Just discovered I spelled "detail-orientated" wrong on my cover letter

>just discovered I spelled "detail-orientated" wrong on my cover letter
>turns out "orientated" is a word so it never picked up on spell checker
>sent out over 20 for jobs I really wanted and was qualified for

I want to kill myself.

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When looking for my first full time job I sent out approximately 100 cover letters that had the wrong cell-phone number on it. Not sure how I eventually got hired.

lol shit happens. its ok desu

Haha irony is funny

Don’t worry man, people skim over cover letters especially parts that are as generic as saying “I am detail oriented”. I guarantee 90% of people that read it won’t even notice

I became a funny HR story for some basic bitch

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Britfag - orientated is used more than oriented here

chill, most people won't notice as they are not detail-orientated

HR fag here, all we do is look for grammatical errors and gaps in employment to submit your resume to the trash bin. Fuck you bitch, I own you.

HR is queen of the wagecucks

Hey quick question. If I've been in a current position 3 years, does it matter I have a 4 month gap between this one and my last one? I might just retroactively change it to look better but does it matter?

Every HR Department is different. The larger the corporation, the less likely you need to anything above a pulse to qualify. Especially given the labor market has dried up and we're beginning to cut into full unemployment.

if you're sending resumes to companies that want a cover letter in 2018, you're doing it wrong

lol, u got rekt, son

i mean low iq people like you are better suited doing manual/factory work anyways

Job, lol.

>ends his op with a preposition
Your river runs deep

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if they ask, tell them you're gay for details and they can't discriminate

neet here.

what's wrong with companies that want cover letters?

>20 jobs
Nigger I applied to 450 jobs before I got a shitty bookkeeping one that paid 12 bucks an hour. You gotta make a resume that covers all the points so you don't have to revise it every time you apply somewhere. Be prepared to apply to at least 500-1000 jobs.

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At that level of work, sending out applications is pointless, as you've proven. Get your resume formatted and accurate, and send it to every temp agency in your area. You'll get work faster, and probably better paying, within days - the jobs you're applying for are probably being filled by temps anyway, because it's cheaper for the company, and the hiring managers/HR are too lazy to get around to interviewing and processing a hire.
Everyone I know who went to a temp agency was working within a week, once they swallowed their pride and "muh diploma". A lot of them found their perm jobs that way too, and most major corporations do NOT hire off the street under manager now. They just don't. They let agencies screen and find people, and if they work out after 3 months, offer them jobs.

Sending out resumes blindly doesn't work anymore. Just stop.