need to buy in again

This. Using smart contracts not only reduces the costs, it REMOVES THEM ENTIRELY because so much LINK will be given for free to giant corps like SWIFT.

>ignoring arguments, retorting with some dumb "muh pump and dump you'll just get dumped on"

at least back your nonsense with something, you fucking dumbass. if this shit takes off, and admittedly that's a big if, us speculators are only in for the ride.

ATH is 11k sats newfag-kun

i know, i saw it at all time high
I mean... . 24 hour H

time is running out for nolinkers.

Attached: 1523281493359.png (3546x1456, 941K)

>so let's assumie 50k

linkpool said they'll be taking stakes of "high double digits, low triple" minimum. so probably 90-110k minimum.

Fud inside a shill kek

>Link is your last chance.
Now get out and buy that Link !
Or poor forever.


yea, there will be some critical amount after which it's gonna be more beneficial to start another node, nobody knows what it's gonna be now so I chose some conservative number.

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do not answer this fucking retard

I cited my reasons clearly, you didn't. $10 link seems possible in the next 24 months. That is not shit unless you are holding at least 50k. And you would need twice that to "make it".

Sell your bags sinkies
We rejected 50k sats
I repeat we failed 50k sats
Only way is a slow down trend
Sell, buy back in cheaper

LINK shilling following a lot of LINK FUD in recent days.

Another day, another pump and dump.

>being this ignorant. its been on here for 6 months and u just now realized it wasnt a meme LMAO

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can the link team choose how many nodes are functional?

nah, it's not some centralized shitcoin with delegates or something, free market will dictate everything, so as the demand for the api calls grows so will the number of nodes/point of diminishing returns and of course the price

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>there are "people" on biz right now that aren't all in Link
>there are """people""" on biz right now that have a portfolio that isn't mostly link
>there are """"""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""" on biz right now that don't own ANY link

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>so if the demand for the api calls grows


Attached: laugh.gif (300x178, 1.94M)

they're still just people, man
they're just "retarded people"

that's for you to believe/doubt and for us to know

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>it has been on Jow Forums for a long time
>this is evidence that it isn't a meme

>Year of Our Lord and Savior 2018
>Not even owning a SINGLE Link

Who ARE these """"""""""""""""""""""""" people """""""""""""""""""""""""

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its a meme don't buy it goy

My theory is that they are NPCs

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this. they are trying to have you stuck in the cages of mediocrity forever. they dont want you to make it. it is against what they were designed to do.

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Much like the Bogdanoffs, Sergei's smiling face has been posted so many times, I'm starting to find him attractive

these """"""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""" would fomo in at $10 each so thanks for the future pump i guess
my bad, i just think the reasons you stated are merely speculative nonsense that aren't really grounded in anything. i don't really think biz has any sway in the market, especially that of chainlink (eventually). we are mostly arguing here because we are autistic. i think my arguments in OP post makes sense because these companies only have one thing in mind; to make money

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1 billion tokens is a baseless criticism? BTC bear market during mainnet release is baseless? Huge accumulators dumping bags is baseless? Gimme a break m8


I'm losing hope though. Yeah I won't sell but life is shit. I just want freedom from economic slaverly.