
Charity. Volunteering. Family. Edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:



got fatherland, family, work

dabbing lyrics mong btfo

> Is the ice cream fresh?
> No it's frozen
> Fuck me

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thailad is the thaiest lad here but least thai lad in thailand

australians love making new threads at 280 posts

any genuinely thick cunt in

What's long and black and smells like shit?
The welfare line.

ye, that yank who doesn't know what skid marks are



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your twisting my melon, bruce

might makes right

190 called me, he wants a word

plans for day
>clean room
>set fire
>wash up dishes
>walk dog
>shave body hair
>put on girl clothes
>smoke weed
>watch anime

inb4 'you're*'

Shapiro has autism. The free market works well in some or most instances, so he can't even entertain the idea there are exceptions. He was asked about people with conditions you're born with not being able to get insurance and he said that was the point of prenatal health insurance. Then he compared preexisting conditions to someone trying to buy house insurance while their house is on fire.

can i play with your twisting Mymelon
what kind of dog is it?

I'm too smart to be here

can't draw owls fuck you you're wrong

Oh, poo is bigger
It's bigger
Than you and you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no, I've pooed too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my bowel movement
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've pooed too much
I haven't pooed enough

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Either you don't know what they are, or skid marks means something else in bongland than it does here.
/leftypol/ runts so sensitive they can't stand a few nigger jokes.

mixed breed :\


do you regularly make skid marks lad?

>/leftypol/ runts so sensitive they can't stand a few nigger jokes.

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nowt wrong with a little skid mark from time to time


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Skid marks doesn't just refer to smearing poo you brainlet.

noticed its always 'tismick and 'tismo that post the boring "hurr leftists do dis an dat" stuff
one doth wonder why they're in /brit/ and not in their own generals

I know Melvin is on so I had to do what I had to do to stop the lyrics

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shall most assuredly be clicking that link my semite friend

alri skiddy

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he do the drugs, he bash the fash

>living there 24/7 and not paying a quid in rent

not a rightist myself
just post-left

there's only a few true hardcore "lefties" here, most of us just don't want the hordes of rorkes shitting up the thread with race-baiting politics bullshit

But rorke in his simple, binary mind sees anyone who disagrees with him as a far-left communist soyboy.

/brit/ used to be a proud radcen general and always will be, a bastion where Economist readers can come to share and develop new political theories. Until rorke came, that is...

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>hate edgy humour me
>I know I'll visit the site renowned for edgy humour

nowt wrong with a bit of the ol 'nime lads

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there you go, 'you're right, you win the argument' or whatever you wanted me to say, I closed the tab.

can't believe you're advocating for communism in /brit/


What does this mean?

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Back in 2015 /brit/ unanimously supported Brexit

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>I closed the tab.
watch that sass mister

UKIP too

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Fatherland · Revolution · Ecology

It pretty much still does.

So what's the deal with this Windrush landing card malarkey I keep hearing about then?

Apparently some old blacks have been put in the nick or something?


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Date is late

you must be pretty thrilled about the new world

the gf

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dont know any of the details but have some seriously controversial opinions on it that you might want to hear

The British Communist party supported brexit you thick yank cunt

That pic is silly. Mosley was pretty much a socialist, his social/economic views were closer to Communism than Capitalism. His Fascism was purer to the original aim of Fascism, to improve the quality of life of the people in the nation and stop international capitalist exploitation.

Sadly the UK seems to have taken his authoritarian message to heart without any of the love that he had for the British.

>/brit/ used to be a proud radcen general and always will be, a bastion where Economist readers can come to share and develop new political theories. Until rorke came, that is...
>can't even maintain the tense of his verbs across three clauses
>says others have simple minds

well done, I am defeated. Screenshot this post but do not destroy it, for this is history and destroying it would be reprehensible.

all 5 of them?

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any essentialist punitive progressive nationalist communist regulationist ecological revolutionary man in


my day so far:

wake up
clean my room
smoke a joint
clean my room some more


Some old Marxist Leninist party filled with old geezers doesn't represent university students who make up vast majority of left wing now.
He also wanted to ban interracial marriage and mixing.

just got off NEETtoil

>I can't attack his argument so I'll just attack his grammar psssht nuttin personnel kid

'tismo mick you've done it again, I thought rorkes were supposed to be smart?

wanna be careful of ism's mate best just to think about policy or not worry about it

"the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity"

wtf i hate the irish now

shut it you constructivist rehabilitative conservative internationalist capitalist laissez-faire productivist reformist twat

hey cool it with the anti-semitism

What time did you go to bed and did you have any dreams

why do [people on the end of the political spectrum i don't agree with] always [outrageous activity barely anyone actually does but i've chosen to represent absolutely everyone of a differing opinion to mine]???

like 12 and no


emigrants are responsible for EVERYTHING wrong with the UK

Woke up
Cleaned my room
Bombed half a gram of MD
Cleaned my room some more


I am well aware of what he supported and didn't and as a whole he was truly the best choice for a bright future for Europe at the time. Unfortunately Hitler had to sully Fascism for ever. Using his ideas and calling yourself a socialist works though.

If only people would realize that all the current race baiting is being pushed so heavily because it divides the workers and prevents them from forming a united front against capitalist vampires.

Just deleted an album from iTunes. Time to reward myself with a pizza for tea

yeats was based tbqh

AHHHHHHHHH My parents just said I'll be getting a job soon. FUCK.

Woke up
Cleaned my room
Smoked some DMT
Cleaned my room some more


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6 days lads

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wake up
have breakfast (why havent you eaten yet you weird cunt)
do a big poo
do a tweet
do some work
have lunch outside
wash up
move the sofa around a bit
watch harry potter scenes on youtube
have tea
wash up
post on /brit/
about to go for the much-maligned evening poo

You didn't present an argument, only a poorly written opinion

embassy won't pick up lads :/ want this visa rapid

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nobody cares

team /brit abroad/ is growing rapidly

lol i cba to eat anymore

Grim why are you doing md on a Wednesday you pathetic loser?

hope you waste away

Marx himself was against immigration, because immigrants were just scabs preventing native workers from putting pressure on capitalists by denying them labor. Leftists don't give a shit about economics or helping workers. They dropped all of that in the 60s when anti-colonialism became the new hip thing after the revelations of Stalin ruined the reputation of socialism. And they've been stuck in that mentality ever since. It's why nobody gave a shit about whites being ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe and not a peep after it turned into a shithole because of it. They were jumping for joy and helping the commie blacks take over. Why so silent now? Same thing with South African farmers getting murdered and about to become Zimbabwe 2.0

Reading through kids' confessions on YouTube comments, a nice generation we have ahead of us

> capitalist
> nationalist

These two are mutually exclusive, capitalism exploits the people.

Love Australian culture me

woah witnessed